D. Sumpter


S. Pratt, D. Sumpter, 2006, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

D. Sumpter, 2006, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

Eamonn B. Mallon, S. Pratt, D. Sumpter, 2002, Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences.

D. Sumpter, 2010 .

Joseph J. Hale, D. Sumpter, I. Couzin, 2006, Science.

D. Sumpter, M. Beekman, 2003, Animal Behaviour.

D. Sumpter, A. Perna, J. Herbert-Read, 2011, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

S. Pratt, D. Sumpter, R. Mann, 2013, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Paul J. B. Hart, D. Sumpter, I. Couzin, 2008, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

D. Sumpter, F. Ratnieks, M. Beekman, 2001, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

D. Sumpter, J. Buhl, E. R. Miller, 2008, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.

Eamonn B. Mallon, S. Pratt, D. Sumpter, 2002, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.

D. Sumpter, J. Herbert-Read, A. Ward, 2011, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

D. Sumpter, 2009, Current Biology.

Christian A. Yates, D. Sumpter, I. Couzin, 2009, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

D. Sumpter, A. Dussutour, M. Beekman, 2009, Journal of Experimental Biology.

D. Sumpter, J. Krause, A. Ward, 2012, PloS one.

Boris Granovskiy, David J. T. Sumpter, Tanya Latty, 2012 .

D. Sumpter, M. Beekman, C. Reid, 2011, Journal of Experimental Biology.

S. Pratt, D. Sumpter, Stephen C. Pratt, 2009, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

S. Pratt, D. Sumpter, N. Franks, 2005, Animal Behaviour.

D. Sumpter, D. Biro, T. Guilford, 2006, Current Biology.

D. Sumpter, I. Couzin, J. Krause, 2008, Current Biology.

D. Sumpter, S. C. Nicolis, T. Latty, 2011, PloS one.

D. Sumpter, A. Dussutour, Q. Ma, 2019, Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

D. Sumpter, A. Pérez-Escudero, A. Dussutour, 2015, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

D. Sumpter, S. C. Nicolis, Natalia Zabzina, 2012 .

D. Sumpter, J. Herbert-Read, J. E. Herbert-Read, 2015, Biology Letters.

D. Sumpter, J. E. Herbert-Read, Maksym Romenskyy, 2015 .

D. Sumpter, C. Ioannou, J. Krause, 2017, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

D. Sumpter, T. Latty, E. van Wilgenburg, 2015, Journal of The Royal Society Interface.

D. Sumpter, P. Hedström, K. Jansson, 2018 .

D. Sumpter, R. Mann, V. Spaiser, 2015, PloS one.

D. Sumpter, R. Mann, V. Spaiser, 2014, PloS one.

D. Sumpter, J. Krause, J. Faria, 2013, Journal of The Royal Society Interface.

S. Pratt, D. Sumpter, 2003, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.

D. Sumpter, J. Herbert-Read, T. Schaerf, 2017, Royal Society Open Science.

D. Sumpter, L. Keller, L. Lehmann, 2007, Journal of evolutionary biology.

David J. T. Sumpter, D. Sumpter, Yu Liu, 2018, bioRxiv.

D. Sumpter, Å. Brännström, A Brännström, 2006, Theoretical population biology.

David J. T. Sumpter, Eunice W. Mureithi, D. Sumpter, 2015, PloS one.

Viktoria Spaiser, Richard P. Mann, David J. T. Sumpter, 2014, PloS one.

D. Sumpter, A. Johansson, D J T Sumpter, 2003, Theoretical population biology.

D. Sumpter, J. Herbert-Read, R. Mann, 2014, Journal of The Royal Society Interface.

David J. T. Sumpter, Madeleine Beekman, D. Sumpter, 2007, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.

D. Sumpter, K. Pelckmans, J. Herbert-Read, 2018, Animal Behaviour.

D. Sumpter, A. Szorkovszky, W. Levens, 2021, 2112.11001.

D. Sumpter, Abeba Birhane, A. Birhane, 2022, HHAI.

D. Sumpter, K. Pelckmans, A. Kotrschal, 2016, 1602.05833.

Natasha I. Bloch, D. Sumpter, J. Mank, 2020, Science Advances.

Sam P. Brown, Daniel M. Cornforth, D. Sumpter, 2015 .

D. Sumpter, M. Lihoreau, J. Buhl, 2016, Journal of Experimental Biology.

D. Sumpter, J. Herbert-Read, A. Ward, 2015, 1508.07708.

D. Sumpter, A. Szorkovszky, W. Levens, 2021, Royal Society Open Science.

Sam P. Brown, Daniel M. Cornforth, D. Sumpter, 2018 .

David J. T. Sumpter, Dora Biro, Andrea Perna, 2013, Journal of The Royal Society Interface.

Åke Brännström, David J. T. Sumpter, Sam P. Brown, 2012, The American Naturalist.

D S Broomhead, D. Broomhead, D. Sumpter, 2001, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences.

Martin Middendorf, Kai Ramsch, David J T Sumpter, 2012, Journal of theoretical biology.

