Gurminder Singh


Neil C. Rowe, Gurminder Singh, Riqui Schwamm, 2011 .

Gurminder Singh, Vishal Dhiman, Munish Kumar, 2019 .

Gurminder Singh, Tapas K. Das, P. Senthil Kumar, 1997, VRST '97.

Gurminder Singh, Tapas K. Das, Alex Mitchell, 1997 .

Gurminder Singh, Raymond R. Buettner, Aurelio Monarrez, 2015 .

Gurminder Singh, 1996, VRST '96.

Xiao Chen, Neil C. Rowe, Gurminder Singh, 2010, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications.

Gurminder Singh, Mehmet Akbas, Mehmet Akbas, 2007, Mobility '07.

Gurminder Singh, Madhavi Sinha, Vivek Bhola, 2010, 2010 IEEE International Workshop on: Business Applications of Social Network Analysis (BASNA).

Gurminder Singh, Chun Hong Kok, Teng Ye Ngan, 1990, UIST '90.

Gurminder Singh, Dirk Ableiter, Gurminder Singh, 2009, Mobile Response.

Gurminder Singh, Tapas K. Das, 1996, IFIP World Conference on IT Tools.

Gurminder Singh, Laurent Denoue, Arijit Das, 2005, J. Inf. Sci. Eng..

Gurminder Singh, Suresh Thennarangam, 1994, PPCP.

Gurminder Singh, Robert Myers, Edwar Zapata, 2007, Mobility '07.

Gurminder Singh, Ashish Singla, 2017, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Power, Control, Signals and Instrumentation Engineering (ICPCSI).

Gurminder Singh, Brad A. Myers, Mark Linton, 1993, UIST '93.

Gurminder Singh, Gurminder Singh, 1992 .

Gurminder Singh, Jarrod Shingleton, John V. Monaco, 2020, 2020 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI).

Gurminder Singh, Mark Green, 1989, UIST '89.

Man-Tak Shing, Gurminder Singh, John Gibson, 2015 .

Gurminder Singh, Laurent Denoue, Arijit Das, 2004, The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2004. Proceedings..

Gurminder Singh, 2012 .

Gurminder Singh, 2006, The Visual Computer.

Gurminder Singh, John Gibson, Charles Prince, 2015 .

Gurminder Singh, Ruihua Ma, 2004, 2004 International Conference on Image Processing, 2004. ICIP '04..

Daniel Thalmann, Gurminder Singh, Juzar Motiwalla, 1994 .

Steven K. Feiner, Daniel Thalmann, Gurminder Singh, 1996, Commun. ACM.

Luis Serra, Gurminder Singh, Tim Poston, 1994, Presence: Teleoperators & Virtual Environments.

Luis Serra, Gurminder Singh, Audrey Wong, 1995, Proceedings Computer Animation'95.

Gurminder Singh, Mark Green, 2005, The Visual Computer.

Gurminder Singh, Mark Green, 1988, UIST '88.

Neil C. Rowe, Gurminder Singh, Matthew O'Hara, 2009 .

Gurminder Singh, Gurminder Singh, 1999, IEEE Multim..

Gurminder Singh, Mark H. Chignell, M. Chignell, 1992, The Visual Computer.

Gurminder Singh, Mathias Kölsch, 2006 .

Luis Serra, Gurminder Singh, Ng Hern, 1994, Presence: Teleoperators & Virtual Environments.

Gurminder Singh, Geoff Xie, Cynthia Irvine, 2006 .

Gurminder Singh, Chun Hong Kok, Teng Ye Ngan, 1990, Proceedings of the 1990 IEEE Workshop on Visual Languages.

Rynson W. H. Lau, Gurminder Singh, Yiorgos Chrysanthou, 2007, IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph..

Gurminder Singh, Mark Green, 1989, CHI '89.

Gurminder Singh, Alan Shaffer, Christopher Norine, 2021, HICSS.