B. Alpert


David H. Sharp, E. Mjolsness, D. Sharp, 1989 .

W. B. Doriese, J. N. Ullom, J. W. Fowler, 2015, Journal of Low Temperature Physics.

Bradley K. Alpert, Joseph W. Fowler, Johnathon D. Gard, 2016 .

Daniel R. Schmidt, W. B. Doriese, California, 2020, Metrologia.

Bradley K. Alpert, Joseph W. Fowler, Carl D. Reintsema, 2016 .

G. C. Hilton, C. D. Reintsema, W. B. Doriese, 2017, The Review of scientific instruments.

Bradley K. Alpert, Joseph W. Fowler, Carl D. Reintsema, 2017, The journal of physical chemistry letters.

G. C. Hilton, C. D. Reintsema, W. B. Doriese, 2017, 1702.00507.

W. B. Doriese, J. N. Ullom, J. W. Fowler, 2018 .

Bradley K. Alpert, Gregory Beylkin, B. Alpert, 2002 .

Bradley K. Alpert, Joseph W. Fowler, Kent D. Irwin, 2012 .

B. Alpert, W. Doriese, C. Reintsema, 2016, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity.

D. F. Williams, B. K. Alpert, B. Alpert, 1999, IEEE 8th Topical Meeting on Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging (Cat. No.99TH8412).

B. Alpert, G. Hilton, L. Vale, 2021, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity.

B. Alpert, G. Hilton, L. Vale, 2018, Journal of Physics: Conference Series.

B. Alpert, G. Hilton, L. Vale, 2019, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment.

Daniel R. Schmidt, B. Alpert, G. Hilton, 2015, Journal of Physics: Conference Series.

Ronald R. Coifman, Bradley K. Alpert, Vladimir Rokhlin, 1993, SIAM J. Sci. Comput..

Daniel R. Schmidt, B. Alpert, G. O’Neil, 2022, Journal of research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Leslie Greengard, Bradley K. Alpert, Thomas Hagstrom, 2000 .

B. Alpert, G. Hilton, L. Vale, 2016 .

B. Alpert, G. Hilton, K. Irwin, 2012, The Review of scientific instruments.

Leslie Greengard, Bradley K. Alpert, Thomas Hagstrom, 2000, SIAM J. Numer. Anal..

Bradley K. Alpert, B. Alpert, 1999, SIAM J. Sci. Comput..

Bradley K. Alpert, Vladimir Rokhlin, B. Alpert, 1991, SIAM J. Sci. Comput..

G. Hilton, A. Giachero, S. Ragazzi, 2016 .

A. Giachero, A. Puiu, A. Nucciotti, 2015, Journal of low temperature physics.

B. Alpert, R. Horansky, W. Doriese, 2013, The Review of scientific instruments.

Bradley K. Alpert, Joseph W. Fowler, Johnathon D. Gard, 2018, Journal of Low Temperature Physics.

B. Alpert, G. Hilton, L. Vale, 2020, Journal of Low Temperature Physics.

G. Hilton, A. Giachero, S. Ragazzi, 2018, Journal of Low Temperature Physics.

B. Alpert, G. Hilton, S. Ragazzi, 2015, The European Physical Journal. C, Particles and Fields.

Dylan F. Williams, H. Grabinski, U. Arz, 2003 .

Bradley K. Alpert, Thomas A. Höft, B. Alpert, 2017, SIAM J. Sci. Comput..

Amber L. Dagel, Edward S. Jimenez, B. Alpert, 2023, Microsystems & nanoengineering.

Andrew S. Hoover, Bradley K. Alpert, Joseph W. Fowler, 2019, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science.

B. Alpert, L. Vale, J. Frisch, 2018, Journal of Low Temperature Physics.

Bradley K. Alpert, B. Alpert, 1991 .

Leslie Greengard, Bradley K. Alpert, Thomas Hagstrom, 1998 .

Bradley K. Alpert, B. Alpert, Dylan F. Williams, 1999 .

B. Alpert, G. Barbastathis, M. Glinsky, 2022, Optics express.

G. Hilton, A. Giachero, S. Ragazzi, 2014, The European Physical Journal C.

B. Alpert, G. Hilton, L. Vale, 2018, Journal of Physics: Conference Series.

B. Alpert, J. Ullom, J. Fowler, 2019, Journal of Low Temperature Physics.

Courtenay T. Vaughan, Bradley K. Alpert, George Barbastathis, 2021, Machine Learning for Scientific Imaging.

Bradley K. Alpert, B. Alpert, Rüdiger Jakob-Chien, 1997 .