M. Farries


M. Farries, A. Fairhall, 2007, Journal of neurophysiology.

M. Farries, M. Fee, J. Goldberg, 2013, Trends in Neurosciences.

Michale S Fee, Jesse H Goldberg, Michael A Farries, 2012, Journal of neurophysiology.

M. Farries, D. Perkel, L. Ding, 2005, The Journal of comparative neurology.

Michael A Farries, Abigail L Person, David J Perkel, 2008, The Journal of comparative neurology.

Minmin Luo, Long Ding, Michael A Farries, 2002, Brain Research Bulletin.

M. Farries, 2004, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

M. Farries, 2013, Brain, Behavior and Evolution.

M. Farries, G. Silberberg, C. Wilson, 2016, Cerebral cortex.

Jesse I. Gilmer, M. Farries, Z. Kilpatrick, 2022, bioRxiv.

Charles J. Wilson, Hitoshi Kita, Michael A Farries, 2010, The Journal of Neuroscience.

M. Farries, D. Perkel, 2000, Journal of neurophysiology.

Charles J. Wilson, M. Farries, H. Kita, 2010, BMC Neuroscience.

M. Farries, 2006, The Journal of Neuroscience.