C. Ronsisvalle


C. Abbate, G. Busatto, C. Ronsisvalle, 2010, 2010 6th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems.

C. Ronsisvalle, V. Enea, 2008, 2008 IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference.

C. Ronsisvalle, A. Raciti, R. Scollo, 2007, 2007 European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications.

C. Abbate, G. Busatto, C. Ronsisvalle, 2013, 2013 Twenty-Eighth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC).

C. Ronsisvalle, V. Enea, A. Raciti, 2007, IECON 2007 - 33rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.

C. Ronsisvalle, M. Messina, D. Kroell, 2006, International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion, 2006. SPEEDAM 2006..

C. Ronsisvalle, M. Messina, D. Kroell, 2007, ESSDERC 2007 - 37th European Solid State Device Research Conference.