D. Ferster


Nicholas J. Priebe, D. Ferster, N. Priebe, 2006, Nature Neuroscience.

D. Ferster, Simon Levy, Simon G. Levy, 1978, The Journal of comparative neurology.

Andrew M. Clark, Byron M. Yu, Nicholas J. Priebe, 2010, Nature Neuroscience.

D. Ferster, 1987, The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.

C. Koch, D. Ferster, 1987, Trends in Neurosciences.

D. Ferster, K. Miller, K. Miller, 2000, Annual review of neuroscience.

M. Carandini, D. Ferster, J. S. Anderson, 2000, Journal of neurophysiology.

D. Ferster, D. C. Gillespie, J. S. Anderson, 2001, The Journal of Neuroscience.

Nicholas J. Priebe, D. Ferster, K. Miller, 2005, The Journal of Neuroscience.

M. Carandini, D. Ferster, I. Reichova, 2000, Nature Neuroscience.

D. Ferster, Ian M. Finn, 2007, The Journal of Neuroscience.

Nicholas J. Priebe, D. Ferster, N. Priebe, 2012, Neuron.

M. Carandini, D. Ferster, 2000, The Journal of Neuroscience.

D. Ferster, H. Wheat, C. Tyler, 1997, Journal of neurophysiology.

D. Ferster, S. Lindström, 1983, The Journal of physiology.

D. Ferster, 1986, The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.

D. Ferster, B. Jagadeesh, 1992, The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.

D. Ferster, 1992, Progress in brain research.

D. Ferster, 1988, The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.

Tomaso Poggio, Maximilian Riesenhuber, Ilan Lampl, 2004, Journal of neurophysiology.

Nicholas J. Priebe, D. Ferster, N. Priebe, 2008, Neuron.

Nicholas J. Priebe, M. Carandini, D. Ferster, 2004, Nature Neuroscience.

D. Ferster, D. C. Gillespie, I. Lampl, 2001, Nature Neuroscience.

D. Ferster, K. Miller, 2000 .

J. Movshon, M. Carandini, D. Ferster, 1998, Neuropharmacology.

David Ferster, D. Ferster, S. Levay, 1979, Brain Research.

D Ferster, D. Ferster, S. Levay, 1977, The Journal of comparative neurology.

Yuji Ikegaya, Rafael Yuste, Rosa Cossart, 2004, Science.

D. Ferster, 2001, Neuron.

Nicholas J. Priebe, David Ferster, D. Ferster, 2010, Nature.

David Ferster, D. Ferster, 1996, Science.

D Ferster, N Spruston, N. Spruston, 1995, Science.

D Ferster, D. Ferster, B. Jagadeesh, 1991, Journal of neurophysiology.

Nicholas J. Priebe, D. Ferster, N. Priebe, 2010, Journal of neurophysiology.

D. Ferster, C. E. Boudreau, 2005, The Journal of Neuroscience.

David L Ferster, Nicholas J. Priebe, D. Ferster, 2009 .

David Ferster, D. Ferster, Jianing Yu, 2013, The Journal of Neuroscience.