M. Benzi


Michele Benzi, Miroslav Tuma, Carl Dean Meyer, 1996, SIAM J. Sci. Comput..

Michele Benzi, Eldad Haber, Lauren Taralli, 2011, Adv. Comput. Math..

Michele Benzi, Ernesto Estrada, Ernesto Estrada, 2014, Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics.

Ernesto Estrada, M. Benzi, 2010 .

M. Benzi, F. Beik, 2019, Structured Matrices in Numerical Linear Algebra.

M. Benzi, Ru Huang, 2019, Special Matrices.

Michele Benzi, Fatemeh Panjeh Ali Beik, M. Benzi, 2018, Calcolo.

Rosanna Grassi, Gian Paolo Clemente, Michele Benzi, 2019, SIAM J. Financial Math..

M. Benzi, Paola Boito, P. Boito, 2013, 1307.7119.

M. Benzi, Jim Nagz, 2000 .

Michele Benzi, Ernesto Estrada, Ernesto Estrada, 2015, ArXiv.

Maxim A. Olshanskii, Michele Benzi, Leo G. Rebholz, 2012 .

Michele Benzi, Valeria Simoncini, M. Benzi, 2015, 1501.07376.

Michele Benzi, Miroslav Tůma, M. Benzi, 1998 .

M. Benzi, Verena Kuhlemann, 2012 .

M. Benzi, Paraskevi Fika, M. Mitrouli, 2019, Linear Algebra and its Applications.

M. Benzi, C. Cappelli, Tommaso Giovannini, 2021, The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces.

Daniel Kressner, Michele Benzi, Valeria Simoncini, 2016 .

M. Benzi, C. Cappelli, Tommaso Giovannini, 2021, The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces.

Laura Zanetti Polzi, M. Benzi, I. Daidone, 2022, J. Complex Networks.

Michael K. Ng, Michele Benzi, M. Ng, 2005, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl..

Michele Benzi, Enrico Facca, M. Benzi, 2020, SIAM J. Sci. Comput..

Michele Benzi, Ernesto Estrada, Ernesto Estrada, 2014, ArXiv.

Michele Benzi, Paola Boito, Nader Razouk, 2012, SIAM Rev..

Michele Benzi, Nader Razouk, M. Benzi, 2007, Appl. Math. Lett..

Fang Chen, Michele Benzi, Zhong-Zhi Bai, 2011, Numerical Algorithms.

Fang Chen, Michele Benzi, Zhong-Zhi Bai, 2010, Computing.

Michele Benzi, Ernesto Estrada, Naomichi Hatano, 2011, ArXiv.

Michele Benzi, Ernesto Estrada, Christine Klymko, 2006 .

Michele Benzi, Christine Klymko, M. Benzi, 2013, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl..

Michele Benzi, Christine Klymko, M. Benzi, 2013, J. Complex Networks.

Gene H. Golub, Michele Benzi, Jörg Liesen, 2005, Acta Numerica.

Maxim A. Olshanskii, Michele Benzi, M. Benzi, 2006, SIAM J. Sci. Comput..

Michele Benzi, Miroslav Tuma, M. Benzi, 1998, SIAM J. Sci. Comput..

Michele Benzi, Steven P. Hamilton, M. Benzi, 2011 .

Michele Benzi, Valeria Simoncini, M. Benzi, 2015, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl..

Raymond H. Chan, A. C. Damhaug, Dimitri Breda, 2005 .

Michele Benzi, Michele Rinelli, M. Benzi, 2021, Linear Algebra and its Applications.

Michele Benzi, Christine Klymko, M. Benzi, 2013, ArXiv.

Michele Benzi, John C. Haws, Miroslav Tuma, 2000, SIAM J. Sci. Comput..

Gene H. Golub, Michele Benzi, G. Golub, 2004, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl..

Michele Benzi, Valeria Simoncini, M. Benzi, 2006, Numerische Mathematik.

Michele Benzi, Daniel B. Szyld, Andreas Frommer, 2001, Numerische Mathematik.

