H. Nijland


Abu Toasin Md Oakil, H. Nijland, A. M. Oakil, 2016 .

H. Nijland, G. Hoek, H. Boogaard, 2010, Environmental health perspectives.

H. Nijland, G. Hoek, H. Boogaard, 2010, Environmental health perspectives.

H. Nijland, G. Hoek, H. Boogaard, 2011, Environmental Health Perspectives.

H. Nijland, D. Manting, Abu Toasin Oakil, 2018, Transportation.

Bert van Wee, Hans A Nijland, Sander Hartemink, 2007, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.

Gerard Hoek, H. Nijland, G. Hoek, 2010 .