Nilendu Gupta


Thomas E. Blue, Nilendu Gupta, R. Gahbauer, 2001 .

Thomas E. Blue, Nilendu Gupta, Reinhard A. Gahbauer, 1997, Other Conferences.

Nilendu Gupta, Kyle Woods, Ahmet S. Ayan, 2017, Journal of applied clinical medical physics.

T. Landberg, J. Chavaudra, Karl-Axel Johansson, 2004, Journal of the ICRU.

Nilendu Gupta, Bruce Thomadsen, Beth Erickson, 2001, International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics.

Nilendu Gupta, Yi Rong, Arnab Chakravarti, 2014, Journal of applied clinical medical physics.