Y. Pawitan


Y. Pawitan, 2001 .

Y. Pawitan, C. Ku, E. Loy, 2010, Journal of Human Genetics.

P. Hall, Y. Pawitan, J. Bergh, 2005, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

Y. Pawitan, A. Gusnanto, S. Calza, 2007, Current opinion in lipidology.

Woojoo Lee, Youngjo Lee, Yudi Pawitan, 2010, BMC Bioinformatics.

K. Czene, Y. Pawitan, F. Grassmann, 2020, Scientific Reports.

M. Gerstein, T. Golub, P. Kantoff, 2010, BMC Medical Genomics.

T. Golub, P. Kantoff, M. Rubin, 2008, Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

Y. Pawitan, S. Calza, T. Vu, 2018, BMC Genomics.

Youngjo Lee, Y. Pawitan, 2020, Karl Popper's Science and Philosophy.

Y. Pawitan, P. Lichtenstein, S. Cnattingius, 2004, American journal of medical genetics. Part A.

Yudi Pawitan, Steven A. Eschrich, William J. Fulp, 2012, Clinical Cancer Research.

Yudi Pawitan, Mark Clements, Xing-Rong Liu, 2018, Statistical methods in medical research.

Youngjo Lee, Yudi Pawitan, Zheng Ning, 2017, American journal of human genetics.

Yudi Pawitan, Stefano Calza, Wolfgang Raffelsberger, 2007, Nucleic acids research.

Y. Pawitan, S. Calza, Suo-Bin Chen, 2017 .

Michael W. Weiner, Robert C. Green, Yen-Jen Oyang, 2016, Alzheimer's & Dementia.

Yudi Pawitan, Y. Pawitan, C. Ku, 2011, Human Genetics.

Yudi Pawitan, Finbarr O'Sullivan, F. O’Sullivan, 1993 .

Y. Pawitan, K. Chia, S. Calza, 2010, RNA: A publication of the RNA Society.

Y. Pawitan, D. Cooper, C. Ku, 2012, Expert review of molecular diagnostics.

Yudi Pawitan, Marie Reilly, Sven Sandin, 2009, American journal of epidemiology.

Thierry Soussi, Shunsuke Kato, Yudi Pawitan, 2008, Cancer biology & therapy.

Y. Pawitan, J. Ludvigsson, Bjorn Roelstraete, 2021, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis & frontotemporal degeneration.

A S Azari, R H Shumway, Y Pawitan, 1988, Environmental research.

L. Eriksson, K. Czene, P. Hall, 2019, Breast Cancer Research.

Y. Pawitan, Donghwan Lee, Woojoo Lee, 2015, Statistical applications in genetics and molecular biology.

Douglas G. Scofield, Y. Pawitan, D. Scofield, 2018, Molecular ecology resources.

K. Czene, Y. Pawitan, P. Lichtenstein, 2007, Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention.

Anbupalam Thalamuthu, Agus Salim, Teo Shu Mei, 2011, Bioinform..

Y. Pawitan, L. Skoog, U. Harmenberg, 2014, Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Disease.

Y. Pawitan, M. Hartman, C. Ku, 2010 .

Ku Chee Seng, Y. Pawitan, P. Magnusson, 2009, PloS one.

L. Eriksson, K. Czene, P. Hall, 2019, Breast Cancer Research.

T. Assimes, A. Reiner, E. Zeggini, 2022, Circulation.

Y. Pawitan, S. Cnattingius, B. Yip, 2009, Behavior genetics.

Y. Pawitan, F. Piehl, H. Larsson, 2020, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis & frontotemporal degeneration.

Y. Pawitan, A. Alexeyenko, P. Dessen, 2015, BioMed research international.

K. Czene, Y. Pawitan, F. Jonsson, 2013, British Journal of Cancer.

John A. Nelder, Youngjo Lee, Yudi Pawitan, 2006 .

Y. Pawitan, C. Ku, K. Chia, 2009 .

A. Sjölander, Y. Pawitan, Woojoo Lee, 2016, Genetic Epidemiology.

Youngjo Lee, Y. Pawitan, Donghwan Lee, 2011 .

L. Eriksson, K. Czene, P. Hall, 2019, Breast Cancer Research.

Y. Pawitan, G. Edgren, E. Baecklund, 2011, American journal of transplantation : official journal of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons.

D. Strachan, J. Hirschhorn, Y. Pawitan, 2015, Human molecular genetics.

Y. Pawitan, T. Vu, Wenjiang Deng, 2022, NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics.

Y. Pawitan, H. Kennedy, S. Goldstein, 1995, Circulation.

K. Czene, Y. Pawitan, G. Auer, 2017, Scientific Reports.

Y. Pawitan, James F. Wilson, Xia Shen, 2022, Human molecular genetics.

Y. Pawitan, A. Ploner, Egil Ferkingstad, 2015 .

Y. Pawitan, E. Liu, V. Vega, 1994, The Lancet.

Y. Pawitan, Xia Shen, Zheng Ning, 2015, 1504.06006.

Y. Pawitan, F. Piehl, K. Samuelsson, 2022, Nature Communications.

Y. Pawitan, C. Ku, K. Chia, 2012, Journal of Human Genetics.

Kathryn Roeder, Ann B. Lee, Stephan Ripke, 2014, Nature Genetics.

Yudi Pawitan, Stefano Calza, Per Hall, 2006, Breast Cancer Research.

Y. Pawitan, D. Cooper, C. Ku, 2012, Expert review of molecular diagnostics.

Hemant Ishwaran, Taewon Yoon, Yudi Pawitan, 2008, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Y. Pawitan, A. Alexeyenko, P. Dessen, 2012, BMC Bioinformatics.

Pierre Validire, Philippe Dessen, Joakim Lundeberg, 2013, BMC Medical Genomics.

Andrey Alexeyenko, Philippe Dessen, Woojoo Lee, 2012, BMC Bioinformatics.

Karuturi R. Krishna Murthy, Yudi Pawitan, Stefan Michiels, 2005, Bioinform..

Yudi Pawitan, Stefan Michiels, Serge Koscielny, 2005, Bioinform..

Alexander K. Grishenko, Y. Pawitan, C. Haley, 2021, Frontiers in Genetics.

Y. Pawitan, M. Hartman, C. Ku, 2010 .

Y. Pawitan, P. Lichtenstein, B. D’Onofrio, 2012, Development and Psychopathology.

Jennifer R. Rider, M. Loda, Y. Pawitan, 2015, Carcinogenesis.

Krishna R. Kalari, Quin F. Wills, Mattias Rantalainen, 2016, Bioinform..

Yudi Pawitan, Anders Zetterberg, Gert Auer, 2004, Cancer Research.

Y. Pawitan, P. Magnusson, C. Ku, 2010 .

Tanya M. Teslovich, Ross M. Fraser, Brendan P. Zietsch, 2017, Nature Human Behaviour.

Y. Teo, Y. Pawitan, X. Sim, 2010, Human mutation.

Yudi Pawitan, Stefano Calza, Davide Valentini, 2008, BMC Bioinformatics.

P. Kantoff, L. Holmberg, M. Rubin, 2008, Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention.

P. Kantoff, L. Holmberg, M. Rubin, 2008, Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention.

Chuen Seng Tan, Agus Salim, Yudi Pawitan, 2009, BMC Bioinformatics.

T. Golub, M. Loda, P. Kantoff, 2011, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

Y. Pawitan, J. Lindberg, T. Vu, 2022, Frontiers in Genetics.

Agus Salim, Jian Huang, Yudi Pawitan, 2009, Statistics in medicine.

Youngjo Lee, Y. Pawitan, S. Calza, 2019, Scientific Reports.

Donghwan Lee, Yudi Pawitan, Andrea Ganna, 2016, Statistics in medicine.

Y. Pawitan, C. Ku, N. Naidoo, 2010, Human Genetics.

Y. Pawitan, H. Grönberg, Jianfeng Xu, 2013, Human mutation.

Yudi Pawitan, Stefano Calza, Alexander Ploner, 2007, BMC Bioinformatics.

Y. Pawitan, Donghwan Lee, Woojoo Lee, 2022, Statistics in medicine.

K. Czene, Y. Pawitan, G. Auer, 2017, Scientific Reports.

Agus Salim, Yudi Pawitan, Kee Seng Chia, 2010, Journal of Human Genetics.

Y Pawitan, F Huang, J Bjöhle, 2004, Statistics in medicine.

Woojoo Lee, Y Pawitan, A Gusnanto, 2012, Statistics in medicine.

Yudi Pawitan, Y. Pawitan, S. Self, 1993 .

Y. Pawitan, P. Magnusson, G. Edgren, 2021, Journal of Internal Medicine.

Krishna R. Kalari, Ha-Nam Nguyen, Trung Nghia Vu, 2019, Bioinform..

Krishna R. Kalari, Quin F. Wills, Mattias Rantalainen, 2016, bioRxiv.

Yudi Pawitan, Stefano Calza, Barbara Mascialino, 2008, Bioinform..

Yudi Pawitan, Stefano Calza, Arief Gusnanto, 2006, Bioinform..

Y. Pawitan, C. Ku, K. Chia, 2011, Journal of Human Genetics.

Y. Teo, Y. Pawitan, X. Sim, 2011, Journal of Human Genetics.

Amir K. Foroushani, Yuanfang Guan, Jaewoo Kang, 2019, Nature Communications.

A. Sjölander, Y. Pawitan, H. Källberg, 2014, Biometrics.

P. Hall, Y. Pawitan, J. Bergh, 2006, Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention.

Yudi Pawitan, Marie Reilly, Sven Cnattingius, 2006, American journal of obstetrics and gynecology.

P. Hall, Y. Pawitan, E. Liu, 2005, Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology.

Y. Pawitan, M. Rantalainen, S. Lehmann, 2023, npj Precision Oncology.

Y. Pawitan, S. Calza, T. Vu, 2018, BMC Genomics.

Y. Pawitan, B. Gersh, J. W. Kennedy, 1991, Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

Y. Pawitan, I. Wiklund, S. Shumaker, 1992, Quality of Life Research.

Youngjo Lee, Yudi Pawitan, Youngjo Lee, 2021, 2110.15012.

A. Sjölander, Y. Pawitan, P. Magnusson, 2019, Human Genetics.

Andreas Quandt, Chuen Seng Tan, Yudi Pawitan, 2005, CompLife.

Yudi Pawitan, Peter Nilsson, Woojoo Lee, 2016, Journal of proteome research.

Youngjo Lee, Yudi Pawitan, Youngjo Lee, 2017 .

K. Czene, P. Hall, Y. Pawitan, 2017, Breast Cancer Research.

A. Sjölander, Y. Pawitan, E. Dahlqwist, 2019, Statistical methods in medical research.

Y. Pawitan, H. Larsson, F. Fang, 2019, European journal of neurology.

K. Czene, P. Hall, Y. Pawitan, 2017, Breast Cancer Research.

Yudi Pawitan, Ornulf Borgan, Tron Anders Moger, 2008, Statistics in medicine.

Y Pawitan, M Reilly, E Nilsson, 2004, Statistics in medicine.

A. Sjölander, Y. Pawitan, Woojoo Lee, 2014, European Journal of Epidemiology.

A L Waldo, Y Pawitan, Y. Pawitan, 1991, Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

Y. Pawitan, I. Wiklund, J. Verter, 1993, The American journal of cardiology.

S. Vansteelandt, A. Sjölander, Y. Pawitan, 2016, Biostatistics.

Youngjo Lee, Yudi Pawitan, Il Do Ha, 2007, Behavior genetics.

Yudi Pawitan, Xing-Rong Liu, Y. Pawitan, 2017, Statistics in medicine.

Yudi Pawitan, Y. Pawitan, 2021, 2107.02522.

Youngjo Lee, Yudi Pawitan, Hangbin Lee, 2021, 2104.14712.

K. Czene, Y. Pawitan, B. Yip, 2006, International journal of epidemiology.

Youngjo Lee, Y. Pawitan, 2021, Statistical Science.

