B. Hinz


B. Hinz, O. De Wever, M. Mareel, 2012, The American journal of pathology.

B. Hinz, 2007, The Journal of investigative dermatology.

B. Hinz, Robert A. Brown, G. Gabbiani, 2002, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology.

B. Hinz, G. Gabbiani, C. Chaponnier, 2001, Molecular biology of the cell.

B. Hinz, V. Shenoy, C. McCulloch, 2019, Nature Communications.

B. Hinz, Pardis Pakshir, 2018, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

Jean-Jacques Meister, Gabor Csucs, B. Hinz, 2006, The Journal of cell biology.

Jenna L Balestrini, B. Hinz, J. Balestrini, 2017, Nature materials.

Christoph Ballestrem, B. Hinz, B. Imhof, 2001, The Journal of cell biology.

B. Hinz, C. McCulloch, M. Chan, 2010, Methods in cell biology.

B. Hinz, A. Fabre, M. Keane, 2018, American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology.

B. Hinz, G. Gabbiani, C. Haaksma, 2006, Wound repair and regeneration : official publication of the Wound Healing Society [and] the European Tissue Repair Society.

B. Hinz, G. Gabbiani, M. Bochaton-Piallat, 2016, F1000Research.

B. Hinz, J. Wrana, A. Advani, 2016, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN.

B. Hinz, Y. Shafieyan, 2015, Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling.

B. Hinz, A. Desmoulière, G. Gabbiani, 2011 .

B. Hinz, T. Quinn, Hicham Majd, 2011, Methods in molecular biology.

B. Hinz, R. Weisel, J. Coles, 2014, The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery.

Md Soriful Islam, B. Hinz, F. Petraglia, 2015, Cell and Tissue Research.

B. Hinz, G. Gabbiani, C. Chaponnier, 2012 .

B. Hinz, O. Debeir, C. Decaestecker, 2012, Molecular & Cellular Proteomics.

B. Hinz, J. Smith-Clerc, Josiane Smith-Clerc, 2010, Methods in molecular biology.

B. Alman, B. Hinz, H. Whetstone, 2014, The Journal of clinical investigation.

B. Hinz, Ren-Ke Li, G. Sweeney, 2016, International journal of cardiology.

B. Hinz, J. Nanchahal, 2016, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Giulio Gabbiani, B. Hinz, G. Gabbiani, 2007, The American journal of pathology.

B. Hinz, A. Modarressi, G. Pietramaggiori, 2010, The Journal of investigative dermatology.

B. Hinz, B. Suki, 2016, American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine.

B. Hinz, S. Clément, B. Wehrle-Haller, 2020, Cells.

B. Hinz, A. Fabre, M. Keane, 2020, American journal of physiology. Cell physiology.

P. Janmey, B. Hinz, C. McCulloch, 2015, The Journal of investigative dermatology.

B. Hinz, A. Desmoulière, 2021, Wound repair and regeneration : official publication of the Wound Healing Society [and] the European Tissue Repair Society.

B. Hinz, M. Kapoor, J. Rockel, 2021, Immunological reviews.

B. Hinz, Yizhi Xiao, W. Siqueira, 2019, Matrix biology plus.

S. Anderson, D. Bechtold, A. Loudon, 2019, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

B. Hinz, 2016, Current research in translational medicine.

B. Hinz, J. Meister, D. Rifkin, 2007, The Journal of cell biology.

B. Hinz, 2012, Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society.

B. Hinz, M. Lodyga, 2019, Seminars in cell & developmental biology.

B. Hinz, F. Rossi, H. Soliman, 2021, Cell stem cell.

B. Hinz, D. Son, Fereshteh Younesi, 2021, Methods in molecular biology.

B. Hinz, D. Son, Pardis Pakshir, 2020, Journal of Cell Science.

Giulio Gabbiani, B. Hinz, A. Desmoulière, 2012, Cell adhesion & migration.

B. Hinz, D. Lagares, 2019, Nature Reviews Rheumatology.

B. Hinz, J. Meister, P. Pittet, 2004, Molecular biology of the cell.

B. Hinz, Maya Ezzo, Fereshteh Younesi, 2022, Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology.

Giulio Gabbiani, B. Hinz, G. Gabbiani, 2003, Current opinion in biotechnology.

B. Hinz, C. Iselin, G. Gabbiani, 2001, The American journal of pathology.

B. Hinz, J. Meister, A. Formey, 2011, Current Biology.

B. Hinz, 2015, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

B. Hinz, S. V. van Putten, Y. Shafieyan, 2016, Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology.

B. Hinz, S. V. van Putten, C. McCulloch, 2017, Cell reports.

B. Hinz, D. Lagares, 2021, Methods in molecular biology.

B. Hinz, E. White, Franco Klingberg, 2013, The Journal of pathology.

B. Hinz, M. Walraven, 2018, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

B. Hinz, T. Vallenius, T. Mäkelä, 2008, Journal of Cell Science.

B. Hinz, Boris Hinz, 2010, Journal of biomechanics.

B. Hinz, R. Bank, P. Werker, 2015, The American journal of pathology.

Melody A. Swartz, B. Hinz, M. Swartz, 2005, Journal of Cell Science.

B. Hinz, D. Son, 2021, Methods in Molecular Biology.

Jeffrey W Holmes, Merry L Lindsey, Francis G Spinale, 2016, Circulation research.

B. Hinz, V. Dugina, C. Chaponnier, 2003, Molecular biology of the cell.

B. Hinz, M. Kapoor, E. Rossomacha, 2022, Arthritis & rheumatology.

B. Hinz, J. Meister, S. Schaub, 2008, Journal of Cell Science.

B. Alman, E. Génot, B. Hinz, 2014, The Journal of cell biology.

B. Hinz, T. Krieg, B. Eckes, 2021, Wound repair and regeneration : official publication of the Wound Healing Society [and] the European Tissue Repair Society.

B. Hinz, G. Gabbiani, C. McCulloch, 2010, Experimental cell research.

Ruogang Zhao, Mohammadnabi Asmani, Nicole Wawrzyniak, 2018, Nature Communications.

B. Hinz, G. Gabbiani, V. Thannickal, 2007 .

B. Hinz, K. Krause, J. Arbiser, 2011, Antioxidants & redox signaling.

B. Hinz, J. Davies, J. Fradette, 2015, Stem cell reports.

Jenna L Balestrini, Sidhartha Chaudhry, B. Hinz, 2012, Integrative biology : quantitative biosciences from nano to macro.

B. Hinz, B. Walzog, T. Krieg, 2005 .

B. Hinz, 2022, Wound Healing, Fibrosis, and the Myofibroblast.

B. Hinz, D. Van de Ville, T. Lasser, 2012, Advances in experimental medicine and biology.

B. Hinz, J. Meister, C. Godbout, 2010, Journal of Cell Science.

B. Hinz, C. McCulloch, N. Coelho, 2019, Experimental cell research.

B. Alman, E. Génot, B. Hinz, 2014 .

B. Hinz, J. Meister, H. Diekmann, 2014, The Journal of investigative dermatology.

B. Hinz, M. Odlyha, L. Bozec, 2021, Scientific Reports.

B. Hinz, F. Villard, Fatemeh Atashi, 2015, Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Global open.

B. Hinz, P. Wipff, 2009, Journal of bodywork and movement therapies.

B. Hinz, W. Alt, O. Brosteanu, 1995, Biochemistry and cell biology = Biochimie et biologie cellulaire.

P. Janmey, B. Hinz, C. McCulloch, 2021, Physiology.

B. Hinz, Y. Shafieyan, 2015, Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling.

Sidhartha Chaudhry, B. Hinz, T. Quinn, 2012, Tissue engineering. Part A.

B. Hinz, 2016, Experimental eye research.

B. Hinz, D. Son, 2021, Methods in molecular biology.

B. Hinz, J. Meister, H. Diekmann, 2014, The Journal of investigative dermatology.

B. Hinz, J. Meister, A. Formey, 2012 .

Anthony M. Haag, B. Hinz, M. Glogauer, 2023, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.