Stanley Mathew


Denis Belomestny, John Schoenmakers, Stanley Mathew, 2009, Monte Carlo Methods Appl..

Krishna Kishore Mahato, Subramanya G. Nayak, Subhash Chandra, 2016, SPIE BiOS.

C. Santhosh, V. K. Unnikrishnan, Stanley Mathew, 2015, Photonics West - Biomedical Optics.

Krishna Kishore Mahato, Subhas Chandra, Prashanth Shetty, 2015, Photonics West - Biomedical Optics.

C Murali Krishna, Lakshmi Rao, Stanley Mathew, 2008, Expert review of molecular diagnostics.

C Murali Krishna, Stanley Mathew, Jacob Kurien, 2007, Photomedicine and laser surgery.