Emily R. Dworkin


Shabnam Javdani, Angela L. Walden, Nicole E. Allen, 2015 .

Emily R. Dworkin, Christine M. Lee, Jennifer M. Cadigan, 2018, Journal of American college health : J of ACH.

Emily R. Dworkin, D. Bybee, R. Campbell, 2009 .

Nicole E. Allen, Emily R. Dworkin, Samantha L. Pittenger, 2016, American journal of community psychology.

Emily R. Dworkin, T. Simpson, D. Kaysen, 2019, Posttraumatic Stress and Substance Use Disorders.

Emily R. Dworkin, R. Campbell, D. Patterson, 2010, Journal of forensic nursing.

Brandon J. Griffin, Hannah M. Wright, Emily R. Dworkin, 2022, Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology.

Emily R. Dworkin, D. Kaysen, Skye Fitzpatrick, 2020, Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors.

Emily A. Waterman, Emily R. Dworkin, Lindsey M. Rodriguez, 2022, Violence against women.

Emily R. Dworkin, J. Blayney, Anna E. Jaffe, 2022, Psychology of women quarterly.

Julie A. Schumacher, Emily R. Dworkin, L. Zambrano-Vazquez, 2017, Rural mental health.

Nicole E. Allen, Emily R. Dworkin, 2017, American journal of community psychology.

Emily R. Dworkin, Skye Fitzpatrick, M. Bedard-Gilligan, 2021, Trauma, violence & abuse.

Emily A. Waterman, Emily R. Dworkin, Lindsey M. Rodriguez, 2020, Psychological trauma : theory, research, practice and policy.

Emily A. Waterman, Emily R. Dworkin, Lindsey M. Rodriguez, 2020, Psychology of violence.

Cindy A. Crusto, Emily R. Dworkin, C. Connell, 2018, Children and youth services review.

Emily R. Dworkin, D. Kaysen, D. Walker, 2018, Alcohol research : current reviews.

Emily R. Dworkin, R. Campbell, Giannina Cabral, 2009, Trauma, violence & abuse.

Nicole E. Allen, Emily R. Dworkin, Suvarna V. Menon, 2017, Clinical psychology review.

Emily R. Dworkin, D. Kaysen, M. Bedard-Gilligan, 2019, Handbook of Sexual Assault and Sexual Assault Prevention.

Emily A. Waterman, Emily R. Dworkin, Lindsey M. Rodriguez, 2022, Journal of interpersonal violence.

Emily A. Waterman, Emily R. Dworkin, Lindsey M. Rodriguez, 2020, Journal of interpersonal violence.

Emily R. Dworkin, S. Ullman, Charlotte D. Brill, 2019, Clinical psychology review.

Nicole E. Allen, Emily R. Dworkin, Emily Newton, 2018, Psychology of violence.

Jordan P. Davis, Emily R. Dworkin, E. Pedersen, 2022, Journal of aggression, maltreatment & trauma.

Julie A. Schumacher, Emily R. Dworkin, S. Coffey, 2017, Psychological trauma : theory, research, practice and policy.

John J. Prindle, Tara M. Dumas, Jordan P. Davis, 2019, Drug and alcohol dependence.

Emily R. Dworkin, 2018, Trauma, violence & abuse.

Emily R. Dworkin, D. Kaysen, L. Zimmerman, 2020, Psychology of sexual orientation and gender diversity.

Nicole E. Allen, Emily R. Dworkin, Nicole R Sorell, 2016, Journal of interpersonal violence.

John J. Prindle, Jordan P. Davis, Graham T. DiGuiseppi, 2021, Addiction.

Emily R. Dworkin, D. Kaysen, Christine M. Lee, 2017, Addictive behaviors.

Emily R. Dworkin, D. Kaysen, A. Nguyen, 2019, Journal of interpersonal violence.

Emily R. Dworkin, D. Kaysen, T. Hughes, 2018, Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors.

Tara M. Dumas, Jordan P. Davis, Emily R. Dworkin, 2020 .

Emily R. Dworkin, Rachael Goodman-Williams, MacKenzie Hetfield, 2023, Aggression and violent behavior.

Emily R. Dworkin, L. Zambrano-Vazquez, S. Coffey, 2017, Psychological trauma : theory, research, practice and policy.

Emily R. Dworkin, H. Littleton, Nicholas A. Livingston, 2023, International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.

Emily R. Dworkin, C. DeCou, S. Fitzpatrick, 2020, Psychological trauma : theory, research, practice and policy.

Emily R. Dworkin, J. A. Schumacher, J. Schumacher, 2018, Trauma, violence & abuse.

Nicole E. Allen, Emily R. Dworkin, 2018, Violence against women.

Emily A. Waterman, Emily R. Dworkin, Lindsey M. Rodriguez, 2020, Journal of social and personal relationships.

Emily R. Dworkin, K. Sher, M. Martens, 2018, Prevention Science.

Emily R. Dworkin, B. Krahé, H. Zinzow, 2021, Psychology of violence.

Emily R. Dworkin, Katie M. Edwards, Samantha L. Pittenger, 2017, American journal of community psychology.

Emily R. Dworkin, Jioni A. Lewis, Natalie N. Watson-Singleton, 2021, Cultural diversity & ethnic minority psychology.

Emily A. Waterman, Emily R. Dworkin, Laura A. Siller, 2020, Journal of interpersonal violence.

Emily R. Dworkin, Esther S Howe, 2024, European journal of psychotraumatology.

Megan E. Patrick, Emily R. Dworkin, Christine M. Lee, 2021, Drug and alcohol dependence.