Nir A. Sochen


Shamgar Gurevich, Ronny Hadani, Nir A. Sochen, 2008, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.

Yehoshua Y. Zeevi, Nir A. Sochen, Chen Sagiv, 2001, Scale-Space.

Ron Kimmel, Nir A. Sochen, 2001, Scale-Space.

Yehezkel Yeshurun, Ariel Tankus, Nir A. Sochen, 2004, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2004. ICPR 2004..

Shamgar Gurevich, Ronny Hadani, Nir A. Sochen, 2008, SETA.

Ron Kimmel, Nir A. Sochen, Ravi Malladi, 1998, ACCV.

Ron Kimmel, Nir A. Sochen, Alexander Brook, 2003, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision.

Yehoshua Y. Zeevi, Nir A. Sochen, Ran Kaftory, 2005, Int. J. Imaging Syst. Technol..

Yehoshua Y. Zeevi, Guy Gilboa, Nir A. Sochen, 2000, AFPAC.

Yehoshua Y. Zeevi, Guy Gilboa, Nir A. Sochen, 2001, Scale-Space.

Daniel Cremers, Christoph Schnörr, Nir A. Sochen, 2003, Scale-Space.

Dan Feldman, Nir A. Sochen, Micha Feigin, 2013, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision.

Ron Kimmel, Nir A. Sochen, Ravi Malladi, 1997, Scale-Space.

Yehoshua Y. Zeevi, Guy Gilboa, Nir A. Sochen, 2005, Scale-Space.

Nir A. Sochen, Micha Feigin, 2004, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2004. ICPR 2004..

Ron Kimmel, Nir A. Sochen, Ravi Malladi, 2000, International Journal of Computer Vision.

Nahum Kiryati, Leah Bar, Nir A. Sochen, 2017, SSVM.

Nir A. Sochen, Yaniv Gur, N. Sochen, 2009, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision.

Nahum Kiryati, Leah Bar, Nir A. Sochen, 2004, ECCV.

Yehezkel Yeshurun, Ariel Tankus, Nir A. Sochen, 2004, Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2004. CVPR 2004..

Lorina Dascal, Nir A. Sochen, Adi Ditkowski, 2007, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision.

Nahum Kiryati, Nir A. Sochen, Tammy Riklin-Raviv, 2007, 2007 4th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro.

Nahum Kiryati, Nir A. Sochen, Tammy Riklin-Raviv, 2006, 2006 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop (CVPRW'06).

Ron Kimmel, Nir A. Sochen, R. Kimmel, 1999, Scale-Space.

Nahum Kiryati, Nir A. Sochen, Tammy Riklin-Raviv, 2009, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.

Laurent D. Cohen, Luminita A. Vese, Nir A. Sochen, 2008, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision.

Yehoshua Y. Zeevi, Guy Gilboa, Nir A. Sochen, 2002, IEEE Trans. Image Process..

Nahum Kiryati, Leah Bar, Nir A. Sochen, 2006, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.

Ron Levie, Nir A. Sochen, N. Sochen, 2017, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis.

Nir A. Sochen, Yaniv Gur, 2008, 2008 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition.

Yehoshua Y. Zeevi, Guy Gilboa, Nir A. Sochen, 2004, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision.

Ron Kimmel, Nir A. Sochen, Ravi Malladi, 1997, Proceedings of IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.

Nir A. Sochen, Rami Ben-Ari, 2006, 2006 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'06).

Nahum Kiryati, Leah Bar, Nir A. Sochen, 2007, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.

Nahum Kiryati, Leah Bar, Nir A. Sochen, 2006, International Journal of Computer Vision.

Daniel Cremers, Christoph Schnörr, Nir A. Sochen, 2005, International Journal of Computer Vision.

Ron Kimmel, Nir A. Sochen, Ravi Malladi, 1997, Proceedings of International Conference on Image Processing.

Nir A. Sochen, Yaniv Gur, N. Sochen, 2005, VLSM.

Yehezkel Yeshurun, Ariel Tankus, Nir A. Sochen, 2003, Proceedings Ninth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision.

Yehoshua Y. Zeevi, Guy Gilboa, Nir A. Sochen, 2004, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.

Nahum Kiryati, Leah Bar, Nir A. Sochen, 2007, Multiscale Model. Simul..

Shamgar Gurevich, Ronny Hadani, Nir A. Sochen, 2008, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Hayit Greenspan, Gali Zimmerman-Moreno, Nir A. Sochen, 2016, SPIE Medical Imaging.

Lorina Dascal, Nir A. Sochen, N. Sochen, 2005, SIAM J. Appl. Math..

Nir A. Sochen, Tammy Riklin-Raviv, Heli Ben Hamu Goldberg, 2018, 2018 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP).

Nir A. Sochen, N. Sochen, 2004, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision.

Nir A. Sochen, Rami Ben-Ari, 2008, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision.

Alexander M. Bronstein, Ron Kimmel, Michael M. Bronstein, 2011, Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision.

Alexander M. Bronstein, Ron Kimmel, Michael M. Bronstein, 2013, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision.

Alexander M. Bronstein, Ron Kimmel, Michael M. Bronstein, 2010, Comput. Graph..

Rachid Deriche, Nir A. Sochen, Lucero Lopez Perez, 2003, Proceedings Ninth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision.

Yehoshua Y. Zeevi, Guy Gilboa, Nir A. Sochen, 2006, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.

Yehoshua Y. Zeevi, Nir A. Sochen, Chen Sagiv, 2001, EMMCVPR.

Shai Avidan, Nir A. Sochen, Shay Dekel, 2013, Innovations for Shape Analysis, Models and Algorithms.

Ofer Pasternak, Peter J. Basser, Nir A. Sochen, 2010, NeuroImage.

Nir A. Sochen, Rami Ben-Ari, N. Sochen, 2007, 2007 IEEE 11th International Conference on Computer Vision.

Ron Kimmel, Nir A. Sochen, Alexander Brook, 2001, Scale-Space.

Baba C. Vemuri, Nir A. Sochen, Micha Feigin, 2007, SSVM.

Leah Bar, Nir A. Sochen, 2011, SSVM.

Lorina Dascal, Nir A. Sochen, N. Sochen, 2003, Scale-Space.

Yehoshua Y. Zeevi, Guy Gilboa, Nir A. Sochen, 2000, 2000 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. Proceedings (Cat. No.00CH37100).

Nir A. Sochen, Chen Sagiv, Yossi Ferdman, 2007, SSVM.

Yehezkel Yeshurun, Ariel Tankus, Nir A. Sochen, 2005, International Journal of Computer Vision.

Yehoshua Y. Zeevi, Guy Gilboa, Nir A. Sochen, 2001, Proceedings 2001 International Conference on Image Processing (Cat. No.01CH37205).

Yehezkel Yeshurun, Ariel Tankus, Nir A. Sochen, 2008, Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering.

Yehoshua Y. Zeevi, Guy Gilboa, Nir A. Sochen, 2002, ECCV.

Yehoshua Y. Zeevi, Nir A. Sochen, 1999, 1999 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. Proceedings. ICASSP99 (Cat. No.99CH36258).

Joachim Weickert, Ron Kimmel, Nir A. Sochen, 2006, International Journal of Computer Vision.

Thomas Batard, Nir A. Sochen, N. Sochen, 2014, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision.

Yehoshua Y. Zeevi, Nir A. Sochen, Chen Sagiv, 2005, Scale-Space.

Shamgar Gurevich, Ronny Hadani, Nir A. Sochen, 2008, 2008 16th European Signal Processing Conference.

Yehoshua Y. Zeevi, Nir A. Sochen, N. Sochen, 1998, Proceedings 1998 International Conference on Image Processing. ICIP98 (Cat. No.98CB36269).

Nahum Kiryati, Nir A. Sochen, Tammy Riklin-Raviv, 2008, International Journal of Computer Vision.

Ron Kimmel, Nir A. Sochen, R. Kimmel, 2002, J. Vis. Commun. Image Represent..

Nir A. Sochen, Rami Ben-Ari, N. Sochen, 2010, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.

Nahum Kiryati, Nir A. Sochen, Tammy Riklin-Raviv, 2006, 2006 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'06).

Hayit Greenspan, Gali Zimmerman-Moreno, Nir A. Sochen, 2017, NeuroImage.

Nir A. Sochen, Yaniv Gur, N. Sochen, 2007, 2007 IEEE 11th International Conference on Computer Vision.

Ron Kimmel, Nir A. Sochen, Alon Spira, 2007, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.

Yehoshua Y. Zeevi, Nir A. Sochen, Chen Sagiv, 2000, AFPAC.

Dan Feldman, Nir A. Sochen, Micha Feigin, 2011, SSVM.

Alfred M. Bruckstein, Ron Kimmel, Nir A. Sochen, 2001, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision.

Nahum Kiryati, Nir A. Sochen, Tammy Riklin-Raviv, 2007, International Journal of Computer Vision.

Hayit Greenspan, Nir A. Sochen, Micha Feigin, 2007, 2007 IEEE 11th International Conference on Computer Vision.

Yehoshua Y. Zeevi, Nir A. Sochen, 1998, Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP '98 (Cat. No.98CH36181).

Nir A. Sochen, Rami Ben-Ari, N. Sochen, 2008, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision.

Yehoshua Y. Zeevi, Nir A. Sochen, Chen Sagiv, 2006, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision.

Nahum Kiryati, Nir A. Sochen, Tammy Riklin-Raviv, 2004, ECCV.

Hayit Greenspan, Arnaldo Mayer, Nir A. Sochen, 2010, 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro.

Nahum Kiryati, Leah Bar, Nir A. Sochen, 2007, SSVM.

Alexander M. Bronstein, Michael M. Bronstein, Dan Raviv, 2010, CVPR 2011.

Yehoshua Y. Zeevi, Guy Gilboa, Nir A. Sochen, 2003, Proceedings 2003 International Conference on Image Processing (Cat. No.03CH37429).

Daniel Cremers, Christoph Schnörr, Nir A. Sochen, 2004, ECCV.

Nir A. Sochen, Adee Ran, 2000, EuroCG.

Tony F. Chan, Luminita A. Vese, Nahum Kiryati, 2015, Handbook of Mathematical Methods in Imaging.

Ron Kimmel, Nir A. Sochen, Alon Spira, 2003, Scale-Space.

Nir A. Sochen, Dalia Fishelov, 2006, 2006 International Conference on Information Technology: Research and Education.

Shamgar Gurevich, Ronny Hadani, Nir A. Sochen, 2008, 2008 16th European Signal Processing Conference.

Ron Kimmel, Nir A. Sochen, Ravi Malladi, 1998, IEEE Trans. Image Process..

Yehoshua Y. Zeevi, Nir A. Sochen, Chen Sagiv, 2006, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.

David Mendlovic, Nir A. Sochen, Iftach Klapp, 2011, SSVM.

Nahum Kiryati, Leah Bar, Nir A. Sochen, 2005, Scale-Space.

Ron Kimmel, Nir A. Sochen, Chen Sagiv, 2004, SIAM J. Appl. Math..

Yehoshua Y. Zeevi, Guy Gilboa, Nir A. Sochen, 2006, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.

Yehoshua Y. Zeevi, Guy Gilboa, Nir A. Sochen, 2000, 2000 10th European Signal Processing Conference.

Rachid Deriche, Nir A. Sochen, Lucero Lopez Perez, 2004, ECCV Workshops CVAMIA and MMBIA.

Shamgar Gurevich, Ronny Hadani, Nir A. Sochen, 2008, ArXiv.

Baba C. Vemuri, Nir A. Sochen, Micha Feigin, 2008, 2008 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops.

Nahum Kiryati, Nir A. Sochen, Tammy Riklin-Raviv, 2005, Tenth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'05) Volume 1.

Ofer Pasternak, Nir A. Sochen, Yaniv Gur, 2009, International Journal of Computer Vision.

Rachid Deriche, Nir A. Sochen, Lucero Lopez Perez, 2003, Proceedings 2003 International Conference on Image Processing (Cat. No.03CH37429).

Nathan Intrator, Ofer Pasternak, Yaniv Assaf, 2005, NIPS.

Yehoshua Y. Zeevi, Robert M. Haralick, Nir A. Sochen, 1999, Scale-Space.

Nahum Kiryati, Leah Bar, Nir A. Sochen, 2005, VLSM.

Nir A. Sochen, Yaniv Gur, N. Sochen, 2007, SSVM.

Nir A. Sochen, Rami Ben-Ari, 2004, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2004. ICPR 2004..

Ron Levie, Nir A. Sochen, Hans-Georg Stark, 2012, 2012 Proceedings of the 20th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO).

Leah Bar, Nir A. Sochen, N. Sochen, 2021, SIAM J. Imaging Sci..