Hao Li


H. Bussemaker, E. Siggia, Hao Li, 2001, Nature Genetics.

E. Mardis, J. Derisi, Hao Li, 2007, Virology Journal.

A. E. Tsong, Alexander D. Johnson, Hao Li, 2006, Nature.

Victor Chubukov, Hao Li, Hao Li, 2012, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Christina Chaivorapol, Marica Grskovic, Hao Li, 2007, PLoS genetics.

Eric D Siggia, Hao Li, E. Siggia, 2002, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

Nevan J Krogan, Hao Li, Frank Holstege, 2010, Molecular systems biology.

Kevin S. Myers, T. Donohue, Hao Li, 2020, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Jeffrey H. Chuang, Hao Li, 2007, Journal of Molecular Evolution.

Hao Li, Alexander D. Johnson, Hao Li, 2008, PLoS biology.

Hao Li, A. Johnson, 2010, Current Biology.

Hao Li, Alexander D. Johnson, Hao Li, 2008, Science.

Su Guo, Jeffrey H. Chuang, Hao Li, 2010, Developmental biology.

A. Burlingame, Hao Li, V. Portnoy, 2016, Cell Research.

Hao Li, Jiashun Zheng, Su Guo, 2011, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

Cornelia I. Bargmann, Steven A. McCarroll, Cori Bargmann, 2005, Current Biology.

Kevin S. Myers, T. Donohue, Hao Li, 2020, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.