L. Baldi


L. Baldi, F. Piazza, P. Colombo, 1999, 29th European Solid-State Device Research Conference.

L. Sourgen, L. Baldi, P. Gravez, 1996, Proceedings of Third International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems.

L. Baldi, A. Maurelli, S. Marangon, 1996, ESSDERC '96: Proceedings of the 26th European Solid State Device Research Conference.

L. Baldi, A. Cascella, B. Vajana, 1995, ESSDERC '95: Proceedings of the 25th European Solid State Device Research Conference.

L. Baldi, A. Maurelli, A. Maurelli, 1999, 29th European Solid-State Device Research Conference.

L. Baldi, J.-P. Thomasson, 1997, 1997 Proceedings Second Annual IEEE International Conference on Innovative Systems in Silicon.