B. Avi-Itzhak


William L. Maxwell, B. Avi-Itzhak, Lawrence Miller, 1965 .

B. Avi-Itzhak, B. A. Benn, B. A. Powell, 1967 .

B. Avi-Itzhak, J. Zahavi, J. Vardi, 1977, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems.

B. Avi-Itzhak, T. J. Connolly, A. Iusem, 1979 .

P. Naor, B. Avi-Itzhak, B. Avi-Itzhak, 1963 .

I. Adiri, B. Avi-Itzhak, 1969 .

B. Avi-Itzhak, B. Avi-Itzhak, J. Zahavi, 1977, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems.