B. Resnick


S. Zimmerman, P. Sloane, P. Katz, 2020, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

M. Mills, J. Preece, B. Resnick, 2004, Computers, informatics, nursing : CIN.

B. Resnick, J. Magaziner, B. Barker, 2010, Computers, informatics, nursing : CIN.

Barbara Resnick, Eun-Shim Nahm, B. Resnick, 2009, Nursing research.

B. Resnick, Barbara G. Covington, BARBARA RESNICK, 2006, Computers, informatics, nursing : CIN.

B. Resnick, E. Nahm, B Resnick, 2001, Computers in nursing.

B. Resnick, J. Gaines, BARBARA RESNICK, 2004, Computers, informatics, nursing : CIN.

B. Resnick, J. Galvin, M. Boltz, 2015, Alzheimer disease and associated disorders.

B. Resnick, J. Magaziner, E. Nahm, 2001, Journal of Nursing Measurement.

Barbara Resnick, B. Resnick, Piyatida Junlapeeya, 2004, Applied nursing research : ANR.

S. Zimmerman, B. Resnick, J. Magaziner, 2007, Annals of behavioral medicine : a publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine.

B. Resnick, 2015, Geriatric nursing.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, E. Vigne, 2014, Family & community health.

S. Zimmerman, B. Resnick, J. Magaziner, 2004, Geriatric nursing.

S. Zimmerman, P. Sloane, B. Resnick, 2022, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

S. Zimmerman, P. Sloane, B. Resnick, 2022, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

K. Buckwalter, B. Resnick, H. Lach, 2013 .

B. Resnick, W. Theodore, E. Galik, 2019, The Journal of neuroscience nursing : journal of the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses.

S. Zimmerman, B. Resnick, E. Galik, 2009, Research in gerontological nursing.

P. Brennan, B. Resnick, Barbara G. Covington, 2011, Applied nursing research : ANR.

B. Resnick, B. Zarowitz, J. Ouslander, 2018, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, M. Boltz, 2021, Journal of nursing care quality.

Justine S. Sefcik, B. Resnick, E. Galik, 2020, Journal of gerontological nursing.

B. Resnick, J. Pacala, 2012, Journal of The American Geriatrics Society.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, M. Boltz, 2018, The Consultant pharmacist : the journal of the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists.

B. Resnick, M. Ory, Matthew Lee Smith, 2012, Translational behavioral medicine.

S. Zimmerman, B. Resnick, J. Magaziner, 2002, Health education research.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, Ingrid Pretzer-Aboff, 2009, International journal of nursing practice.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, E. Nahm, 2015, Worldviews on evidence-based nursing.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, E. Vigne, 2016, Health education & behavior : the official publication of the Society for Public Health Education.

S. Zimmerman, B. Resnick, E. Galik, 2007, The Gerontologist.

B. Resnick, B. Resnick, 1998, Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners.

P. Brennan, B. Resnick, J. Magaziner, 2017, Journal of applied gerontology : the official journal of the Southern Gerontological Society.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, A. Gruber-Baldini, 2010, Western journal of nursing research.

S. Zimmerman, P. Sloane, B. Resnick, 2022, Journal of The American Geriatrics Society.

S. Zimmerman, P. Sloane, B. Resnick, 2021, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

S. Zimmerman, B. Resnick, J. Magaziner, 2006, Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses.

M. Rantz, B. Resnick, J. Morley, 2018, The journal of nutrition, health & aging.

B. Resnick, J. Norbeck, 1986 .

S. Zimmerman, B. Resnick, E. Galik, 2010, Geriatric nursing.

B. Resnick, M. Simpson, 2003 .

Nancy B. Lerner, B. Resnick, E. Galik, 2011, The Journal of nursing administration.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, N. Kusmaul, 2020, Journal of applied gerontology : the official journal of the Southern Gerontological Society.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, K. McPhaul, 2012, Geriatric nursing.

B. Resnick, K. Flannery, T. McMullen, 2012, Journal of occupational and environmental medicine.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, K. Van Haitsma, 2016, American journal of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, N. Kusmaul, 2020, Journal of aging and environment.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, 2013, Annual Review of Nursing Research.

B. Resnick, 2004 .

P. Katz, B. Resnick, J. Ouslander, 2015, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, Marie P Boltz, 2013, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

B. Resnick, Shijun Zhu, K. Doran, 2018, Journal of occupational and environmental medicine.

B. Resnick, L. Low, Y. Ogbolu, 2022, Journal of obstetric, gynecologic, and neonatal nursing : JOGNN.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, K. Van Haitsma, 2020, Journal of Nursing Measurement.

B. Resnick, C. Andrews, 2002, Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners.

M. Orrell, M. Cesari, M. Rantz, 2014, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

S. Zimmerman, P. Sloane, B. Resnick, 2019, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

B. Resnick, J. Galvin, M. Boltz, 2022, Alzheimer disease and associated disorders.

B. Resnick, Weiliang Huang, Maureen A Kane, 2022, Biological research for nursing.

B. Resnick, J. Ouslander, L. Lawhorne, 2006, Journal of wound, ostomy, and continence nursing : official publication of The Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society.

B. Resnick, G. Fiskum, C. Renn, 2019, International journal of orthopaedic and trauma nursing.

B. Resnick, R. Parker, 2001, Outcomes management for nursing practice.

B. Resnick, J. Magaziner, E. Nahm, 2003, Nursing research.

B. Resnick, E. Nahm, 2001, Nursing ethics.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, M. Boltz, 2022, Journal of gerontological nursing.

R. Craik, R. Fortinsky, B. Resnick, 2022, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, M. Boltz, 2022, Western journal of nursing research.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, S. Holmes, 2017, Journal of gerontological social work.

S. Zimmerman, P. Sloane, P. Katz, 2020, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

Michelle Shardell, Barbara Resnick, Luigi Ferrucci, 2013, Epidemiology.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, S. Dorsey, 2016, Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses.

B. Resnick, 2003, Public health nursing.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, Victoria Nalls, 2017, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

B. Resnick, K. Doran, 2017, Workplace health & safety.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, A. Gruber-Baldini, 2010, Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners.

R. Craik, D. Alley, B. Resnick, 2011, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

S. Zimmerman, B. Resnick, E. Galik, 2010, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

S. Zimmerman, B. Resnick, E. Galik, 2009, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

S. Zimmerman, B. Resnick, E. Galik, 2009, Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, Shijun Zhu, 2021, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

M. Rantz, B. Resnick, J. Morley, 2016, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

B. Resnick, L. Yerges-Armstrong, S. Dorsey, 2015, The Gerontologist.

B. Resnick, J. Magaziner, E. Nahm, 2010, Geriatric nursing.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, K. Van Haitsma, 2018, American journal of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.

B. Resnick, Tonii C Gedin, 2014, Journal of community health nursing.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, M. Boltz, 2020, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, M. Boltz, 2016, Journal of trauma nursing : the official journal of the Society of Trauma Nurses.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, M. Boltz, 2015, International journal of orthopaedic and trauma nursing.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, M. Boltz, 2019, Journal of aging and physical activity.

B. Resnick, J. Magaziner, G. Hicks, 2009, PM & R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation.

B. Resnick, B. Resnick, L. Jenkins, 2000, Nursing research.

B. Resnick, Marie Boltz, 2016, Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics.

B. Resnick, A. Chakravarthy, 2017, Journal of Nursing Measurement.

B. Resnick, C. Nigg, 2003, Nursing research.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, M. Boltz, 2018, Clinical nursing research.

B. Resnick, Rebecca Brotemarkle, C. Wells, 2015, Geriatric nursing.

S. Zimmerman, B. Resnick, J. Magaziner, 2000, The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences.

B. Resnick, B. Resnick, B Resnick, 2000, Journal of gerontological nursing.

B. Resnick, 2016, Geriatric nursing.

B. Resnick, M. Secic, E. Capezuti, 2011, Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, Kathleen M Michael, 2014, Public health nursing.

W. Schaffner, B. Resnick, S. Gravenstein, 2018, Translational behavioral medicine.

E. Tangalos, B. Resnick, B. Zarowitz, 2010, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

B. Resnick, Amanda Vogel, D. Luisi, 2006, Cultural diversity & ethnic minority psychology.

B. Resnick, 2001, Research in nursing & health.

M. Orrell, M. Skubic, S. Taylor, 2014, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, S. Dorsey, 2011, The Gerontologist.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, Ingrid Pretzer-Aboff, 2009, Journal of continuing education in nursing.

B. Resnick, M. Secic, E. Capezuti, 2012, Geriatric nursing.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, C. Wells, 2013, Clinical nursing research.

B. Resnick, E. Capezuti, J. Shuluk, 2014, International journal of older people nursing.

S. Zimmerman, B. Resnick, M. Hochberg, 2011, Archives of internal medicine.

B. Resnick, 2000, Clinical excellence for nurse practitioners : the international journal of NPACE.

B. Resnick, 1996, Image--the journal of nursing scholarship.

B. Resnick, P. Katz, 2023, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

S. Zimmerman, B. Resnick, E. Galik, 2011, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

Nancy B. Lerner, B. Resnick, E. Galik, 2010, Journal of continuing education in nursing.

Barbara Resnick, Sheryl Zimmerman, S. Zimmerman, 2005, Nursing research.

B. Resnick, P. Inguito, 2011, Archives of psychiatric nursing.

S. Zimmerman, B. Resnick, E. Galik, 2008, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

B. Resnick, J. Geiger-Brown, Nancy Miller, 2015, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

B. Resnick, R. Belue, L. Sinvani, 2023, Alzheimer disease and associated disorders.

B. Resnick, D. Fick, S. Kagan, 2022, Geriatric Nursing.

B. Resnick, D. Fick, S. Kagan, 2022, Research in gerontological nursing.

B. Resnick, D. Fick, S. Kagan, 2022, Journal of gerontological nursing.

B. Resnick, C. Levy, Allison Vellega, 2023, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

M. Boustani, M. Cesari, S. Zimmerman, 2018, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

B. Resnick, J. Galvin, M. Boltz, 2014, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, K. Van Haitsma, 2021, BMC Health Services Research.

B. Resnick, K. Van Haitsma, A. Kolanowski, 2014, Geriatric nursing.

C. Lyketsos, J. Kaye, R. Fortinsky, 2018, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, K. Van Haitsma, 2021, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

B. Resnick, 2021, Geriatric nursing.

B. Resnick, J. Ouslander, W. McClellan, 2010, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

B. Resnick, P. Moffett, D. Slocum, 1996, Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses.

B. Resnick, N. J. Klinedinst, N. Klinedinst, 2014, Journal of gerontological social work.

B. Resnick, 2003, Journal of gerontological nursing.

B. Resnick, B. Bowers, K. McGilton, 2022, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

G. Ostir, J. Guralnik, B. Resnick, 2019, Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation.

S. Zimmerman, B. Resnick, J. Magaziner, 2009, Journal of women & aging.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, L. Colloca, 2022, Frontiers in Pain Research.

B. Resnick, 2005, Journal of aging and physical activity.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, 2013, Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing.

B. Resnick, M. Hochberg, J. Magaziner, 2019, International journal of orthopaedic and trauma nursing.

S. Zimmerman, B. Resnick, S. Zimmerman, 1998, Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses.

B. Resnick, C. D’Adamo, 2011, Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses.

S. Zimmerman, B. Resnick, J. Magaziner, 2007, Clinical interventions in aging.

B. Resnick, 2004, Research and Theory for Nursing Practice.

B. Resnick, M. Palmer, L. Jenkins, 2000, Journal of advanced nursing.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, M. Boltz, 2020, Rehabilitation Nursing.

B. Resnick, 2000, Patient education and counseling.

P. Brennan, B. Resnick, J. Magaziner, 2012, Nursing research.

C. Quinn, J. Gurwitz, D. Gifford, 2021, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

S. Zimmerman, P. Sloane, B. Resnick, 2022, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

S. Zimmerman, P. Sloane, B. Resnick, 2022, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

C. Quinn, J. Gurwitz, S. Zimmerman, 2022, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

B. Resnick, 2013, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

W. Gardner, B. Resnick, H. Young, 2010, Nursing administration quarterly.

B. Resnick, J. Wyman, K. Savik, 2014, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

B. Resnick, T. Bazzarre, M. Rogers, 2008, Journal of aging and physical activity.

B. Resnick, T. Bazzarre, M. Rogers, 2006 .

B. Resnick, J. Hansen, Nancy Miller, 2015, Journal of gerontological nursing.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, M. Boltz, 2020, Clinical nursing research.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, Rachel McPherson, 2021, Geriatric Nursing.

B. Resnick, M. Hochberg, J. Magaziner, 2020, Journal of applied gerontology : the official journal of the Southern Gerontological Society.

G. Ostir, B. Resnick, J. Magaziner, 2016, Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses.

B. Resnick, J. Magaziner, M. Shardell, 2009, Age and ageing.

B. Resnick, A. Bonner, 2003, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

B. Resnick, M. Boltz, Ashley Kuzmik, 2021, Western journal of nursing research.

B. Resnick, H. White, J. Ouslander, 2012, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

B. Resnick, G. Melendez‐Torres, J. Baumbusch, 2022, Research in gerontological nursing.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, M. Boltz, 2018, Western journal of nursing research.

B. Resnick, 2018, Geriatric Nursing.

B. Resnick, 2001, Geriatric nursing.

B. Resnick, J. Magaziner, E. Galik, 2011, Journal of aging and physical activity.

B. Resnick, 1997, Lippincott's primary care practice.

B. Resnick, N. J. Klinedinst, N. Klinedinst, 2015, Journal of nursing measurement.

B. Resnick, N. J. Klinedinst, N. Klinedinst, 2015, Journal of Nursing Measurement.

B. Resnick, J. Magaziner, E. Galik, 2016, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

B. Resnick, N. Brandt, K. Doran, 2018, Gerontology & geriatrics education.

B. Resnick, K. Flannery, T. McMullen, 2014, Heart & lung : the journal of critical care.

Barbara Resnick, Elizabeth Galik, Kelly Flannery, 2012, Public health nursing.

B. Resnick, J. Magaziner, D. Orwig, 2002, Clinical nursing research.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, J. Klinedinst, 2014, Applied nursing research : ANR.

B. Resnick, E. McMahon, Josh Allen, 2018, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

B. Resnick, 1999, Clinical nursing research.

B. Resnick, B. Qi, E. Nahm, 2014, Journal of Nursing Measurement.

S. Zimmerman, B. Resnick, J. Magaziner, 2005, Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, Ingrid Pretzer-Aboff, 2009, Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, K. Van Haitsma, 2021, Western journal of nursing research.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, K. VanHaitsma, 2021, Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, S. Dorsey, 2023, Critical care nursing quarterly.

B. Resnick, M. Boltz, Ashley Kuzmik, 2023, Journal of applied gerontology : the official journal of the Southern Gerontological Society.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, Nayeon Kim, 2023, Journal of aging and physical activity.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, M. Boltz, 2023, Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses.

B. Resnick, J. Galvin, M. Boltz, 2015, Neurodegenerative disease management.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, K. Van Haitsma, 2021, Journal of Nursing Measurement.

J. Mogle, B. Resnick, J. Galvin, 2020, Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses.

B. Resnick, M. Boltz, Ashley Kuzmik, 2021, Journal of Aging and Physical Activity.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, S. Dorsey, 2021, Frontiers in Pain Research.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, K. Van Haitsma, 2021, Journal of Gerontological Nursing.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, A. Gruber-Baldini, 2011, Journal of aging and health.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, M. Boltz, 2023, American journal of critical care : an official publication, American Association of Critical-Care Nurses.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, M. Boltz, 2020, Journal of applied gerontology : the official journal of the Southern Gerontological Society.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, M. Boltz, 2019, Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, M. Boltz, 2020, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

L. Magder, R. Fortinsky, B. Resnick, 2016, Journal of physiotherapy.

Barbara Resnick, B. Resnick, 2002, Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses.

P. Katz, B. Resnick, J. Ouslander, 2016, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, A. Gruber-Baldini, 2010, Clinical nursing research.

A. King, B. Resnick, D. Riebe, 2008, Western journal of nursing research.

B. Resnick, B Resnick, Barbara Resnick, 1999, Geriatric nursing.

P. Katz, B. Resnick, M. Smalbrugge, 2023, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

B. Resnick, M. Hochberg, J. Magaziner, 2016, Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses.

S. Zimmerman, P. Sloane, B. Resnick, 2022, Geriatric nursing.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, A. Gruber-Baldini, 2015, The Gerontologist.

