Adam Amril Jaharadak


Falah Y. H. Ahmed, Leke Zajmi, Adam Amril Jaharadak, 2018, Appl. Comput. Intell. Soft Comput..

Adam Amril Jaharadak, Febria Anjara, Febria Anjara, 2019, Journal of Physics: Conference Series.

Adam Amril Jaharadak, Nora Listiana, 2019, Journal of Physics: Conference Series.

Adam Amril Jaharadak, Rahmawati Ulfah, A. A. Khatibi, 2019, Management Science Letters.

Adam Amril Jaharadak, Noureddon H. Ibrahim Beleid, N. H. I. Beleid, 2019 .

Adam Amril Jaharadak, Ebrahem Ali Elburase, 2019, International Journal of Business Society.

Musab A. M. Ali, Adam Amril Jaharadak, Salim Al-Shuaili, 2019, 2019 IEEE 15th International Colloquium on Signal Processing & Its Applications (CSPA).

Adam Amril Jaharadak, Murali Raman, I. Dharmaratne, 2020, Global Journal of Management and Business Research.

Adam Amril Jaharadak, Anurudha Gishan Illangakoon, S. Azam, 2021, International Journal of Social Sciences and Economic Review.

Adam Amril Jaharadak, Noureddon H. Ibrahim Beleid, 2019, International Journal of Business Society.

Adam Amril Jaharadak, Murali Raman, Kapila Fonseka, 2022, International Journal of Social Economics.

Adam Amril Jaharadak, Hussain Ali Mohammed Barham Ba Omar, M. A. M. Ali, 2019, Uncertain Supply Chain Management.

Adam Amril Jaharadak, Firas Mohamad Ali, Firas Mohamad, 2021, International Journal of Advanced Research in Technology and Innovation.

Adam Amril Jaharadak, Marco Valeri, Albattat Ahmad, 2023, International Journal of Hospitality Management.

Adam Amril Jaharadak, Yile Wang, Brian Sheng Xian Teo, 2022, International journal of health sciences.

Adam Amril Jaharadak, Muhamad Aldiansyah, 2018 .

Adam Amril Jaharadak, A. Khatibi, S. Azam, 2023, Journal of Service Science and Management.

Rabab Alayham Abbas Helmi, Adam Amril Jaharadak, Musbah Abdulkarim Musbah Ataya, 2022, IEEE Conference on Systems, Process and Control.

Adam Amril Jaharadak, A. Khatibi, Sakinah Shukri, 2020 .

Adam Amril Jaharadak, A. A. Khatibi, Zakia Maulida Antono, 2019, Management Science Letters.

Musab A. M. Ali, Adam Amril Jaharadak, N. Md. Tahir, 2020, 2020 16th IEEE International Colloquium on Signal Processing & Its Applications (CSPA).

Hewa Majeed Zangana, Omar Ismael Al-Sanjary, Ahmed Abdullah Ahmed, 2018, 2018 IEEE Symposium on Computer Applications & Industrial Electronics (ISCAIE).