Uwe Wolfram


Uwe Wolfram, Christian Sander, Arthur Wunderlich, 2008 .

Uwe Wolfram, Hendrik Schmidt, Hans-Joachim Wilke, 2015, Journal of applied biomaterials & functional materials.

Lutz Dürselen, Anita Ignatius, Uwe Wolfram, 2012, Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials.

Lutz Claes, Uwe Wolfram, Frank Niemeyer, 2010, Journal of biomechanics.

Uwe Wolfram, Martin Geiger, Ansgar Hohmann, 2009, Dental materials : official publication of the Academy of Dental Materials.

David Larsson, Marcus G Pandy, Uwe Wolfram, 2013, Journal of biomechanics.

Martin Rumpf, Uwe Wolfram, Ulrich Simon, 2009, Journal of biomechanics.

Uwe Wolfram, Hendrik Schmidt, Frank Heuer, 2008, Journal of biomechanics.

Uwe Wolfram, Thomas Gross, Hans-Joachim Wilke, 2012, Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials.