W. Mueller


Wenyaw Chan, W. Chan, W. Mueller, 2002, American journal of human biology : the official journal of the Human Biology Council.

Wenyaw Chan, Janet C. Meininger, Patricia Liehr, 2004, Annals of behavioral medicine : a publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine.

W. Mueller, B. Tulloch, W. Schull, 1987, American journal of epidemiology.

W. Chan, W. Mueller, J. Meininger, 1998, ANS. Advances in nursing science.

W. Mueller, William H. Mueller, 1982, Social Science & Medicine (1967).

W. Mueller, W. Schull, C. Hanis, 1995, American journal of human biology : the official journal of the Human Biology Council.

W. Mueller, H. Kaplowitz, 1994, Annals of human biology.

D. Labarthe, W. Mueller, M. Eissa, 1991, Annals of epidemiology.

W. Mueller, K. Smith, R. Hardy, 1999, American journal of hypertension.

W. Mueller, R. Malina, R. Shoup, 1982, Annals of human biology.

L. R. Reyes, W. Chan, W. Mueller, 2000, Issues in comprehensive pediatric nursing.

D. Hewett‐Emmett, W. Mueller, W. Schull, 1991, American journal of epidemiology.

W. Mueller, J. Stuff, 1997, American journal of human biology : the official journal of the Human Biology Council.

D. Labarthe, W. Mueller, R. Harrist, 1992, Annals of human biology.

F. G. Evans, G. Lasker, W. Mueller, 1981, Journal of Biosocial Science.

W. Mueller, W. Schull, C. Hanis, 1987, International journal of obesity.

L. R. Reyes, W. Chan, W. Mueller, 2003 .

W. Chan, W. Mueller, J. Meininger, 1998, Annals of human biology.

F. Rothhammer, W. Mueller, W. Schull, 1979, American journal of physical anthropology.

D. Labarthe, W. Mueller, R. Harrist, 1989, Annals of human biology.

K. Weiss, W. Mueller, 1979, Annals of human biology.

W. Mueller, R. Malina, M. Deutsch, 1985, Annals of human biology.

D. Labarthe, W. Mueller, J. Grunbaum, 2001, American journal of human biology : the official journal of the Human Biology Council.

W. Mueller, L. Stallones, B. Christensen, 1982, Hypertension.

W. Chan, W. Mueller, J. Meininger, 2001, American journal of human biology : the official journal of the Human Biology Council.

W. Chan, W. Mueller, J. Meininger, 2001, Annals of human biology.

W. Mueller, J. Annegers, D. Albright, 1988, Journal of clinical epidemiology.

F. Rothhammer, W. Mueller, W. Schull, 1978, Annals of human biology.

W. Mueller, E. Pollitt, J. Wohlleb, 1983, Early human development.

W. Mueller, E. Pollitt, R. Sherwin, 1981, The American journal of clinical nutrition.

W. Mueller, M. Titcomb, William H. Mueller, 1977, Annals of human biology.

W. Mueller, W. Schull, C. Hanis, 1984, American journal of physical anthropology.

W. Mueller, E. Pollitt, 1983, American journal of physical anthropology.

W. Mueller, S. Barton, S. Joos, 1993, American journal of human biology : the official journal of the Human Biology Council.

W. Mueller, J. Himes, 1977, American journal of physical anthropology.

Wenyaw Chan, L. R. Reyes, Patricia Liehr, 2003, Nursing research.

M. E. Ramirez, W. Mueller, 1980, Human biology.

D. Labarthe, W. Mueller, R. Harrist, 2002, American journal of epidemiology.

D. Labarthe, W. Mueller, R. Harrist, 2004, American journal of human biology : the official journal of the Human Biology Council.

W. Mueller, R. Malina, William H. Mueller, 1987, American journal of physical anthropology.

W. Mueller, S. Upchurch, Sandra L. Upchurch, 2005, International journal of aging & human development.

W. Mueller, W. Schull, M. Badzioch, 1980, Human biology.

W. Mueller, W. Schull, H. Palomino, 1978, American journal of physical anthropology.

W. Chan, W. Mueller, P. Liehr, 1996, American journal of human biology : the official journal of the Human Biology Council.

J. Neuhaus, W. Mueller, W. Ettinger, 1990, American journal of epidemiology.

D. Labarthe, W. Mueller, S. Dai, 2001, International Journal of Obesity.

D. Labarthe, W. Mueller, R. Harrist, 1999, American journal of human biology : the official journal of the Human Biology Council.

W. Chan, W. Mueller, H. Sangi-Haghpeykar, 1996, American journal of human biology : the official journal of the Human Biology Council.

W. Mueller, R. Reid, William H. Mueller, 1979, American journal of physical anthropology.

W. Mueller, J. Himes, John H. Himes, 1977, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

W. Mueller, E. Georges, M. Wear, 1992, American journal of human biology : the official journal of the Human Biology Council.

W. Mueller, E. Georges, M. Wear, 1991, American journal of human biology : the official journal of the Human Biology Council.

W. Chan, W. Mueller, B. Simons-Morton, 2002, Ethnicity & disease.

W. Chan, W. Mueller, J. Meininger, 2001, American journal of human biology : the official journal of the Human Biology Council.

W. Chan, W. Mueller, H. Sangi-Haghpeykar, 1996, American journal of human biology : the official journal of the Human Biology Council.