J L Bloem


P M Rozing, G J Kieft, J L Bloem, 1988, AJR. American journal of roentgenology.

J L Bloem, J. Bloem, J. Castelijns, 1985, Journal of computer assisted tomography.

J Hermans, J L Bloem, E K Pauwels, 1991, The Netherlands journal of surgery.

J L Bloem, J Doornbos, G J Vielvoye, 1986, Magnetic resonance in medicine.

J Hermans, J L Bloem, E K Pauwels, 1991, Journal of nuclear biology and medicine.

J L Bloem, J. Bloem, R T Tjon-A-Tham, 1985, AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology.

J L Bloem, J. Bloem, P. Algra, 1991, Radiographics : a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc.