Z. Bekerman


Yair Neuman, Z. Bekerman, Avi Kaplan, 2002 .

Nicholas C. Burbules, Zvi Bekerman, Z. Bekerman, 2007 .

Z. Bekerman, Michalinos Zembylas, 2018 .

Z. Bekerman, Diana Silberman‐Keller, 2004 .

Z. Bekerman, Seonaigh Macpherson, 2007 .

Z. Bekerman, Michalinos Zembylas, 2018 .

Z. Bekerman, Baruch B. Schwarz, 2020, European Journal of Psychology of Education.

Z. Bekerman, Michalinos Zembylas, 2011, Teachers College Record: The Voice of Scholarship in Education.

Z. Bekerman, Diana Silberman Keller, 2003 .

Z. Bekerman, Sue Rosenfeld, S. Rosenfeld, 2011 .

Z. Bekerman, M. Nussbaum, M. Rojas, 2021, Oxford Review of Education.

Z. Bekerman, Wurud Jayusi, 2019, Teaching and Teacher Education.

Z. Bekerman, G. Horenczyk, Nava Sonnenschein, 2010 .

Z. Bekerman, B. Schwarz, Reuven Ben-Haim, 2019, Learning, Culture and Social Interaction.

Z. Bekerman, Wurud Jayusi, 2019, Journal of Teacher Education.

Z. Bekerman, Michalinos Zembylas, 2018 .

Z. Bekerman, D. Roer-strier, S. Kadan, 2018, Intercultural Education.

Z. Bekerman, 2018, Journal of Religious Education.

Z. Bekerman, 2018, Journal of Religious Education.

Z. Bekerman, Michalinos Zembylas, 2018 .

Zvi Bekerman, Z. Bekerman, T. Gumpel, 2014, Aggressive behavior.

Z. Bekerman, Y. Shalom, Ruba Daas, 2008 .

Z. Bekerman, Michalinos Zembylas, 2018 .

Z. Bekerman, Ifat Maoz, David Kellen, 2013 .

Z. Bekerman, Michalinos Zembylas, 2018 .

Z. Bekerman, Michalinos Zembylas, 2011 .

Z. Bekerman, Michalinos Zembylas, M. Haj‐Yahia, 2010 .

Z. Bekerman, B. Schwarz, 2020, European Journal of Psychology of Education.

Zvi Bekerman, Gabriel Horenczyk, Z. Bekerman, 2002, CSCL.

Z. Bekerman, Rawan Asali Nuseibeh, Aviv Cohen, 2023, Higher Education.

Z. Bekerman, Michalinos Zembylas, 2023, European Journal of Teacher Education.

Z. Bekerman, Michalinos Zembylas, 2018 .