Adrien Poteaux


Marc Moreno Maza, Éric Schost, Xavier Dahan, 2011, ACCA.

François Lemaire, François Boulier, Adrien Poteaux, 2020, Math. Comput. Sci..

Éric Schost, Adrien Poteaux, É. Schost, 2011, J. Symb. Comput..

Valentina Lanza, François Lemaire, Nathalie Corson, 2017 .

Marc Moreno Maza, François Lemaire, François Boulier, 2019, J. Symb. Comput..

Md. Nazrul Islam, Adrien Poteaux, 2011, ACCA.

Adrien Poteaux, Marc Rybowicz, A. Poteaux, 2011, Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing.

Dominique Duval, Adrien Poteaux, 2017, ACCA.

Adrien Poteaux, Martin Weimann, A. Poteaux, 2019, Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing.

André Galligo, Adrien Poteaux, 2011, Theor. Comput. Sci..

Éric Schost, Adrien Poteaux, É. Schost, 2013, computational complexity.

André Galligo, Adrien Poteaux, 2009, SNC '09.

Adrien Poteaux, Marc Rybowicz, A. Poteaux, 2012, J. Symb. Comput..

Adrien Poteaux, A. Poteaux, 2007, SNC '07.

Valentina Lanza, François Lemaire, Nathalie Corson, 2018, CASC.

Bert Jüttler, Adrien Poteaux, Xinghua Song, 2010, 2010 Shape Modeling International Conference.

Adrien Poteaux, François Lemaire, 2021, CASC.

Adrien Poteaux, Martin Weimann, A. Poteaux, 2017, Annales Henri Lebesgue.