J. Collins


Daniel C. West, J. Collins, M. Srinivasan, 2011, Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges.

R. Kassam, J. Collins, Mona Kwong, 2013, Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice.

J. Collins, R. Steele, B. Davies., 2003, Journal of palliative care.

J. Collins, R. Steele, B. Davies., 2004, Journal of Palliative Care.

Frazier T. Stevenson, J. Collins, M. Srinivasan, 2007, Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry.

J. Collins, R. Steele, B. Davies., 2007, Journal of palliative care.

J. Collins, R. Steele, B. Davies., 2005, Journal of palliative care.

J. Collins, R. Steele, B. Davies., 2005, Journal of Palliative Care.

J. Collins, D. Pratt, D D Pratt, 2001, The Journal of continuing education in the health professions.

J. Collins, D. Pratt, M. MacEntee, 2012, Journal of dental education.

R. Kassam, J. Collins, J. Berkowitz, 2012, Patient preference and adherence.

Daniel Pratt, J. Collins, D. Pratt, 2000 .

R. Kassam, J. Collins, Mona Kwong, 2013, The International journal of pharmacy practice.

R. Kassam, J. Collins, Mona Kwong, 2012, American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education.

J. Collins, D. Pratt, P. Harris, 2009, Medical teacher.

Susanne CJ Boll, J. Collins, D. Pratt, 2007, Nursing philosophy : an international journal for healthcare professionals.

James W. Price, J. Collins, D. Pratt, 2010, Canadian journal of anaesthesia = Journal canadien d'anesthesie.

J. Collins, J. Birren, J. E. Thornton, 2011, International journal of aging & human development.

J. Collins, R. Chez, J. Cain, 1993, Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health.

J. Collins, D. Pratt, L. Murnaghan, 2005, Medical teacher.

John B Collins, J. Collins, J. S. Slade Shantz, 2013, Arthroscopy : the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery : official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association.

J. Collins, D. Pratt, S. Jarvis-Selinger, 2007 .