Hongwei Wu


Qing Wang, Aoying Zhou, Hongwei Wu, 2003, WAIM.

Hongwei Wu, Xueqin Chen, Heming Zhao, 2013, 2013 Ninth International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC).

Ying Xu, Hongwei Wu, Fenglou Mao, 2009, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology & Bioinformatics.

Qing Wang, Aoying Zhou, Hongwei Wu, 2003, SIGMOD '03.

Hongwei Wu, Hongwei Wu, 2008, 2008 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology.

Jerry M. Mendel, Hongwei Wu, J. Mendel, 2004, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems.

Lai Tu, Benxiong Huang, Hongwei Wu, 2014, 2014 IEEE 11th Intl Conf on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing and 2014 IEEE 11th Intl Conf on Autonomic and Trusted Computing and 2014 IEEE 14th Intl Conf on Scalable Computing and Communications and Its Associated Workshops.

Hongwei Wu, Hao Zheng, Hongwei Wu, 2009, 2009 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology.

Ying Xu, Hongwei Wu, Fenglou Mao, 2005, 2005 IEEE Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference (CSB'05).

Hongwei Wu, Jishan Fan, Jishan Fan, 2012, Appl. Math. Lett..

Jerry M. Mendel, Hongwei Wu, J. Mendel, 2007, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems.

Jerry M. Mendel, Hongwei Wu, J. Mendel, 2006, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems.

Jerry M. Mendel, Hongwei Wu, J. Mendel, 2007, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems.

Jerry M. Mendel, Hongwei Wu, J. Mendel, 2004, 2004 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (IEEE Cat. No.04CH37542).

Jerry M. Mendel, Hongwei Wu, J. Mendel, 2002, IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst..

Ying Xu, Hongwei Wu, Fenglou Mao, 2008, Comput. Biol. Chem..

Qing Wang, Aoying Zhou, Hongwei Wu, 2003, ADC.

Dong Yang, Hongwei Wu, Rui Miao, 2009, Expert Syst. Appl..

Jerry M. Mendel, Hongwei Wu, J. Mendel, 2003, The 12th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 2003. FUZZ '03..

Jerry M. Mendel, Hongwei Wu, J. Mendel, 2001, 10th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. (Cat. No.01CH37297).

Jerry M. Mendel, Hongwei Wu, J. Mendel, 2004, 2004 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (IEEE Cat. No.04CH37542).

Dong Yang, Hongwei Wu, Lixin Tong, 2006, 2006 Fifth International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing Workshops.

Tao Jiang, Xin Chen, Ying Xu, 2006, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing.

Hongwei Wu, Xinyuan Wu, 2000, Appl. Math. Comput..

Jerry M. Mendel, Hongwei Wu, 2007, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems.

Jerry M. Mendel, Hongwei Wu, J. Mendel, 2005, The 14th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 2005. FUZZ '05..

Lai Tu, Benxiong Huang, Hongwei Wu, 2014, 2014 IEEE 11th Intl Conf on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing and 2014 IEEE 11th Intl Conf on Autonomic and Trusted Computing and 2014 IEEE 14th Intl Conf on Scalable Computing and Communications and Its Associated Workshops.

Hongwei Wu, Hao Zheng, Hongwei Wu, 2010, 2010 IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering.

Qing Wang, Aoying Zhou, Hongwei Wu, 2003, APWeb.