D. Sumpter, A. Birhane, Linn'ea Gyllingberg, 2023, ArXiv.

Åke Brännström, David J. T. Sumpter, D. Sumpter, 2008 .

D. Sumpter, J. Krause, J. Herbert-Read, 2001, Veterinary Record.

David J. T. Sumpter, Guy Theraulaz, Simon Garnier, 2012, PLoS Comput. Biol..

D. Sumpter, A. Szorkovszky, Linnéa Gyllingberg, 2023, Journal of the Royal Society Interface.

David J. T. Sumpter, Stamatios C. Nicolis, Audrey Dussutour, 2014, PLoS Comput. Biol..

E Altshuler, D. Sumpter, S. C. Nicolis, 2013, Physical review letters.

David J. T. Sumpter, Livingstone S. Luboobi, Betty Nannyonga, 2012, PloS one.

Andrew J. King, Stephen Hailes, Alan M. Wilson, 2014, Journal of The Royal Society Interface.

Viktoria Spaiser, David J. T. Sumpter, D. Sumpter, 2016, J. Artif. Soc. Soc. Simul..

D. Sumpter, Å. Brännström, Å Brännström, 2005, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

Viktoria Spaiser, Stamatios C. Nicolis, Shyam Ranganathan, 2015, Big Data.

David J. T. Sumpter, Iain D. Couzin, Jérôme Buhl, 2008, Theory in Biosciences.

David J. T. Sumpter, Stamatios C. Nicolis, D. Sumpter, 2011, Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos.

Qi Ma, David J T Sumpter, D. Sumpter, 2011, Journal of theoretical biology.

Simon Garnier, Joseph J. Hale, Alex Kacelnik, 2012, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

David J. T. Sumpter, Robert L. Goldstone, Jason M. Gold, 2015, Top. Cogn. Sci..

Toshiyuki Nakagaki, Anders Johansson, David J. T. Sumpter, 2013, Journal of The Royal Society Interface.

D. Sumpter, Abeba Birhane, Linnéa Gyllingberg, 2023, Mathematical biosciences.

David J. T. Sumpter, James E. Herbert-Read, Feng Hu, 2014, Royal Society Open Science.

D. Sumpter, J. Herbert-Read, R. Mann, 2015, Journal of Experimental Biology.

Shyam Ranganathan, David J T Sumpter, Stamatios C Nicolis, 2017, PloS one.

D. Sumpter, Å. Brännström, A Brännström, 2005, Bulletin of mathematical biology.

Arianna Bottinelli, D. Sumpter, J. Silverberg, 2016, Physical review letters.

D S Broomhead, D. Broomhead, D. Sumpter, 2000, Journal of theoretical biology.

D. Sumpter, AAke Brannstrom, Linnéa Gyllingberg, 2023, Mathematical biosciences.

D. Sumpter, J. Krause, R. James, 2013, The American Naturalist.

Toshiyuki Nakagaki, Martin Middendorf, Kentaro Ito, 2011, Journal of The Royal Society Interface.

Marta B Manser, David J T Sumpter, D. Sumpter, 2011, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

David J.T. Sumpter, D. Sumpter, Ian A.N. Dublon, 2014, Current Biology.

David J. T. Sumpter, Shyam Ranganathan, Ranjula Bali Swain, 2015, Palgrave Communications.

David J. T. Sumpter, Betty Nannyonga, D. Sumpter, 2017, PloS one.

David J. T. Sumpter, Shyam Ranganathan, Ranjula Bali Swain, 2014 .

David J. T. Sumpter, Ranjula Bali Swain, D. Sumpter, 2015 .

D. Sumpter, 2010 .

David J. T. Sumpter, Michael Griesser, D. Sumpter, 2011, PloS one.

David J. T. Sumpter, James E. Herbert-Read, Mary R. Myerscough, 2016, 1601.08202.

D J Sumpter, G B Blanchard, D S Broomhead, 2001, Bulletin of mathematical biology.

David J. T. Sumpter, Lovisa Sumpter, Olof Nilsson, 2015, EPJ Data Science.

David J. T. Sumpter, James E. Herbert-Read, Alex Szorkovszky, 2018, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

Viktoria Spaiser, David J. T. Sumpter, Shyam Ranganathan, 2018, SIMULTECH.

David J. T. Sumpter, Richard P. Mann, Björn R. H. Blomqvist, 2019, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A.

Andrea Perna, Richard P. Mann, David J. T. Sumpter, 2012, Interface Focus.

Roman Garnett, David J. T. Sumpter, Richard P. Mann, 2012, PLoS Comput. Biol..

David J. T. Sumpter, Daniel Strömbom, Jinha Park, 2015 .

Andrea Perna, David J. T. Sumpter, Arianna Bottinelli, 2013 .

D. Sumpter, Abeba Birhane, Linnéa Gyllingberg, 2022 .

D. Sumpter, J. Herbert-Read, D. Strömbom, 2012, PLoS Comput. Biol..