Horst Alzer


Horst Alzer, 1994, Discret. Math..

Horst Alzer, Man Kam Kwong, 2018, Period. Math. Hung..

Horst Alzer, H. Alzer, 2010, Adv. Comput. Math..

Horst Alzer, Allal Guessab, 2014, Appl. Math. Comput..

Christian Berg, Stamatis Koumandos, Horst Alzer, 2005, J. Approx. Theory.

Horst Alzer, H. Alzer, 2000, Appl. Math. Lett..

Robin J. Chapman, Horst Alzer, 2014, Australas. J Comb..

Helmut Prodinger, Horst Alzer, H. Alzer, 2020, Integers.

Horst Alzer, Stephan Ruscheweyh, H. Alzer, 2000, Discret. Math..

Horst Alzer, Man Kam Kwong, M. Kwong, 2015, J. Approx. Theory.

Horst Alzer, Necdet Batir, H. Alzer, 2007, Appl. Math. Lett..

Horst Alzer, Man Kam Kwong, 2016, Appl. Math. Comput..

Horst Alzer, Bent Fuglede, B. Fuglede, 2012, J. Approx. Theory.

Horst Alzer, José A. Adell, J. Adell, 2009, J. Comput. Appl. Math..

Horst Alzer, Man Kam Kwong, 2018, Asymptot. Anal..

Stamatis Koumandos, Horst Alzer, H. Alzer, 2009, Period. Math. Hung..

Luis Salinas, Horst Alzer, Stephan Ruscheweyh, 2001, J. Approx. Theory.

Horst Alzer, Qinghe Yin, 2011, Period. Math. Hung..

Helmut Prodinger, Horst Alzer, 2018, Ars Comb..

Horst Alzer, 2013, Period. Math. Hung..

Horst Alzer, 2007, Am. Math. Mon..

Horst Alzer, 2009, Am. Math. Mon..

Horst Alzer, Arcadii Z. Grinshpan, H. Alzer, 2007, J. Approx. Theory.

Horst Alzer, 2019, J. Integer Seq..

Horst Alzer, Man Kam Kwong, M. Kwong, 2015, Period. Math. Hung..

Horst Alzer, H. Alzer, 1997, Math. Comput..

Horst Alzer, H. Alzer, 1997, Math. Comput..

Horst Alzer, H. Alzer, 2008, Numerical Algorithms.

Helmut Prodinger, Horst Alzer, 2017, Integers.

Horst Alzer, Man Kam Kwong, M. Kwong, 2020, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal.

Horst Alzer, H. Alzer, 2021, Elemente der Mathematik.

Horst Alzer, Ahmed Salem, 2021, The Ramanujan Journal.

Horst Alzer, Man Kam Kwong, 2021, The Ramanujan Journal.

Gradimir V. Milovanović, Horst Alzer, Man Kam Kwong, 2021, Optim. Lett..

Horst Alzer, H. Alzer, 2021, Integral Transforms and Special Functions.

Horst Alzer, 2005, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin.

Jonathan M. Borwein, R. Bruce Richter, Carl Pomerance, 1993 .

Christian Berg, Horst Alzer, C. Berg, 2002 .

Horst Alzer, H. Alzer, 1993 .

Horst Alzer, H. Alzer, Song-liang Qiu, 2003 .

Horst Alzer, H. Alzer, 2001 .

Christian Berg, Horst Alzer, C. Berg, 2006 .

Stamatis Koumandos, Horst Alzer, H. Alzer, 2008 .

Horst Alzer, H. Alzer, 1993 .

Horst Alzer, Stephan Ruscheweyh, H. Alzer, 2001 .

Horst Alzer, Stephan Ruscheweyh, H. Alzer, 2001 .

Horst Alzer, Árpád Baricz, H. Alzer, 2012 .

Horst Alzer, H. Alzer, 1998 .

Horst Alzer, H. Alzer, 2003, The ANZIAM Journal.

Horst Alzer, Semyon Yakubovich, H. Alzer, 2017, 1710.07127.

Horst Alzer, H. Alzer, 2009, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics.

Horst Alzer, Alexander Kovačec, Carlos M. da Fonseca, 2015 .

Manuel Kauers, Stefan Gerhold, Horst Alzer, 2007 .

Horst Alzer, H. Alzer, 2003, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics.