K. Rufibach


J. Wellner, F. Balabdaoui, K. Rufibach, 2007, Annals of statistics.

K. Rufibach, J. Kaye, D. Galasko, 2011, Molecular & Cellular Proteomics.

K. Rufibach, G. Kullak-Ublick, A. Taegtmeyer, 2011, British journal of clinical pharmacology.

Fadoua Balabdaoui, Kaspar Rufibach, Marios Pavlides, 2011, 1107.3904.

Kaspar Rufibach, K. Rufibach, 2011, Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift.

W. Klapper, W. Hiddemann, K. Rufibach, 2017, The New England journal of medicine.

K. Rufibach, 2020, Language, Truth and Democracy.

K. Rufibach, C. Thalhammer, M. Husmann, 2010, Clinical hemorheology and microcirculation.

K. Rufibach, J. Hodler, U. Weber, 2013, Clinical radiology.

Kaspar Rufibach, K. Rufibach, M. Keel, 2013, Journal of trauma management & outcomes.

K. Rufibach, H. Moch, V. Tischler, 2012, The American journal of surgical pathology.

K. Rufibach, T. Lüscher, Laurenz Jaberg, 2011, Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society.

N. Helmy, C. Gerber, K. Rufibach, 2013, Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery.

K. Rufibach, C. Thalhammer, M. Husmann, 2013, Angiology.

K. Rufibach, D. Holzmann, M. Soyka, 2010, The Laryngoscope.

K. Rufibach, F. Bretz, M. Posch, 2022, Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics.

K. Rufibach, P. Schneiter, L. Tappy, 2006, Journal of dairy science.

J. Wellner, L. Duembgen, K. Rufibach, 2006, math/0609277.

David S. Robertson, Michael J. Grayling, James M. S. Wason, 2020, Statistics in medicine.

Kim May Lee, Michael J. Grayling, Kevin Kunzmann, 2020, The American statistician.

K. Rufibach, S. Schmid, J. Bernier, 2004, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

Kaspar Rufibach, K. Rufibach, 2010, Journal of clinical epidemiology.

K. Rufibach, A. Platz, C. Spross, 2012, The journal of trauma and acute care surgery.

K. Rufibach, U. Zingg, A. Platz, 2013, Journal of orthopaedic trauma.

K. Rufibach, C. Leo, D. Fink, 2013, European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology.

L. Held, K. Rufibach, M. Paul, 2014, Palliative medicine.

K. Rufibach, F. Ruschitzka, V. Falk, 2012, Circulation.

Kaspar Rufibach, Lutz Duembgen, L. Duembgen, 2007, 0707.4643.

F. Balabdaoui, K. Rufibach, 2008 .

K. Rufibach, C. Meuli‐Simmen, A. Schweizer, 2009, Hand.

A Schweizer, K. Rufibach, A. Schweizer, 2011, The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness.

Jan Beyersmann, Matthias Meller, Kaspar Rufibach, 2018, 1810.10722.

K. Rufibach, R. Pitman, M. Rufer, 2012, Psychiatry Research.

J. Wellner, L. Duembgen, K. Rufibach, 2006, math/0609277.

Filippo Santambrogio, Fadoua Balabdaoui, Kaspar Rufibach, 2009 .

K. Rufibach, Y. Shentu, D. Mehrotra, 2020, Pharmaceutical statistics.

Satrajit Roychoudhury, Kaspar Rufibach, Steven Sun, 2020, Pharmaceutical statistics.

K. Rufibach, Y. Shentu, J. Dey, 2021, Pharmaceutical statistics.

K. Rufibach, R. Herrmann, M. Lorenz, 2009, International Journal of Colorectal Disease.

Kaspar Rufibach, K. Rufibach, Meng Chen, 2016, Contemporary clinical trials.

Ulrich Beyer, Matthias Meller, Kaspar Rufibach, 2018, Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift.

K. Rufibach, S. Müller, 2006, math/0612140.

D. Robertson, J. Wason, K. Rufibach, 2020, The American statistician.

Dominic Schuhmacher, Kaspar Rufibach, Lutz Duembgen, 2013, 1311.6403.

K. Rufibach, A. Krämer, L. Mileshkin, 2023, European Journal of Cancer.

Lisa V. Hampson, K. Rufibach, Jianchang Lin, 2021, Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research.

K. Rufibach, M. Wolbers, B. Bornkamp, 2021, Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research.

K. Rufibach, Bernhard Steiner, A. Schinzel, 2015, European Journal of Human Genetics.

K. Rufibach, Lutz D Mbgen, 2009 .

K. Rufibach, B. Thürlimann, T. Ruhstaller, 2007, Supportive Care in Cancer.

K. Rufibach, A. Platz, C. Spross, 2012, The journal of trauma and acute care surgery.

K. Rufibach, Bernhard Steiner, A. Schinzel, 2014, European Journal of Human Genetics.

K. Rufibach, C. Thalhammer, M. Husmann, 2013, Angiology.

F. Santambrogio, F. Balabdaoui, K. Rufibach, 2009, 0904.2052.

K. Rufibach, H. Burger, U. Beyer, 2018, Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift.