I. Yilmaz


I. Yilmaz, M. Marschalko, M. Bednarik, 2011 .

I. Yilmaz, D. Toksoz, 2019, Arabian Journal of Geosciences.

Marian Marschalko, Işık Yilmaz, Jozef Minár, 2013, Natural Hazards.

Marian Marschalko, Işık Yilmaz, Martin Bednárik, 2012, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.

Işık Yilmaz, Mustafa Yildirim, I. Yilmaz, 2010 .

I. Yilmaz, Derya Toksöz Hozatlıoğlu, 2022, Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology.

Marian Marschalko, Oguz Kaynar, Martin Bednarik, 2012, Neural Computing and Applications.

I. Yilmaz, M. Marschalko, M. Bednarik, 2013, TheScientificWorldJournal.

I. Yilmaz, M. Marschalko, D. Popielarczyk, 2019, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment.

I. Yilmaz, M. Marschalko, D. Lamich, 2016, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment.

I. Yilmaz, M. Marschalko, M. Bednarik, 2012, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment.

I. Yilmaz, M. Marschalko, M. Yildirim, 2017, Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology.

I. Yilmaz, M. Marschalko, M. Bednarik, 2012, Neural Computing and Applications.

Marian Drusa, Andrea Segalini, Marian Marschalko, 2017, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.

I. Yilmaz, M. Marschalko, Xianfeng Cheng, 2019, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment.

Marian Marschalko, Dariusz Popielarczyk, I. Yilmaz, 2020, Environmental Earth Sciences.

I. Yilmaz, M. Marschalko, Shuran Yang, 2019, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.

I. Yilmaz, M. Marschalko, 2014, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment.

Marian Marschalko, Işık Yilmaz, Karel Kubečka, 2015, Environmental Earth Sciences.

I. Yilmaz, M. Marschalko, M. Bednarik, 2014, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment.

I. Yilmaz, M. Marschalko, T. Kovács, 2014, Environmental Earth Sciences.

Marian Marschalko, Işık Yilmaz, Petra Zástěrová, 2017, Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology.

Peter Jelínek, Marian Marschalko, David Lamich, 2015, Environmental Earth Sciences.

Marian Marschalko, Işık Yilmaz, Martin Bednárik, 2013, Arabian Journal of Geosciences.

I. Yilmaz, M. Marschalko, Z. Ženišová, 2018, Environmental Earth Sciences.

Marian Marschalko, Işık Yilmaz, Martin Bednárik, 2012, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment.

Işık Yilmaz, Ferhan Demirkoparan, Oguz Kaynar, 2010 .

Işık Yilmaz, Murat Ercanoglu, I. Yilmaz, 2018, Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research.