B. Sanders


Barry C. Sanders, Mark R. Adcock, Peter Høyer, 2011, Quantum Information Processing.

Mark R. Adcock, P. Høyer, B. Sanders, 2012 .

W. Bowen, B. Sanders, A. Lance, 2003, Physical review letters.

R. Cleve, B. Sanders, D. Berry, 2005, quant-ph/0508139.

B. Sanders, D. Berry, 2002, Physical review letters.

Barry C. Sanders, Tomáš Tyc, Ping Koy Lam, 2007 .

Barry C. Sanders, B. Sanders, P. Hariharan, 1996 .

Barry C. Sanders, Stephen D. Bartlett, Peter L. Knight, 2003 .

Barry C. Sanders, Kunkun Wang, Peng Xue, 2017, Nature Physics.

Barry C. Sanders, Kunkun Wang, Peng Xue, 2018, Physical Review A.

Barry C. Sanders, Nathan Wiebe, Dominic W. Berry, 2010, 1011.3489.

Barry C. Sanders, Stephen D. Bartlett, T. D. Mackay, 2002 .

Barry C. Sanders, Rong Zhang, Peng Xue, 2015, 1604.05905.

B. Sanders, W. Tittel, A. Lvovsky, 2009, 1002.4659.

B. Sanders, W. Tittel, Artur Scherer, 2010, Optics express.

P. Høyer, B. Sanders, D. Berry, 2008, 0812.0562.

T. Rudolph, J. Joo, B. Sanders, 2009, 0902.4262.

B. Sanders, A. Lvovsky, A. Rezakhani, 2010, 1009.3307.

Yunlong Xiao, B. Sanders, Qiongyi He, 2018, New Journal of Physics.

B. Sanders, 2011, 1112.1778.

D. Markham, B. Sanders, 2008, 0808.1532.

Joel J. Wallman, B. Sanders, Y. Sanders, 2015, 1501.04932.

B. R. Lavoie, B. Sanders, M. Beig-Mohammadi, 2016, 1604.02754.

B. R. Lavoie, B. Sanders, P. M. Leung, 2011, 1110.1341.

R. Cleve, B. Sanders, D. Berry, 2007 .

B. Sanders, K. Marzlin, 2004, Physical Review Letters.

B. Sanders, P. Grangier, J. Vučković, 2004 .

B. Sanders, S. Bartlett, H. Guise, 2001, quant-ph/0109066.

D. Markham, B. Sanders, B. Fortescue, 2010, 1004.4619.

M. Feng, B. Sanders, Xiaoguang Wang, 2002, quant-ph/0212034.

P. Hayden, B. Sanders, Sepehr Nezami, 2016, 1601.02544.

Barry C. Sanders, Cheng-Zhi Peng, Zheng-Da Li, 2015, 1505.02879.

B. Sanders, S. Moiseev, K. Marzlin, 2010, 1001.1893.

Barry C. Sanders, Sophie Schirmer, Ehsan Zahedinejad, 2014, 1403.0943.

Adam G. D'Souza, B. Sanders, D. Feder, 2013, 1311.2348.

Barry C. Sanders, Wolfgang Tittel, Artur Scherer, 2009, 0904.1184.

Barry C. Sanders, Gilles Brassard, Norbert Lütkenhaus, 2000, EUROCRYPT.

Barry C. Sanders, Gilles Brassard, Tal Mor, 2002 .

Barry C Sanders, Peng Xue, Dietrich Leibfried, 2009, Physical review letters.

Barry C Sanders, Mirko Lobino, Eden Figueroa, 2008, Science.

Barry C. Sanders, Xiaoguang Wang, B. Sanders, 2003 .

Barry C. Sanders, Michael Siomau, Sergey A. Moiseev, 2012, 1205.4506.

K. Nemoto, B. Sanders, 2001, quant-ph/0210067.

B. Sanders, D. Salahub, N. Babcock, 2012, Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP.

B. Sanders, Michael Skotiniotis, I. Durham, 2013, Physical review letters.

B. Sanders, H. Guise, Jizhou Wu, 2018, Physical Review A.

B. Sanders, Si-Hui Tan, H. Guise, 2014, 1402.2391.

B. Sanders, J. Schmiedmayer, Shu Xu, 2022, Physical Review Research.

Jian-Wei Pan, W. Munro, K. Nemoto, 2020, Physical review letters.

B. Sanders, A. Weily, K. Esselle, 2005, 2005 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium.

B. Sanders, A. Weily, K. Esselle, 2004 .

T. Ralph, R. Schnabel, W. Bowen, 2003, 2003 European Quantum Electronics Conference. EQEC 2003 (IEEE Cat No.03TH8665).

P. Xue, B. Sanders, Lei Xiao, 2017, Physical review letters.

P. Knight, B. Sanders, D. Berry, 2003, International Quantum Electronics Conference.

P. Knight, R. Laflamme, B. Sanders, 2004, quant-ph/0402018.

B. Sanders, R. Sadighi-Bonabi, Saeid Asgarnezhad-Zorgabad, 2018, Physical Review A.

Barry C. Sanders, Paul M. Alsing, Shohini Ghose, 2004, quant-ph/0409133.

Jian-Wei Pan, Yu-Ao Chen, B. Sanders, 2015 .

B. Sanders, Ish Dhand, H. Guise, 2015, 1507.06274.

B. Sanders, A. Weily, K. Esselle, 2002, 2002 Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices. COMMAD 2002. Proceedings (Cat. No.02EX601).

Barry C Sanders, Stephen D Bartlett, B. Sanders, 2002, Physical review letters.

B. Sanders, L. Hollenberg, D. Edmundson, 2008 .

B. Sanders, A. Weily, K. Esselle, 2003, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. Digest. Held in conjunction with: USNC/CNC/URSI North American Radio Sci. Meeting (Cat. No.03CH37450).

B. Sanders, U. Sinha, Simanraj Sadana, 2019, New Journal of Physics.

B. Sanders, R. Stock, J. Choquette, 2007 .

B. Sanders, G. Brennen, Y. Sanders, 2022, 2201.06211.

B. Sanders, Jizhou Wu, 2022, Physical Review Research.

B. Sanders, D. Berry, 2002, quant-ph/0203081.

K. Nemoto, S. Braunstein, B. Sanders, 2001, Physical review letters.

G. Brassard, T. Mor, B. Sanders, 1999, Conference Digest. 2000 International Quantum Electronics Conference (Cat. No.00TH8504).

B. Sanders, Xiaoguang Wang, Jamil Daboul, 2002, quant-ph/0211185.

P. Knight, R. Laflamme, B. Sanders, 2004, quant-ph/0402018.

B. Sanders, P. Hariharan, 2002, Optics express.

B. Sanders, Xiaoguang Wang, 2002, quant-ph/0212035.

B. Sanders, D. Berry, 2002, Physical review letters.

B. Sanders, G. Brennen, Y. Sanders, 2022, Physical Review D.

E. Knill, G. Milburn, R. Laflamme, 2001, quant-ph/0112001.

T. D. Mackay, B. Sanders, S. Bartlett, 2001, quant-ph/0108004.

J. Eisert, T. Rudolph, B. Sanders, 2007, quant-ph/0703225.

S. Barnett, P. Knight, B. Sanders, 1986 .

R. Cleve, A. J. Scott, B. Sanders, 2005, Quantum Inf. Comput..

G. Brassard, T. Mor, B. Sanders, 1999, quant-ph/9906074.

E. Diamanti, B. Sanders, E. Waks, 2003, Physical review letters.

A. Szameit, B. Sanders, P. Walther, 2014 .

B. Sanders, Xiaoguang Wang, A. Devi, 2003, Quantum Inf. Process..

B. Sanders, S. Bartlett, W. Zhang, 2000, Physical review letters.

B. Sanders, L. Horvath, 2000, quant-ph/0012002.

B. Sanders, L. Horvath, B. Wielinga, 1999, quant-ph/9901038.

B. Sanders, T. Tyc, 2004, quant-ph/0404090.

B. Sanders, T. Tyc, D. Rowe, 2003, quant-ph/0301028.

B. Sanders, K. Busch, S. John, 2000, Conference Digest. 2000 International Quantum Electronics Conference (Cat. No.00TH8504).

D. Meyer, B. Sanders, G. Gour, 2005, quant-ph/0505091.

M. Feng, B. Sanders, Xiaoguang Wang, 2002, quant-ph/0212034.

P. Knight, T. Rudolph, B. Sanders, 2003, quant-ph/0306076.

B. Sanders, J. Cresser, I. Kamleitner, 2004, quant-ph/0406018.

B. Sanders, S. Bartlett, B. Varcoe, 2000, Technical Digest. CLEO/Pacific Rim 2001. 4th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (Cat. No.01TH8557).

B. Sanders, L. Memarzadeh, 2022, Physical Review Research.

W. Bowen, B. Sanders, A. Lance, 2002, quant-ph/0210188.

B. Sanders, K. Marzlin, 2004, Physical review letters.

R. Cleve, B. Sanders, D. Berry, 2005, quant-ph/0508139.

Robert R. Nerem, P. Høyer, B. Sanders, 2021, Physical Review Research.

J. S. Oberoi, Seyed Shakib Vedaie, B. Sanders, 2019, 1909.08131.

C. M. Scandolo, B. Sanders, G. Gour, 2021, 2111.13695.

B. Sanders, F. Bretenaker, A. Narayanan, 2019, Optics express.

B. Sanders, D. Berry, 2003, quant-ph/0305059.

B. Sanders, Wei-Wei Zhang, Jizhou Wu, 2019, Frontiers of Physics.

P. Knight, B. Sanders, S. Bartlett, 2002, quant-ph/0207028.

F. Wong, J. Shapiro, B. Sanders, 2016, Physical review letters.

B. Sanders, G. Brennen, Y. Sanders, 2022, Physical Review D.

B. Sanders, Xianlong Gao, Gao Xianlong, 2022, Physical Review A.

B. Sanders, Xiaoguang Wang, 2003, quant-ph/0305066.

B. Sanders, Xiaoguang Wang, 2003, quant-ph/0302014.

B. Sanders, Xiao-guang Wang, 2004, quant-ph/0409200.

Santosh Kumar Radha, B. Sanders, S. Fernandes, 2022, 2210.16438.

B. Sanders, K. Jin, Yue-liang Zhou, 2007, 0707.0216.

B. Sanders, K. Marzlin, Weiping Zhang, 2000, Conference Digest. 2000 International Quantum Electronics Conference (Cat. No.00TH8504).

B. Sanders, Pantita Palittapongarnpim, 2018, Physical Review A.

B. Sanders, P. M. Leung, 2012, Physical review letters.

P. Xue, B. Sanders, Lei Xiao, 2019, 1906.07468.

W. Bowen, B. Sanders, A. Lance, 2003, Physical review letters.

B. Sanders, A. Pati, 2005, quant-ph/0503138.

T. Rudolph, B. Sanders, Terry Rudolph, 2001, Physical review letters.

K. Nemoto, B. Sanders, 2001, quant-ph/0210067.

B. Sanders, V. Kendon, 2004, quant-ph/0404043.

B. Sanders, D. Feder, Pengcheng Liao, 2021, Physical Review A.

Mark R. Adcock, P. Høyer, B. Sanders, 2012, Quantum Information Processing.

B. Sanders, D. Berry, A. Lvovsky, 2005, Optics letters.

B. Sanders, Archismita Dalal, 2022, Physical Review A.

B. Sanders, S. Bartlett, 2003, quant-ph/0302125.

B. Sanders, S. Bartlett, 2002, Physical review letters.

B. Sanders, D. A. Rice, 1998, Technical Digest. Summaries of Papers Presented at the International Quantum Electronics Conference. Conference Edition. 1998 Technical Digest Series, Vol.7 (IEEE Cat. No.98CH36236).

B. Sanders, S. Bartlett, H. Guise, 2001, quant-ph/0104106.

B. Sanders, D. Rowe, H. Guise, 1998, math-ph/9811012.

B. Sanders, G. Gour, 2004, Physical review letters.

Barry C. Sanders, K. B. Whaley, Karl-Peter Marzlin, 2007 .

Jian-Wei Pan, B. Sanders, Chaoyang Lu, 2021, Physical review letters.

B. Sanders, Xiaoguang Wang, 2001, quant-ph/0104011.

B. Sanders, K. Marzlin, Zeng-bin Wang, 2006, Physical review letters.

E. Diamanti, B. Sanders, E. Waks, 2006, quant-ph/0602118.

B. Sanders, S. Bartlett, H. Guise, 2002, quant-ph/0208008.

Seyed Shakib Vedaie, N. Linke, N. Nguyen, 2022, Physical Review Research.

B. Sanders, L. Horvath, B. Wielinga, 1998, Technical Digest. Summaries of Papers Presented at the International Quantum Electronics Conference. Conference Edition. 1998 Technical Digest Series, Vol.7 (IEEE Cat. No.98CH36236).

B. Sanders, 2021, Physics.

Barry C. Sanders, Simon J. D. Phoenix, Jiannis K. Pachos, 2017, 1707.03286.

Barry C. Sanders, Ehsan Zahedinejad, Joydip Ghosh, 2015, ArXiv.

