J. T. Cox


J. T. Cox, R. Durrett, J. Cox, 1991 .

J. T. Cox, D. Griffeath, J. Cox, 1986 .

Harry Kesten, Alberto Gandolfi, J. T. Cox, 1993 .

J. T. Cox, Andreas Greven, A. Greven, 1990 .

Richard Durrett, J. T. Cox, R. Durrett, 2011, Astérisque.

Rick Durrett, J. T. Cox, R. Durrett, 1988 .

Rick Durrett, J. T. Cox, R. Durrett, 1990 .

J. T. Cox, Andreas Greven, T. Shiga, 1995 .

J. T. Cox, Y. Peres, J. Steif, 2014, 1408.5122.

Rick Durrett, J. T. Cox, R. Durrett, 1983, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.

Rick Durrett, J. T. Cox, R. Schinazi, 1991 .

Rick Durrett, J. T. Cox, R. Durrett, 1993, Journal of Applied Probability.

J. T. Cox, Yu-Ting Chen, J. Cox, 2016, Stochastic Processes and their Applications.

J. T. Cox, R. Durrett, Iljana Zahle, 2005, math/0503512.

J. T. Cox, R. Durrett, Theodore Cox, 2002 .

J. T. Cox, H. Kesten, First-Passage Percolation, 1981, Journal of Applied Probability.

David Griffeath, J. T. Cox, D. Griffeath, 1983 .

David Griffeath, J. T. Cox, D. Griffeath, 1987 .

J. T. Cox, 1980, Advances in Applied Probability.

J. T. Cox, R. Durrett, E. Perkins, 2000 .

J. T. Cox, E. Perkins, By J. Theodore Cox, 2012, 1210.0830.

J. T. Cox, R. Durrett, J. Theodore Cox, 2015, 1511.04713.

J. T. Cox, E. Perkins, Perkins, 2005, math/0506591.

J. T. Cox, R. Durrett, J. Cox, 1995 .

J. T. Cox, M. Bramson, J. L. Gall, 2001 .

J. T. Cox, U. Rösler, J. Theodore Cox, 1984 .

J. T. Cox, R. Durrett, M. Bramson, 1998 .

J. T. Cox, D. Griffeath, J. Cox, 1985 .

J. T. Cox, M. Bramson, Jean-Fran, 2000 .

David Griffeath, J. T. Cox, D. Griffeath, 1986 .