Alexander S. Wein


Afonso S. Bandeira, Yunzi Ding, Dmitriy Kunisky, 2020, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.

Ankur Moitra, Afonso S. Bandeira, Alexander S. Wein, 2016, ArXiv.

Afonso S. Bandeira, Yunzi Ding, Dmitriy Kunisky, 2019, ArXiv.

Afonso S. Bandeira, Dmitriy Kunisky, Alexander S. Wein, 2019, ITCS.

David Gamarnik, Aukosh Jagannath, Alexander S. Wein, 2020, 2020 IEEE 61st Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS).

Afonso S. Bandeira, Alexander S. Wein, Matthias Löffler, 2020, ArXiv.

Afonso S. Bandeira, Alexander S. Wein, Amelia Perry, 2018, Portugaliae Mathematica.

Alexander S. Wein, William Perry, 2017, 2017 International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA).

Cristopher Moore, Alexander S. Wein, Ahmed El Alaoui, 2019, 2019 IEEE 60th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS).

Afonso S. Bandeira, Alexander S. Wein, Amelia Perry, 2016, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques.

Ilias Zadik, Alexander S. Wein, G'erard Ben Arous, 2020, COLT.

Afonso S. Bandeira, Dmitriy Kunisky, Alexander S. Wein, 2020, MSML.

Alexander S. Wein, Justin Holmgren, Justin Holmgren, 2020, ITCS.

Alexander S. Wein, 2020, Mathematical Statistics and Learning.

Ankur Moitra, Afonso S. Bandeira, Alexander S. Wein, 2016, ArXiv.

Alexandre d'Aspremont, Francis Bach, Alexander S. Wein, 2019, AISTATS.

Ankur Moitra, Alexander S. Wein, William Perry, 2015, STOC.

Ankur Moitra, Afonso S. Bandeira, Alexander S. Wein, 2018, The Annals of Statistics.

Ankur Moitra, Alexander S. Wein, Ankur Moitra, 2018, STOC.

Afonso S. Bandeira, Alexander S. Wein, Jonathan Weed, 2017, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis.

David Gamarnik, Alexander S. Wein, Aukosh Jagannath, 2021, Markov Processes And Related Fields.

Joan Bruna, Alexander S. Wein, Ilias Zadik, 2021, COLT.

Afonso S. Bandeira, Yunzi Ding, Dmitriy Kunisky, 2021, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.

Alexander S. Wein, C. Moore, A. Alaoui, 2019 .

Alexander S. Wein, A. Bandeira, Dmitriy Kunisky, 2019 .

Alexander S. Wein, A. Coja-Oghlan, Max Hahn-Klimroth, 2022, COLT.

Samuel B. Hopkins, Alexander S. Wein, A. Bandeira, 2022, ArXiv.

Alexander S. Wein, A. Bandeira, Dmitriy Kunisky, 2019, Foundations of Computational Mathematics.

Samuel B. Hopkins, Alexander S. Wein, A. Bandeira, 2022, NeurIPS.

Alexander S. Wein, Cheng Mao, 2021, ArXiv.

Alexander S. Wein, Aaron Potechin, Prayaag Venkat, 2022, ArXiv.

Alexander S. Wein, T. Schramm, 2020, The Annals of Statistics.

Alexander S. Wein, Cynthia Rush, Dana Yang, 2022, ITCS.

Alexander S. Wein, Cheng Mao, A. Dhawan, 2023, ArXiv.

Alexander S. Wein, A. Bandeira, Matthias Löffler, 2020, Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA.

Alexander S. Wein, Sheng Z. Zhang, Cheng Mao, 2023, COLT.

Alexander S. Wein, Aaron Potechin, Prayaag Venkat, 2022, COLT.

Alexander S. Wein, William Perry, 2015, 2017 International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA).