J. Lawler


J. Lawler, V. Godyak, G. Lister, 2004 .

Jonathan Tennyson, Keeyoon Sung, Virginia Trimble, 2019 .

J. Bisognano, R. A. Bosch, James E. Lawler, 2013 .

J. Lawler, A. Schawlow, J. Goldsmith, 1979 .

J. Lawler, P. Obrist, J. L. Howard, 1975, Psychophysiology.

J. Lawler, J. Pickering, K. Lind, 2014, 1404.5578.

William Nicholas Guy Hitchon, G. J. Parker, J. E. Lawler, 1993 .

J. Lawler, T. Sommerer, S. Aceto, 2019, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics.

D. Siegel, T. Beers, J. Lippuner, 2018, 1809.00703.

J. Lawler, C. Sneden, I. Roederer, 2010 .

J. Lawler, D. Nitz, M. Wickliffe, 1997 .

J. Lawler, G. Nave, M. Wickliffe, 2000, IEEE Conference Record - Abstracts. 1999 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science. 26th IEEE International Conference (Cat. No.99CH36297).

J. Lawler, J. Wyart, J. Blaise, 2001 .

T. Beers, I. Ivans, J. Lawler, 2002, astro-ph/0202429.

J. Lawler, L. Anderson, W. Fitzsimmons, 1976, Applied optics.

J. Lawler, D. Gruen, A. Krauss, 1998 .

E. A. Den Hartog, J. Lawler, I. Roederer, 2021, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series.

E. A. Den Hartog, J. Lawler, C. Sneden, 2021, 2105.10534.

T. Beers, I. Ivans, J. Lawler, 2020, The Astrophysical Journal.

J. Lawler, C. Sneden, J. Cowan, 2017, 1712.06942.

E. A. Den Hartog, J. Lawler, C. Sneden, 2014, The Astrophysical journal. Supplement series.

J. Lawler, M. Wickliffe, S. Salih, 1994 .

J. Lawler, R. Buchholz, G. F. Barker, 1981, Physiology & Behavior.

D. A. García-Hernández, C. Prieto, T. Beers, 2016 .

J. Lawler, R. Cox, S. K. Naylor, 1995, International journal of behavioral medicine.

J. Lawler, D. Doughty, E. A. Hartog, 1985 .

J. Lawler, J. Curry, E. A. Hartog, 1997 .

J. Lawler, M. Childs, L. Anderson, 1995 .

James E. Lawler, William Nicholas Guy Hitchon, Timothy John Sommerer, 1991 .

J. Lawler, T. R. O'Brian, R. C. Wamsley, 1991 .

J. Lawler, R. Cox, B. Sanders, 1988, Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association.

J. Lawler, G. Lister, J. Curry, 2004 .

E. A. Den Hartog, J. Lawler, K. Bilty, 2011 .

J. Lawler, R. Cox, J. Hubbard, 1985, Hypertension.

Basil Blank, William J. Chaplin, Matthew D. Shetrone, 2020 .

J. Lawler, D. Randall, David R. Brown, 1999, American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology.

J. Lawler, D. Randall, D. Brown, 1999, The American journal of physiology.

J. Lawler, C. Sneden, J. Cowan, 2008 .

J. Lawler, G. Nave, M. Wickliffe, 2000, IEEE Conference Record - Abstracts. 1999 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science. 26th IEEE International Conference (Cat. No.99CH36297).

J. Lawler, N. D. Gibson, J. C. Cooper, 1997 .

J. Lawler, D. Nitz, M. Wickliffe, 1997 .

J. Lawler, N. Grevesse, W. Whaling, 1990, Nature.

J. Lawler, S. Salih, D. Duquette, 1983 .

J. Lawler, S. Salih, D. Duquette, 1982 .

J. Lawler, T. Hänsch, B. Couillaud, 1981 .

S. Oparil, J. Lawler, Yiu-fai Chen, 1987, Clinical and experimental hypertension. Part A, Theory and practice.

J. Lawler, J. Fedchak, L. M. Wiese, 2000 .

J. Lawler, S. Bergeson, K. L. Mullman, 1996 .

J. Lawler, E. A. Hartog, 2019, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer.

J. Lawler, C. Sneden, J. Cowan, 2014, The Astrophysical journal. Supplement series.

E. A. Den Hartog, J. Lawler, A. Fittante, 2013 .

J. Lawler, E. A. Hartog, D. Duquette, 1987 .

J. Lawler, E. A. Hartog, J. Fedchak, 2001 .

J. Lawler, E. A. Hartog, L. M. Wiese, 1999 .

J. Lawler, E. A. Hartog, H. M. Anderson, 1996 .

J. Lawler, K. M. Menningen, M. Herd, 2005 .

J. Lawler, L. Anderson, A. Goyette, 1998 .

Astronomy, M. T. Belmonte, U. Wisconsin-Madison, 2017, 1710.07571.

J. Lawler, A. Schawlow, J. Goldsmith, 1979, Optics letters.

J. Lawler, A. Schawlow, J. Goldsmith, 1979 .

J. Lawler, J. Simmerer, C. Sneden, 2004, astro-ph/0410396.

T. Beers, I. Ivans, J. Lawler, 2002, astro-ph/0202429.

J. Lawler, D. Doughty, D. Duquette, 1983 .

T. Beers, I. Ivans, J. Lawler, 2000, The Astrophysical journal.

E. A. Den Hartog, J. Lawler, I. Roederer, 2020, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series.

E. A. Den Hartog, J. Lawler, C. Sneden, 2015, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union.

J. Lawler, C. Sneden, J. Cowan, 2005, astro-ph/0609487.

E. A. Den Hartog, J. Lawler, J. Schmidt, 2022, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series.

J. Lawler, S. Salih, D. Duquette, 1981 .

E. A. Den Hartog, J. Lawler, 2013 .

E. A. Den Hartog, J. Lawler, A. Fittante, 2011 .

E. A. Den Hartog, J. Lawler, K. Bilty, 2011 .

E. A. Den Hartog, J. Lawler, K. Buettner, 2009 .

J. Lawler, C. Sneden, J. Cowan, 2002, astro-ph/0210125.

E. A. Den Hartog, J. Lawler, M. Stockett, 2007 .

E. A. Den Hartog, J. Lawler, 2008 .

J. Lawler, S. Salih, D. Duquette, 1982 .

J. Lawler, D. Duquette, 1982 .

T. Beers, J. Lawler, S. Burles, 2002, astro-ph/0201456.

I. Ivans, J. Lawler, C. Sneden, 2007 .

J. Lawler, R. C. Wamsley, K. Mitsuhashi, 1993 .

J. Lawler, R. Cox, B. Sanders, 1988, The American journal of physiology.

J. Lawler, J. Harlander, F. Roesler, 2009 .

J. Lawler, S. Bergeson, 1993 .

J. Lawler, B. Lown, L. Botticelli, 1976, Psychophysiology.

J. Lawler, J. Bright, A. Golden, 1994, Clinical and experimental hypertension.

J. Lawler, J. Dakin, James T. Dakin, 1989 .

E. A. Den Hartog, J. Lawler, M. P. Wood, 2014 .

J. Lawler, M. Stockett, 2012, The Review of scientific instruments.

J. W. Brault, James E. Lawler, Thomas R. O'Brian, 1991 .

J. Lawler, S. Bergeson, D. Nitz, 1995 .

J. Lawler, S. Salih, D. Duquette, 1982 .

J. Lawler, E. A. Hartog, J. R. Schmidt, 2022, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer.

J. Lawler, S. Salih, D. Duquette, 1981 .

J. Lawler, E. Howley, R. Cox, 1988, Journal of applied physiology.

C. Prieto, D. Bizyaev, K. Cunha, 2015, 1502.04080.

Robert Barkhouser, Chuck Henderson, Basil Blank, 2007, Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation.

J. Lawler, R. Cox, B. Sanders, 1991, Physiology & Behavior.

J. Lawler, L. Anderson, Chun C. Lin, 1989 .

J. Lawler, K. Lawler, C. Armstead, 1991, Journal of Behavioral Medicine.

J. Lawler, J. Curry, K.L. Mennigen, 1999, IEEE Conference Record - Abstracts. 1999 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science. 26th IEEE International Conference (Cat. No.99CH36297).

Andrew Christlieb, James E. Lawler, William Nicholas Guy Hitchon, 2009 .

Uwe R. Kortshagen, James E. Lawler, J. Lawler, 1996 .

J. Lawler, C. Sneden, K. Langanke, 2019, Reviews of Modern Physics.

J. Lawler, G. Lister, J. Curry, 2002 .

J. Lawler, T. R. O'Brian, 1996 .

J. Lawler, P. Obrist, C. Gaebelein, 1974 .

Anna Frebel, Timothy C. Beers, Hendrik Schatz, 2012, 1202.2378.

E. A. Den Hartog, J. Lawler, J. Wyart, 2010 .

James E. Lawler, E. A. Den Hartog, Vinicius M. Placco, 2021, Research Notes of the AAS.

James E. Lawler, William Nicholas Guy Hitchon, G. J. Parker, 1994 .

James E. Lawler, William Nicholas Guy Hitchon, G. J. Parker, 1993 .

F. Castelli, C. Allende Prieto, B. Plez, 2015, 1502.05237.

E. A. Den Hartog, J. Lawler, C. Kobayashi, 2015, 1511.05985.

J. Lawler, R. Cox, J. Hubbard, 1985, Journal of applied physiology.

J. Lawler, D. Randall, David R. Brown, 1997, Journal of the autonomic nervous system.

J. Lawler, R. Cox, P. Baer, 1989, Clinical and experimental hypertension. Part A, Theory and practice.

J. Lawler, R. Cox, J. Hubbard, 1986, The American journal of physiology.

James E. Lawler, Ian U. Roederer, J. Lawler, 2012, 1204.3901.

J. Lawler, C. Sneden, J. Sobeck, 2007, 0712.2473.

J. Lawler, C. Sneden, J. Sobeck, 2008 .

J. Lawler, C. Sneden, J. Cowan, 2006, astro-ph/0610412.

J. Lawler, C. Sneden, J. Cowan, 2006 .

S. Shectman, J. Lawler, C. Sneden, 2020, The Astrophysical Journal.

J. Lawler, M. Lagally, L. Anderson, 1992 .

J. Lawler, C. Sneden, J. Sobeck, 2020, The Astrophysical Journal.

Hala, J. Lawler, C. Sneden, 2019, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series.

J. Lawler, C. Sneden, J. Cowan, 2018, The Astrophysical journal.

M. T. Belmonte, J. Lawler, G. Ferland, 2019 .

E. A. Den Hartog, J. Lawler, C. Sneden, 2023, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series.

Scott A. Diddams, Suvrath Mahadevan, Gillian Nave, 2011, 1112.1062.

J. Lawler, T. Sommerer, W. Hitchon, 1989, 7th Pulsed Power Conference.

E. A. Den Hartog, J. Lawler, C. Sneden, 2019, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union.

W. Collins, D. Fahey, J. Lawler, 2016, Geophysical research letters.

J. Lawler, P. Obrist, J. L. Howard, 1974, Psychophysiology.

J. Lawler, M. Childs, L. Anderson, 1995 .

J. Lawler, M. Childs, L. Anderson, 1993 .

J. Lawler, O'Brian, Lawler, 1989, Physical review letters.

E. A. Den Hartog, J. Lawler, C. Sneden, 2023, The Astrophysical Journal.

T. Beers, I. Ivans, J. Lawler, 2002, astro-ph/0202429.

J. Lawler, G. Lister, D. Doughty, 2002 .

J. Lawler, D. Doughty, E. A. Hartog, 1986 .

J. Lawler, L. Anderson, A. Goyette, 1999 .

J. Lawler, S. Salih, 1990 .

Doughty, J. Lawler, D. Doughty, 1987, Physical Review Letters.

J. H. Ingold, J. Lawler, R. C. Wamsley, 1990 .