Christian Boitet


Carlos Ramisch, Aline Villavicencio, Christian Boitet, 2010, COLING.

Christian Boitet, Najeh Hajlaoui, 2004 .

Christian Boitet, Ruslan Kalitvianski, Ling Xiao Wang, 2016, NLP-TEA@COLING.

Christian Boitet, Hervé Blanchon, Mutsuko Tomokiyo, 2006, IWSLT.

Christian Boitet, Chadia Moghrabi, C. Boitet, 1998, LREC.

Christian Boitet, C. Boitet, Christian Boitet, 1992, COLING.

Christian Boitet, Valérie Bellynck, John Kenwright, 2009, Polytech. Open Libr. Int. Bull. Inf. Technol. Sci..

Christian Boitet, Hervé Blanchon, C. Boitet, 1994, Machine Translation.

Christian Boitet, Laurent Romary, Jean Senellart, 2003 .

Christian Boitet, Hervé Blanchon, Laurent Besacier, 2004, IWSLT.

Christian Boitet, Mark Seligman, Boubaker Hamrouni, 1998, COLING-ACL.

Kyo Kageura, Christian Boitet, Asanobu Kitamoto, 2010, COLING 2010.

Christian Boitet, Asanee Kawtrakul, Vincent Berment, 2009, IEICE Trans. Inf. Syst..

Pushpak Bhattacharyya, Christian Boitet, Muhammad Ghulam Abbas Malik, 2008, COLING.

Christian Boitet, Hervé Blanchon, Mark Seligman, 2009 .

Christian Boitet, 1986, Comput. Humanit..

Kyo Kageura, Christian Boitet, Daoud Daoud, 2010, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering(NLPKE-2010).

Carlos Ramisch, Christian Boitet, Valérie Bellynck, 2008 .

Pushpak Bhattacharyya, Christian Boitet, Laurent Besacier, 2013 .

Kyo Kageura, Christian Boitet, Daoud Daoud, 2009, RED.

Christian Boitet, Daniel Bachut, Nelson Verastegui, 1985, EACL.

Christian Boitet, Bernard Vauquois, C. Boitet, 1985, Comput. Linguistics.

Pushpak Bhattacharyya, Christian Boitet, Muhammad Ghulam Abbas Malik, 2010 .

Christian Boitet, Ali Choumane, Hervé Blanchon, 2006, Trait. Autom. des Langues.

Christian Boitet, Jesús Cardeñosa Lera, Igor M. Boguslavskij, 2007, CICLing.

Christian Boitet, C. Boitet, 1997 .

Christian Boitet, Hervé Blanchon, Cong-Phap Huynh, 2009, 2009 IEEE-RIVF International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies.

Christian Boitet, Mathieu Lafourcade, 2002, LREC.

Christian Boitet, Daoud Daoud, Mohammad Daoud, 2009 .

Christian Boitet, 1997 .

Pushpak Bhattacharyya, Christian Boitet, Laurent Besacier, 2009, NEWS@IJCNLP.

Christian Boitet, Jurgita Kapociute-Dzikiene, Vincent Berment, 2017, CICLing.

Carlos Ramisch, Aline Villavicencio, Christian Boitet, 2010, COLING.

Christian Boitet, Nicolas Nedobejkine, 1980, COLING.

Pushpak Bhattacharyya, Christian Boitet, Muhammad Ghulam Abbas Malik, 2010, COLING.

Christian Boitet, Hervé Blanchon, Mutsuko Tomokiyo, 2004, IWSLT.

Kyo Kageura, Christian Boitet, Youcef Bey, 2006, Int. J. Comput. Linguistics Chin. Lang. Process..

Christian Boitet, Najeh Hajlaoui, C. Boitet, 2010 .

Christian Boitet, Yusoff Zaharin, 1988, COLING.

Pete Whitelock, Christian Boitet, C. Boitet, 1998, COLING 1998.

Pushpak Bhattacharyya, Christian Boitet, Muhammad Ghulam Abbas Malik, 2010, SLTU.

Kyo Kageura, Christian Boitet, Youcef Bey, 2008, Int. Sym. Wikis.

Christian Boitet, Rene Gerber, 1984 .

Christian Boitet, Laurent Besacier, Viet Bac Le, 2006, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing Proceedings.

Christian Boitet, Philippe Chatelin, P. Daun Fraga, 1980, COLING.

Christian Boitet, Chengqing Zong, Mark Seligman, 2004, LREC.

Christian Boitet, Ruslan Kalitvianski, Valérie Bellynck, 2012, COLING.

Christian Boitet, Valérie Bellynck, Amel Fraisse, 2012, COLING.

Christian Boitet, Hervé Blanchon, Mark Seligman, 2010, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering(NLPKE-2010).

Christian Boitet, Mutsuko Tomokiyo, Mathieu Mangeot, 2019, ArXiv.

Carlos Ramisch, Aline Villavicencio, Christian Boitet, 2010, LREC.

Kyo Kageura, Christian Boitet, Daoud Daoud, 2009, 2009 Eighth International Symposium on Natural Language Processing.

Christian Boitet, Najeh Hajlaoui, Daoud Maher Daoud, 2008, LREC 2008.

Christian Boitet, René Gerber, 1984, COLING.

Emmanuel Dellandréa, Liming Chen, Gabriela Csurka, 2011, IMAGAPP/IVAPP.

Christian Boitet, Vincent Berment, David Rouquet, 2022 .

Christian Boitet, C. Boitet, 1995, MTSUMMIT.

Enya Kong Tang, Christian Boitet, Yusoff Zaharin, 2011, PACLIC.

Christian Boitet, Didier Schwab, Hervé Blanchon, 2010, COLING 2010.