Y. Pawitan, N. Pedersen, M. Gatz, 2005, Annals of neurology.

Y. Pawitan, J. Carrero, M. Evans, 2020, European journal of neurology.

A. Sjölander, Y. Pawitan, P. Magnusson, 2019, Human Genetics.

Y. Pawitan, Xia Shen, Zheng Ning, 2022, Frontiers in Genetics.

Y. Pawitan, O. Kallioniemi, B. Seashore-Ludlow, 2021, American journal of hematology.

Setia Pramana, Biobele J. Brown, Yudi Pawitan, 2014, PLoS pathogens.

Y. Pawitan, J. Collins, J. Griffin, 2004, Preventive veterinary medicine.

Yudi Pawitan, Arvid Sjölander, Henrik Larsson, 2013, Statistics in medicine.

Yudi Pawitan, Y. Pawitan, S. Self, 1992 .

Yudi Pawitan, Finbarr O'Sullivan, F. O’Sullivan, 1994 .

Lance D. Miller, Per Hall, Yudi Pawitan, 2005, BMC Bioinformatics.

Y. Pawitan, A. Ploner, S. Calza, 2006, Bioinform..

Youngjo Lee, Yudi Pawitan, Stefano Calza, 2019, Scientific Reports.

Krishna R. Kalari, Yudi Pawitan, Liewei Wang, 2019, Bioinform..

Y. Pawitan, C. Hultman, P. Lichtenstein, 2009, American journal of epidemiology.

Woojoo Lee, Youngjo Lee, Yudi Pawitan, 2013, Statistics in medicine.

Finbarr O'Sullivan, Yudi Pawitan, David Haynor, 1993, IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging.

Yudi Pawitan, Stefano Calza, Alexander Ploner, 2006, Bioinform..

A. Sjölander, Y. Pawitan, Woojoo Lee, 2018, Statistics in medicine.

Andreas Quandt, Chuen Seng Tan, Yudi Pawitan, 2006, Bioinform..

Teo Shu Mei, Ku Chee Seng, Y. Pawitan, 2009, BMC Bioinformatics.

Yudi Pawitan, Christina M Hultman, Benjamin H Yip, 2008, Statistics in medicine.

Y Pawitan, Youngjo Lee, Y. Pawitan, 2006, Genetic epidemiology.

Youngjo Lee, Yudi Pawitan, Maengseok Noh, 2005, Genetic epidemiology.

Finbarr O'Sullivan, Yudi Pawitan, F. O’Sullivan, 1993, IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging.

Y. Pawitan, 2020, 2009.02099.

Agus Salim, Yudi Pawitan, Y. Pawitan, 2003 .

Yudi Pawitan, Benjamin H Yip, Tron Anders Moger, 2010, Statistics in medicine.

Y. Pawitan, Xing-Rong Liu, Mark Clements, 2017, Statistics in Medicine.

Satrajit S. Ghosh, Genevera I. Allen, Taylor J. Maxwell, 2016, Alzheimer's & Dementia.

P. Kantoff, L. Holmberg, M. Rubin, 2008, Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention.

Youngjo Lee, Yudi Pawitan, Erik Ingelsson, 2017, Statistical methods in medical research.

Youngjo Lee, Yudi Pawitan, Sangin Lee, 2015, Comput. Stat. Data Anal..

Y. Pawitan, S. Michiels, A. Gusnanto, 2005, Bioinform..

S. Vansteelandt, A. Sjölander, Y. Pawitan, 2016, Biostatistics.

Yudi Pawitan, Arief Gusnanto, Alexander Ploner, 2005, Statistical applications in genetics and molecular biology.

Y. Pawitan, A. Gusnanto, A. Ploner, 2006, Bioinform..

Y. Pawitan, G. Edgren, E. Baecklund, 2011, American journal of transplantation : official journal of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons.

Valentino Bettinardi, M. Teras, Yudi Pawitan, 2005, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.

Y. Pawitan, H. Grönberg, Jianfeng Xu, 2013, Human mutation.