S. Zimmerman, B. Resnick, E. Galik, 2012, Clinical nursing research.

S. Zimmerman, B. Resnick, E. Galik, 2011, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

B. Resnick, D. Riebe, M. Coday, 2005, Prevention Science.

B. Resnick, 1995, Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses.

S. Studenski, E. Simonsick, N. Gee, 2020, Frontiers in Veterinary Science.

B. Resnick, J. Magaziner, Ram R Miller, 2007, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, M. Shaughnessy, 2009, The Journal of cardiovascular nursing.

B. Resnick, 2001, Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners.

B. Resnick, E. Adler, 2010, Western journal of nursing research.

B. Resnick, Alisha J Hackney, N. Klinedinst, 2019, Journal of Nursing Measurement.

R. Fortinsky, B. Resnick, E. Galik, 2023, Journal of aging and health.

B. Resnick, K. Doran, Natalie A Kim, 2017, Research and Theory for Nursing Practice.

B. Resnick, S. Baxter, C. Quinn, 2004, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

B. Resnick, 2023, Geriatric nursing.

B. Resnick, 2016 .

S. Zimmerman, B. Resnick, J. Magaziner, 2008, Journal of clinical sport psychology.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, Sarah D. Holmes, 2018, American journal of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.

B. Resnick, 1998, Journal of Gerontological Nursing.

B. Resnick, 2019, Geriatric nursing.

B. Resnick, Robin M Hermann, M. Boltz, 2023, Research in gerontological nursing.

S. Studenski, E. Simonsick, N. Gee, 2019, Innovation in aging.

B. Resnick, Y. Scherer, Viliporn Runkawatt, 2011, Geriatric nursing.

S. Zimmerman, B. Resnick, J. Magaziner, 2007, Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, M. Boltz, 2020, The Canadian journal of nursing research = Revue canadienne de recherche en sciences infirmieres.

Barbara Resnick, Patricia Flatley Brennan, Eun-Shim Nahm, 2015, Health Informatics J..

B. Resnick, E. Galik, Brittany F Drazich, 2023, Journal of The American Geriatrics Society.

S. Zimmerman, B. Resnick, E. Galik, 2013, Journal of applied gerontology : the official journal of the Southern Gerontological Society.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, Rachel McPherson, 2022, Activities, Adaptation & Aging.

B. Resnick, H. Young, G. Melendez‐Torres, 2022, International Journal of Older People Nursing.

B. Resnick, G. Melendez‐Torres, J. Baumbusch, 2022, Geriatric nursing.

B. Resnick, G. Melendez‐Torres, J. Baumbusch, 2022, Journal of Gerontological Nursing.

B. Resnick, B. Sheer, J. Longworth, 2002, Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, Marie Boltz, 2014, American journal of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.

Barbara Resnick, Elizabeth Galik, B. Resnick, 2007, Journal of aging and physical activity.

S. Zimmerman, B. Resnick, M. Hochberg, 2011, Archives of Internal Medicine.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, Nicole Viviano, 2019, Applied nursing research : ANR.

S. Zimmerman, B. Resnick, J. Magaziner, 2005, The Gerontologist.

B. Resnick, Jennifer E. Swanberg, K. Doran, 2017, Journal of occupational and environmental medicine.

B. Resnick, 2006, Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, Rachel McPherson, 2023, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, 2007, Journal of aging and physical activity.

B. Resnick, 2018, Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners.

Barbara Resnick, B. Resnick, 2009, Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners.

S. Zimmerman, B. Resnick, E. Galik, 2011, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

B. Resnick, J. Pittas, C. Wells, 2021, Journal of nursing measurement.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, M. Boltz, 2011, Journal of nursing care quality.

Barbara Resnick, Eun-Shim Nahm, KyungSook Kim, 2013, Nursing Informatics.

B. Resnick, S. Mcleskey, 2008, The American journal of managed care.

B. Resnick, J. Magaziner, G. Hicks, 2009, PM & R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation.

B. Resnick, D. Harrington, P. Sacco, 2016, Journal of applied gerontology : the official journal of the Southern Gerontological Society.

B. Resnick, 1995, Journal of gerontological nursing.

B. Resnick, E. Galik, K. McPhaul, 2012, Geriatric nursing.