Jun Lai


Jun Yang, Yifan Zhou, Yongbin Zhou, 2017, 2017 IEEE 18th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC).

Yunqi Tang, Jun Lai, Taisheng Gong, 2011, ICICA.

Weixing Wang, Jun Lai, 2008, ICIRA.

Mao Lin Huang, Ben Soh, Jun Lai, 2004, ICETE.

Gang Bao, Jianliang Qian, Jun Lai, 2014, J. Comput. Phys..

Ben Soh, Jun Lai, B. Soh, 2005, IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE'05).

Emiel Krahmer, Jun Lai, Jan Sprenger, 2015, CogSci.

Lei Cao, Jun Lai, Yongliang Zhang, 2018, IEICE Trans. Inf. Syst..

Leslie Greengard, Michael O'Neil, Jun Lai, 2016, J. Comput. Phys..

Gang Bao, Jun Lai, G. Bao, 2014, SIAM J. Control. Optim..

Jun Lai, Hong-Jian Li, Gao-feng Mao, 2018, DEStech Transactions on Environment, Energy and Earth Sciences.

Emiel Krahmer, Jun Lai, Jan Sprenger, 2014, CogSci.

Ben Soh, Jun Lai, 2003, International Conference on Internet Computing.

Ben Soh, Jun Lai, B. Soh, 2004, IEEE International Conference on e-Technology, e-Commerce and e-Service, 2004. EEE '04. 2004.

Wei Tang, Yihui He, Jun Lai, 2011, 2011 Fourth International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design.

Jun Lai, Taisheng Gong, Rui Fei, 2010, ICICA.

Ben Soh, Jun Lai, 2003, International Conference on Internet Computing.

Ben Soh, Jun Lai, 2005, Third International Conference on Information Technology and Applications (ICITA'05).

Leslie Greengard, Sivaram Ambikasaran, Jun Lai, 2014, SIAM J. Sci. Comput..

Wu Ye, Suili Feng, Jun Lai, 2007, Eighth ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD 2007).

Zhuo Chen, Mengchun Pan, Dixiang Chen, 2017, 2017 International Conference on Computer Technology, Electronics and Communication (ICCTEC).

Leslie Greengard, Jun Lai, Motoki Kobayashi, 2014, Optics express.

Leslie Greengard, Michael O'Neil, Jun Lai, 2018, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis.