B. Fontaine


B. Fontaine, P. Bouchet, K. Achterberg, 2007 .

B. Fontaine, T. Brereton, D. Roy, 2013 .

B. Fontaine, A. Perrard, P. Bouchet, 2012, Current Biology.

B. Fontaine, D. Foighil, J. Burch, 2007, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

B. Fontaine, R. Julliard, I. le Viol, 2016, Ecology and evolution.

Péter Sólymos, Helmut Sattmann, Kevin McConway, 2011, PloS one.

B. Fontaine, P. Bouchet, C. Régnier, 2009, Conservation biology : the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology.

B. Fontaine, O. Gargominy, A. F. Sartori, 2014, Zootaxa.

B. Fontaine, M. Haase, O. Gargominy, 2009, Hydrobiologia.

B. Fontaine, P. Bouchet, R. Cowie, 2022, Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.

Amaury Lambert, Guillaume Achaz, Robert H. Cowie, 2015, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

B. Fontaine, P. Bouchet, C. C. Christensen, 2015, Conservation biology : the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology.

B. Fontaine, C. Fontaine, A. Prévot, 2021, Current opinion in insect science.

B. Fontaine, C. Tutin, E. J. Wickings, 1996, American journal of primatology.

B. Fontaine, F. Jiguet, D. Couvet, 2017, Conservation biology : the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology.

Michel Baguette, Benoit Fontaine, Romain Julliard, 2010, Landscape Ecology.

B. Fontaine, Nicolas Deguines, K. Princé, 2020, The Science of the total environment.

V. Dakos, B. Fontaine, F. Jiguet, 2023, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

B. Fontaine, R. Julliard, T. Brereton, 2010 .

B. Fontaine, P. Clergeau, Noélie Tapko, 2011, Ecological research.

B. Fontaine, C. Tutin, E. J. Wickings, 1996, American Journal of Primatology.

Sandro Bimonte, Lucile Sautot, Frédéric Flouvat, 2021, Ecol. Informatics.