Michele Benzi, Carl Dean Meyer, C. D. Meyer, 1995, SIAM J. Sci. Comput..

Michele Benzi, Daniel B. Szyld, Arno C. N. van Duin, 1999, SIAM J. Sci. Comput..

Eugene Agichtein, Michele Benzi, Yu Wang, 2012, KDD.

Daniele Bertaccini, Fabio Durastante, Michele Benzi, 2019, J. Complex Networks.

Michele Benzi, Miroslav Tuma, Jane Cullum, 2000, SIAM J. Sci. Comput..

Michele Benzi, Miroslav Tuma, M. Benzi, 1999, SIAM J. Sci. Comput..

M. Benzi, I. Daidone, Chiara Faccio, 2022, Journal of Molecular Liquids.

Michele Benzi, Howard H. Chang, Isabel Chen, 2016, J. Complex Networks.

Michele Benzi, Steven P. Hamilton, M. Benzi, 2009 .

M. Benzi, M. Tuma, 2003, Numer. Linear Algebra Appl..

Michele Benzi, Christine Klymko, M. Benzi, 2013 .

Michele Benzi, Fatemeh Panjeh Ali Beik, M. Benzi, 2018, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl..

Michele Benzi, Valeria Simoncini, M. Benzi, 2015, Numerische Mathematik.

Michele Benzi, Paola Boito, M. Benzi, 2020, GAMM-Mitteilungen.

Guillaume Alléon, Michele Benzi, Luc Giraud, 1997, Numerical Algorithms.

Michele Benzi, M. Benzi, Margherita Benzi, 2007 .

Michele Benzi, Reijo Kouhia, Miroslav Tůma, 1998 .

Michele Benzi, Mitchell D. Smooke, M. Benzi, 2007 .

Michele Benzi, Nikita Deniskin, M. Benzi, 2021, Journal of Combinatorics.

Michele Benzi, Fatemeh Panjeh Ali Beik, Sayyed – Hasan Azizi Chaparpordi, 2017, J. Comput. Appl. Math..

Bora Uçar, Michele Benzi, B. Uçar, 2017, Comput. Methods Appl. Math..

Michele Benzi, Caterina Fenu, Francesca Arrigo, 2015, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl..

Michele Benzi, Francesca Arrigo, M. Benzi, 2015, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl..

Michele Benzi, Francesca Arrigo, M. Benzi, 2014, SIAM J. Sci. Comput..

M. Benzi, M. Viviani, 2021, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics.

Michele Benzi, Eldad Haber, Lauren Taralli, 2009, SIAM J. Sci. Comput..

Michele Benzi, Igor Simunec, M. Benzi, 2020, BIT Numerical Mathematics.

M. Benzi, M. Tuma, 2003, Numer. Linear Algebra Appl..

Michele Benzi, Miroslav Tuma, M. Benzi, 2003, SIAM J. Sci. Comput..

Maxim A. Olshanskii, Michele Benzi, M. Benzi, 2008, SIAM J. Sci. Comput..

Daniele Bertaccini, Michele Benzi, M. Benzi, 2003 .

M. Benzi, 2020, Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana.

Michele Benzi, Thomas M. Evans, Steven P. Hamilton, 2017, Numer. Linear Algebra Appl..

Michele Benzi, M. Benzi, 2009, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl..

Michele Benzi, M. Benzi, 2014 .

Michele Benzi, Valeria Simoncini, M. Benzi, 2005, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl..

Bora Uçar, Michele Benzi, B. Uçar, 2006 .

Michele Benzi, Tuğrul Dayar, M. Benzi, 1995, Parallel Algorithms Appl..

Michele Benzi, Ernesto Estrada, Ernesto Estrada, 2017, Discret. Appl. Math..

VALERIA SIMONCINI, Ernesto Estrada, M. Benzi, 2006 .

Daniele Bertaccini, Fabio Durastante, Michele Benzi, 2019, ArXiv.