A. Forsgren


Anders Forsgren, Philip E. Gill, Margaret H. Wright, 2002, SIAM Rev..

Anders Forsgren, Philip E. Gill, P. Gill, 1998, SIAM J. Optim..

Anders Forsgren, Philip E. Gill, Walter Murray, 1995, SIAM J. Sci. Comput..

Anders Forsgren, Philip E. Gill, Elizabeth Wong, 2015, Mathematical Programming.

Anders Forsgren, Walter Murray, W. Murray, 1997, SIAM J. Optim..

Anders Forsgren, Philip E. Gill, Joshua D. Griffin, 2007, SIAM J. Optim..

Joseph R. Shinnerl, Anders Forsgren, Philip E. Gill, 1996, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl..

P. Gill, A. Forsgren, Elizabeth Wong, 2015 .

A. Forsgren, Erika Hagrot, H. A. Oddsdóttir, 2018, Metabolic engineering communications.

A. Forsgren, Erika Hagrot, H. A. Oddsdóttir, 2016, Mathematical biosciences.

A. Forsgren, Erika Hagrot, Véronique Chotteau, 2015, 1503.03459.

A. Forsgren, T. Odland, Tove Odland, 2015, Comput. Optim. Appl..

A. Forsgren, Erika Hagrot, H. A. Oddsdóttir, 2014, Journal of Mathematical Biology.

Anders Forsgren, J. Karlsson, Kjell Eriksson, 2017 .

A. Forsgren, Tove Odland, 2014, Computational Optimization and Applications.

Anders Forsgren, Björn Hårdemark, Albin Fredriksson, 2011, Medical physics.

Anders Forsgren, Rasmus Bokrantz, A. Forsgren, 2013, INFORMS J. Comput..

Anders Forsgren, A. Forsgren, 2000, Math. Program..

Anders Forsgren, Göran Sporre, A. Forsgren, 2001, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl..

A. Forsgren, K. Eriksson, M. Boeck, 2018, Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express.

Kjell Eriksson, Anders Forsgren, Björn Hårdemark, 2016, Medical physics.

Anders Forsgren, Margaret H. Wright, M. H. Wright, 2014, 1407.1240.

P. Gill, A. Forsgren, Elizabeth Wong, 2015, Math. Program..

A. Forsgren, Anders Forsgren, Tove Odland, 2017, Computational Optimization and Applications.

Anders Forsgren, Tove Odland, A. Forsgren, 2014, Comput. Optim. Appl..

Anders Forsgren, A. Forsgren, 2005, System Modelling and Optimization.

Anders Forsgren, Fredrik Carlsson, A. Forsgren, 2005, Medical physics.

A. Forsgren, M. Prytz, 2006, Handbook of Optimization in Telecommunications.