B. Arnold


I. Olkin, A. W. Marshall, B. Arnold, 1980 .

B. Arnold, E. C. Ron, J. M. S. Alegría, 2001 .

B. Arnold, N. Balakrishnan, H. Nagaraja, 2008 .

B. Arnold, S. J. Press, 1989 .

B. Arnold, N. Balakrishnan, H. Nagaraja, 1994 .

B. Arnold, 1980, Journal of Applied Probability.

B. Arnold, 2007, 0801.4221.

B. Arnold, E. Castillo, J. Sarabia, 1996 .

B. Arnold, E. Castillo, J. Sarabia, 2002 .

R. Beaver, B. Arnold, 2000 .

B. Arnold, S. J. Press, 1983 .

Barry C. Arnold, Robert J. Beaver, R. Beaver, 2002 .

B. Arnold, L. González-Vega, E. Castillo, 2000 .

B. Arnold, E. Castillo, Josae Maraia Sarabia, 1999 .

I. Olkin, A. W. Marshall, B. Arnold, 2010 .

B. Arnold, R. A. Groeneveld, 1995 .

B. Arnold, R. A. Groeneveld, 1984 .

Barry C. Arnold, B. Arnold, 2014, Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications.

Barry C. Arnold, Su-Fen Yang, B. Arnold, 2016 .

Enrique Castillo, Barry C. Arnold, José María Sarabia, 2008 .

B. Arnold, R. A. Groeneveld, 1981 .

B. Arnold, Indranil K. Ghosh, 2017 .

B. Arnold, Hassan Zahedi, 1988 .

B. Arnold, C. A. Coelho, 2019, Finite Form Representations for Meijer G and Fox H Functions.

B. Arnold, H. Toutenburg, E. Castillo, 2002 .

B. Arnold, J. Sarabia, 2018 .

B. Arnold, R. A. Groeneveld, 1981, Journal of Applied Probability.

B. Arnold, N. Balakrishnan, H. Nagaraja, 1994 .

Dale N. Anderson, B. Arnold, 1993, Journal of Applied Probability.

C. Robertson, B. Arnold, 1989, Journal of Applied Probability.

B. Arnold, E. Castillo, J. Sarabia, 1994 .

Enrique F. Castillo, Barry C. Arnold, José María Sarabia, 2009, Comput. Stat. Data Anal..

B. Arnold, Matthew A. Arvanitis, 2021, Dependence Modeling.

B. Arnold, Su-fen Yang, Su-Fen Yang, 2014 .

B. Arnold, H. W. Gómez, G. Martínez-Flórez, 2022, Symmetry.

B. Arnold, C. A. Coelho, 2019, Lecture Notes in Statistics.

B. Arnold, Ramesh C. Gupta, 2015, AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis.

B. Arnold, Indranil K. Ghosh, I. Ghosh, 2022, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation.

B. Arnold, José A. Villaseñor Alva, M. C. Sifuentes, 2001 .

B. Arnold, José A. Villaseñor Alva, M. C. Sifuentes, 2000 .

B. Arnold, E. Castillo, J. Sarabia, 2006 .

B. Arnold, A. SenGupta, 2006, Environmental and Ecological Statistics.

B. Arnold, J. Sarabia, 2018, Sankhya A.

Barry C. Arnold, Nozer D. Singpurwalla, Joseph L. Gastwirth, 2016, 1701.03462.

B. Arnold, U. Gather, Hassan Zahedi, 1984 .

Barry C. Arnold, Ashis SenGupta, Sungsu Kim, 2013, J. Multivar. Anal..

B. Arnold, A. SenGupta, 2011 .

Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan, Barry C. Arnold, B. Arnold, 1998 .

Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan, Barry C. Arnold, Haikady N. Nagaraja, 2008 .

B. Arnold, 1968, Journal of Applied Probability.

B. Arnold, D. Gokhale, 2016, METRON.

B. Arnold, D. Gokhale, 2014, Sankhya B.

B. Arnold, A. SenGupta, 2009 .

B. Arnold, A. SenGupta, 2006, Environmental and Ecological Statistics.

B. Arnold, C. A. Coelho, 2019, Finite Form Representations for Meijer G and Fox H Functions.

Daniel R. Jeske, Scott M. Lesch, Barry C. Arnold, 2009, Commun. Stat. Simul. Comput..

Barry C. Arnold, B. Arnold, D. J. Strauss, 2016 .

B. Arnold, J. Villaseñor, 1989 .

B. Arnold, C. A. Coelho, 2019, Finite Form Representations for Meijer G and Fox H Functions.

Enrique Castillo, Barry C. Arnold, José María Sarabia, 1992 .

D. V. Gokhale, Barry C. Arnold, B. Arnold, 1994 .

Barry C. Arnold, José María Sarabia, B. Arnold, 2021, J. Multivar. Anal..

M. C. Jones, B. Arnold, 2008, 0810.0102.

B. G. Manjunath, B. Arnold, 2020, Journal of applied statistics.

B. Arnold, J. Villaseñor, 2005 .

Barry C. Arnold, Hon Keung Tony Ng, B. Arnold, 2011, J. Multivar. Anal..

C. Robertson, B. Arnold, Hsiaw-Chan Yeh, 1988, Journal of Applied Probability.

Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan, Barry C. Arnold, B. Arnold, 1989 .

B. Arnold, D. Anderson, 1996, Environmental and Ecological Statistics.

Barry C. Arnold, Dayna P. Saldaña-Zepeda, Humberto Vaquera-Huerta, 2010, Comput. Stat. Data Anal..

Barry C. Arnold, Ashis SenGupta, Sungsu Kim, 2016, J. Multivar. Anal..

Barry C. Arnold, B. Arnold, J. Villaseñor, 1999 .

Barry C. Arnold, Su-Fen Yang, B. Arnold, 2016, Qual. Reliab. Eng. Int..

I. Olkin, A. W. Marshall, B. Arnold, 1980 .

Enrique Castillo, Barry C. Arnold, José María Sarabia, 2002 .

B. Arnold, I. Ghosh, 2023, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation.

B. Arnold, J. Villaseñor, 1996 .

B. Arnold, E. Castillo, J. Sarabia, 2007 .

B. Arnold, R. A. Groeneveld, 1980 .

B. Arnold, Matthew A. Arvanitis, 2019, Journal of applied statistics.

Barry C. Arnold, B. Arnold, J. Villaseñor, 1986 .

B. Arnold, D. Gallardo, Y. Gómez, 2018 .

B. Arnold, E. Castillo, J. Sarabia, 1993 .

Barry C. Arnold, Patrick L. Brockett, B. Arnold, 1983, Oper. Res..

B. Arnold, J. Villaseñor, 2007 .