G. Tuttle


Lei Zhang, Costas M. Soukoulis, Thomas Koschny, 2006 .

Ekmel Ozbay, K. M. Ho, Mehmet Bayindir, 2000 .

Ekmel Ozbay, Gary Tuttle, Rana Biswas, 1995 .

G. Tuttle, C. Soukoulis, T. Koschny, 2007 .

S. McCalmont, G. Tuttle, J. Kavanaugh, 1993, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters.

R. Biswas, Qiming Li, D. D. Crouch, 2001 .

G. Tuttle, C. Soukoulis, T. Koschny, 2006, physics/0608301.

M. Sigalas, G. Tuttle, C. Soukoulis, 1998, Technical Digest. Summaries of Papers Presented at the International Quantum Electronics Conference. Conference Edition. 1998 Technical Digest Series, Vol.7 (IEEE Cat. No.98CH36236).

R. Biswas, W. Leung, S. McCalmont, 1996 .

G. Tuttle, M. Unlu, E. Ozbay, 1997, Conference Proceedings. LEOS '97. 10th Annual Meeting IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society 1997 Annual Meeting.

R. Westervelt, G. Tuttle, H. Kroemer, 1991 .

Thomas A. Lograsso, Jin Zou, Kang L. Wang, 2012, Scientific Reports.

Achim Wixforth, Herbert Kroemer, Chanh Nguyen, 1993 .

G. Tuttle, H. Kroemer, J. English, 1993 .

Ekmel Ozbay, Necmi Biyikli, Ibrahim Kimukin, 2000, Photonics West - Optoelectronic Materials and Devices.

Costas M. Soukoulis, Gary Tuttle, George Kiriakidis, 1999 .

Ekmel Ozbay, E. Michel, Kai-Ming Ho, 1994 .

Gary Tuttle, Mihail M. Sigalas, Rana Biswas, 1997 .

G. Tuttle, C. Soukoulis, T. Koschny, 2006, 0807.1344.

M. Sigalas, G. Tuttle, K. Ho, 1998 .

M. Sigalas, R. Biswas, D. D. Crouch, 1999 .

G. Tuttle, E. Ozbay, B. Temelkuran, 1998, Technical Digest. Summaries of Papers Presented at the International Quantum Electronics Conference. Conference Edition. 1998 Technical Digest Series, Vol.7 (IEEE Cat. No.98CH36236).

M. Sigalas, R. Biswas, G. Tuttle, 1999, 1999 IEEE LEOS Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings. LEOS'99. 12th Annual Meeting. IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society 1999 Annual Meeting (Cat. No.99CH37009).

M. Sigalas, R. Biswas, G. Tuttle, 2000, 2000 30th European Microwave Conference.