Luigi Del Debbio


Luigi Del Debbio, Joe Marsh Rossney, Michael Wilson, 2021, Proceedings of The 38th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory — PoS(LATTICE2021).

David A. Ham, Simon Hettrick, Tobias Weinzierl, 2021 .

Richard D. Ball, Alberto Guffanti, Stefano Forte, 2011, 1101.1300.

Ettore Vicari, Luigi Del Debbio, L. Debbio, 2004, hep-lat/0403001.

Robert S. Thorne, Hartmut Wittig, Michael Engelhardt, 2017, 1711.07916.

Richard D. Ball, Alberto Guffanti, Stefano Forte, 2009 .

Enrico Bothmann, Luigi Del Debbio, L. Debbio, 2018, Journal of High Energy Physics.