J. Dunn


B. Jagannathan, R. Groves, J. Johnson, 2001, Proceedings of the 2001 BIPOLAR/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting (Cat. No.01CH37212).

D. Greenberg, R. Groves, G. Freeman, 2002, 2002 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference. Digest of Technical Papers (Cat. No.02CH37315).

A. Joseph, D. Harame, R. Johnson, 2000, 2000 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings. 38th Annual (Cat. No.00CH37059).

A. Joseph, D. Harame, L. Lanzerotti, 2000, Electrical Overstress/Electrostatic Discharge Symposium Proceedings 2000 (IEEE Cat. No.00TH8476).

D. Sheridan, D. Coolbaugh, M. Zierak, 2002, Proceedings of the Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting.

Alvin J. Joseph, James S. Dunn, Dimitris P. Ioannou, 2009 .

J.B. Johnson, A. Joseph, B. Orner, 2006, 2006 Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting.

J. Johnson, J. Dunn, Q.Z. Liu, 2005, IEEE Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium, 2005. CSIC '05..

Alvin J. Joseph, James S. Dunn, David L. Harame, 2001 .

D. Greenberg, K. Schonenberg, D. Harame, 2001 .

James S. Dunn, David R. Greenberg, Bernard S. Meyerson, 2003, IBM J. Res. Dev..

D. Ahlgren, G. Freeman, S. Subbanna, 2000, 2000 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings. 38th Annual (Cat. No.00CH37059).

David Harame, Richard A. Phelps, Yun Shi, 2010, 2010 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium.

K. Chatty, D. Harame, E. Seebacher, 2010, 2010 22nd International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices & IC's (ISPSD).

James S. Dunn, Edward J. Nowak, Alvin J. Joseph, 2005, Proceedings of the IEEE.

T. Kirihata, D. Coolbaugh, D. Coolbaugh, 2007, 2007 IEEE Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting.

Alvin J. Joseph, James S. Dunn, David R. Greenberg, 2004 .

Alvin Joseph, David Harame, Dawn Wang, 2010, 2010 10th IEEE International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology.

E. Gebreselasie, S. Voldman, S. St Onge, 2005, 2005 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium, 2005. Proceedings. 43rd Annual..