Scott Peele


Mark McGranaghan, Scott Peele, Dan Murray, 2007 .

Scott Peele, E. B. Agamloh, Joe Grappe, 2016, 2016 IEEE Pulp, Paper & Forest Industries Conference (PPFIC).

Scott Peele, Emmanuel B. Agamloh, Joseph Grappe, 2017, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.

Scott Peele, E. B. Agamloh, Joe Grappe, 2013, Conference Record of 2013 Annual IEEE Pulp and Paper Industry Technical Conference (PPIC).

Scott Peele, Emmanuel B. Agamloh, Joseph Grappe, 2014, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.

Scott Peele, Emmanuel B. Agamloh, Joseph Grappe, 2016, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.