H. Amindavar


F. FarhadZadeh, H. Amindavar, 2008, OCEANS 2008 - MTS/IEEE Kobe Techno-Ocean.

H. Amindavar, S.M. Saberali, 2007, 2007 IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing.

H. Amindavar, A. Delgir, 2001, EUROCON'2001. International Conference on Trends in Communications. Technical Program, Proceedings (Cat. No.01EX439).

H. Amindavar, B.H.B. Naeeni, 2006, 2006 First International Conference on Communications and Networking in China.

H. Amindavar, M. Tabibian, 2001, EUROCON'2001. International Conference on Trends in Communications. Technical Program, Proceedings (Cat. No.01EX439).

M. Nezafat, H. Amindavar, 2001, EUROCON'2001. International Conference on Trends in Communications. Technical Program, Proceedings (Cat. No.01EX439).

H. Amindavar, L. Shayanpour, H. Amindavar, 2005, Proceedings. 2005 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, 2005..

H. Amindavar, H. Peyvandi, B. Fazaeefar, 1998, Proceedings of 1998 International Symposium on Underwater Technology.

H. Amindavar, A. Ghorbani, M. Odabaee, 2007, 2007 Australasian Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference.

H. Amindavar, M. Kamarei, H. Amiri, 2004, Oceans '04 MTS/IEEE Techno-Ocean '04 (IEEE Cat. No.04CH37600).

H. Amindavar, B.H.B. Naeeni, 2006, TENCON 2006 - 2006 IEEE Region 10 Conference.

H. Amindavar, J.-P. Cances, A.M. Jalil, 2008, 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems.

H. Amindavar, M. Alaee, 2008, 2008 5th IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop.

H. Amindavar, A.H. Khanshan, 2007, 2007 Australasian Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference.

H. Amindavar, A. Ghorbani, N.S. Alvar, 2007, 2007 SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference.

H. Amindavar, A. Ghorbani, N.S. Alvar, 2007, 2007 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing.

H. Amindavar, F. Farhad Zadeh, 2008, 2008 5th IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop.

H. Amindavar, S. Parsaeefard, 2006, TENCON 2006 - 2006 IEEE Region 10 Conference.

H. Amindavar, M. Tabibian, 2001, EUROCON'2001. International Conference on Trends in Communications. Technical Program, Proceedings (Cat. No.01EX439).

H. Amindavar, A. Ghorbani, B. Zakeri, 2009, 2009 European Radar Conference (EuRAD).

H. Amindavar, R. Kirlin, H. Amindavar, 2006, Fourth IEEE Workshop on Sensor Array and Multichannel Processing, 2006..