Georg Pichler


Pablo Piantanida, Ganesh Del Grosso, Georg Pichler, 2020, ArXiv.

Pablo Piantanida, Gunther Koliander, Georg Pichler, 2020, ArXiv.

Gerald Matz, Pablo Piantanida, Georg Pichler, 2021, Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA.

Günther Koliander, Georg Pichler, Georg Pichler, 2021, Infectious Disease Modelling.

Pablo Piantanida, Ganesh Del Grosso, Georg Pichler, 2021, 2021 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT).

Pablo Piantanida, Catuscia Palamidessi, Ganesh Del Grosso, 2021, ArXiv.

Gerald Matz, Pablo Piantanida, Georg Pichler, 2018, The Annals of Applied Probability.