M. Desjarlais


S. Bajt, J. Hajdu, M. Desjarlais, 2020, Physical review letters.

M. Desjarlais, S. Hansen, L. Shulenburger, 2015, Physical review letters.

M. Desjarlais, F. Graziani, R. Redmer, 2014 .

J. Kress, M. Desjarlais, S. Hansen, 2020, 2007.00744.

J. Kress, M. Desjarlais, L. Collins, 2002, Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics.

M. Desjarlais, T. Mattsson, R. Redmer, 2008, Physical review letters.

N. A. Krall, M. Desjarlais, T. Mehlhorn, 1994 .

H. L. Hanshaw, N. W. Moore, G. Loisel, 2020, Physics of Plasmas.

M. Desjarlais, M. Knudson, 2009, Physical review letters.

M. Desjarlais, R. Lemke, D. Dolan, 2015, Physical review letters.

M. Desjarlais, M. Cuneo, E. Waisman, 2019, Physical Review Accelerators and Beams.

Gilbert W. Collins, M. Desjarlais, T. Boehly, 2019, Physical review letters.

M. Desjarlais, R. Clay, L. Shulenburger, 2019, Physical Review B.

H. L. Hanshaw, M. Desjarlais, C. Jennings, 2009, Physical review letters.

M. Desjarlais, W. Stygar, R. Spielman, 1999, Digest of Technical Papers. 12th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference. (Cat. No.99CH36358).

M. Desjarlais, S. Hansen, R. Lemke, 2012 .

M. Desjarlais, R. Redmer, M. French, 2016, Physical review. E.

M. Desjarlais, M. Knudson, A. Becker, 2018 .

M. Desjarlais, T. Mattsson, R. Redmer, 2007, Physical review letters.

M. Desjarlais, R. Lemke, M. Knudson, 2011, Physical review letters.

N. H. Magee, J. Kress, M. Desjarlais, 2005, Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics.

M. Desjarlais, T. Awe, T. Mehlhorn, 2008, Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics.

M. Desjarlais, R. Lemke, M. Knudson, 2001 .

M. Desjarlais, R. Spielman, T. Nash, 1998, 12th International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams. BEAMS'98. Proceedings (Cat. No.98EX103).

M. Desjarlais, D. Neely, C. Wahlström, 2013, Physical review letters.

M. Desjarlais, R. Redmer, G. Röpke, 2022, Physical review. E.

M. Desjarlais, K. Cochrane, S. Rosenthal, 2001, PPPS-2001 Pulsed Power Plasma Science 2001. 28th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science and 13th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference. Digest of Papers (Cat. No.01CH37251).

M. Desjarlais, T. Mattsson, R. Redmer, 2007, Physical review letters.

M. Desjarlais, A. Thompson, M. Marinica, 2021, npj Computational Materials.

N. A. Krall, D. J. Johnson, L. P. Mix, 1989, 1990 8th International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams.

H. J. Lee, M. Desjarlais, S. Glenzer, 2012 .

M. Desjarlais, A. Thompson, M. Marinica, 2021, npj Computational Materials.

M. Desjarlais, A. Porwitzky, C. Seagle, 2020 .

M. Desjarlais, M. Knudson, C. A. McCoy, 2019, Physical Review B.

M. Desjarlais, W. Stygar, R. Spielman, 1999, Digest of Technical Papers. 12th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference. (Cat. No.99CH36358).

M. Desjarlais, M. Tuszewski, W. Waganaar, 1995 .

L. P. Mix, M. Desjarlais, S. Slutz, 1989, Proceedings of the 1989 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, . 'Accelerator Science and Technology.

Gilbert W. Collins, J. R. Rygg, M. Desjarlais, 2017, Science.

M. Desjarlais, J. Wark, S. Vinko, 2018, Physical review. E.

William A. Stygar, T. A. Mehlhorn, Michael Edward Cuneo, 2008 .

M. Desjarlais, L. Stixrude, R. Scipioni, 2017, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

M. Desjarlais, M. Tuszewski, W. Waganaar, 1993 .

M. Desjarlais, S. Glenzer, R. Redmer, 2015, Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics.

Michael P. Desjarlais, Ronald Redmer, M. Desjarlais, 2007, 0710.1006.

M. Desjarlais, 1989, IEEE 1989 International Conference on Plasma Science.

M. Desjarlais, S. Slutz, M. Cuneo, 1995, Digest of Technical Papers. Tenth IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference.

B. M. Marder, Michael P. Desjarlais, M. Desjarlais, 1999 .

J. J. Ramirez, K. B. Coachman, G. O. Allshouse, 1989 .

J. J. Ramirez, M. J. Clauser, G. O. Allshouse, 1990, 1990 8th International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams.

M. Desjarlais, S. Slutz, M. Cuneo, 1996, Proceedings of 17th International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum.

M. Desjarlais, W. Stygar, R. Kensek, 1989, 7th Pulsed Power Conference.

M. Desjarlais, S. Slutz, T. Hussey, 1989, 7th Pulsed Power Conference.

D. J. Johnson, M. Desjarlais, S. Slutz, 1996 .

M. Desjarlais, T. Pointon, 1992, 1992 9th International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams.

D. J. Johnson, L. P. Mix, R. G. Adams, 2008 .

S. F. Glover, D. B. Sinars, L. X. Schneider, 2010, 2010 IEEE International Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference.

S. Bajt, J. Hajdu, M. Desjarlais, 2020, Physical review letters.

M. Desjarlais, R. Lee, J. Wark, 2009 .

J. Kress, M. Desjarlais, S. Crockett, 2014, Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics.

M. Desjarlais, L. Stixrude, R. Scipioni, 2020, Nature Communications.

M. Desjarlais, D. Neely, C. Wahlström, 2014, Physical review letters.

M. Desjarlais, T. Kotani, M. Schilfgaarde, 2006 .

J. Kress, M. Desjarlais, S. Mazevet, 2005, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science.

J. M. Mack, R. S. Craxton, F. M. Munteanu, 2022, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS).

Thomas A. Haill, Kyle Robert Cochrane, Michael P. Desjarlais, 2006 .

Gilbert W. Collins, J. R. Rygg, M. Desjarlais, 2022, Science.

M. Desjarlais, L. Stixrude, R. Scipioni, 2017, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

M. Desjarlais, L. Stixrude, R. Scipioni, 2020, Nature Communications.

M. Desjarlais, T. Awe, I. Lindemuth, 2007, 2007 16th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference.

Raymond W. Lemke, Roger A. Vesey, Michael E. Cuneo, 2006, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Megagauss Magnetic Field Generation and Related Topics.

J. M. Mack, F. M. Munteanu, J. R. Rygg, 2024, Physical review letters.