Jeff Potter


Bob Hysick, Jeff Potter, 1979 .

Daphna Buchsbaum, Eric Bonabeau, Carl Anderson, 2008, Evolutionary Computation in Practice.

Jeff Potter, Bob Hysick, Harris Newman, 2011 .

Ruben C. Arslan, Wiebke Bleidorn, Samuel D Gosling, 2016, Journal of personality and social psychology.

Samuel D Gosling, Jeff Potter, S. Gosling, 2010, Behavioral and Brain Sciences.

Samuel D. Gosling, Jeff Potter, S. Gosling, 2010 .

Man K. Xu, Jeff Potter, P. Rentfrow, 2013, Journal of personality and social psychology.

Rinie Geenen, Samuel D Gosling, Jaap J. A. Denissen, 2008, Journal of personality assessment.

Samuel D Gosling, Jessica L. Tracy, Jeff Potter, 2002, Psychology and aging.

Samuel D Gosling, Jeff Potter, S. Gosling, 2011, Journal of personality and social psychology.