R. Delanoy


R. Delanoy, J. Verly, D. Dudgeon, 1993 .

R. Delanoy, M. Wolfson, B. Forman, 1994 .

R. Delanoy, S. Troxel, 1993 .

Richard L. Delanoy, Seth W. Troxel, R. Delanoy, 1994, Defense, Security, and Sensing.

Jacques G. Verly, Richard L. Delanoy, R. Delanoy, 1993, IEEE Trans. Image Process..

R. Delanoy, P. E. Gold, D. Tucci, 1983, Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior.

Jacques Verly, Richard L. Delanoy, R. Delanoy, 1996 .

R. Delanoy, A. Dunn, Suzanne Steelman, 1980, Journal of neuroscience research.

R. Delanoy, P. E. Gold, N. Roberson, 1985, Behavioral and neural biology.

Jacques Verly, Richard L. Delanoy, Brian D. Williams, 1992 .

S. W. Troxel, R. L. Delanoy, R. Delanoy, 1993, The Record of the 1993 IEEE National Radar Conference.