B. R. Lavoie, B. Sanders, P. M. Leung, 2013, 1303.3218.

Neil B. Lovett, Barry C Sanders, Neil B Lovett, 2013, Physical review letters.

Barry C. Sanders, Ish Dhand, B. Sanders, 2014, 1403.3469.

Barry C. Sanders, Robert A. Wolkow, Lucian Livadaru, 2009, 0910.1797.

Barry C. Sanders, Alexandre Blais, Andreas Wallraff, 2013, 1305.7135.

Barry C. Sanders, Gerard J. Milburn, G. Milburn, 1997 .

B. Sanders, N. Brown, P. Hariharan, 1993, OSA Annual Meeting.

Barry C. Sanders, Peng Xue, P. Xue, 2008, 0802.3749.

B. Sanders, D. Berry, 2002, quant-ph/0203081.

B. Sanders, S. Kais, Zixuan Hu, 2020, Frontiers in Physics.

B. Sanders, M. Raizen, N. Babcock, 2007, 0712.2486.

Barry C. Sanders, René Stock, Nathan S. Babcock, 2007, SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications.

B. Sanders, N. Babcock, R. Stock, 2007, Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference.

Jian-Wei Pan, B. Sanders, Wei Sun, 2018, Physical review letters.

Barry C. Sanders, L. Horvath, H. J. Carmichael, 2003, SPIE International Symposium on Fluctuations and Noise.

Lorenzo Maccone, Hubert de Guise, Barry C. Sanders, 2017, Optical Engineering + Applications.

B. Sanders, M. Saffman, I. Beterov, 2019, 1912.02977.

B. Sanders, Bambi Hu, S. Ghose, 2003, Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics.

Barry C. Sanders, B. Sanders, 2013, RC.

Barry C. Sanders, B. Sanders, 2009 .

Barry C. Sanders, B. Sanders, 2020, 2020 ACM/IEEE International Workshop on System Level Interconnect Prediction (SLIP).

B. Sanders, T. Tyc, W. Oliver, 2005, quant-ph/0507167.

B. Sanders, Namrata Shukla, Naeem Akhtar, 2018, Physical Review A.

B. Sanders, S. Ghose, 2004, quant-ph/0404171.

B. Sanders, Michael Skotiniotis, I. Durham, 2013 .

Barry C. Sanders, Peter Wittek, Pantita Palittpongarnpim, 2016, Optical Engineering + Applications.

B. Sanders, C. Navarrete-Benlloch, Naeem Akhtar, 2021, 2102.10791.

Alexander Hentschel, Barry C Sanders, B. Sanders, 2009, Physical review letters.

Baoming Bai, Barry C. Sanders, Xinmei Wang, 2009, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.

Jan Rezác, Barry C Sanders, Dennis R Salahub, 2010, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Barry C Sanders, Dong-Sheng Wang, Dominic W Berry, 2013, Physical review letters.

Barry C. Sanders, Shohini Ghose, B. Sanders, 2006, quant-ph/0606026.

Barry C. Sanders, Peter Wittek, Pantita Palittapongarnpim, 2017, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics.

Xiongfeng Ma, Barry C Sanders, Qi Zhao, 2017, Physical review letters.

M. S. Abdalla, B. Sanders, M. Abdel-Aty, 2008, 0805.0423.

B. Sanders, S. Moiseev, A. Kamli, 2009, 0911.1372.

Barry C. Sanders, Aeysha Khalique, B. Sanders, 2016, Optical Engineering + Applications.

B. Sanders, S. Bartlett, H. Guise, 2000, Physical Review A.

G. Jaeger, B. Sanders, D. A. Rice, 2000 .

Barry C. Sanders, Timothy C. Ralph, Ping Koy Lam, 2004, quant-ph/0411191.

G. J. Milburn, W. J. Munro, G. Milburn, 1999, quant-ph/9910057.

T. Rudolph, P. Turner, B. Sanders, 2006, quant-ph/0607107.

B. Sanders, K. Jin, Guo‐zhen Yang, 2001 .

E. S. Moiseev, B. Sanders, S. Moiseev, 2021, 2106.15857.

B. Sanders, K. Marzlin, M. Razul, 2016, 1602.07190.

B. Sanders, Salini Karuvade, 2021, 2109.14107.

Barry C. Sanders, Masoud Habibidavijani, B. Sanders, 2019, New Journal of Physics.

Barry C. Sanders, Ish Dhand, Abdullah Khalid, 2015, 1508.00283.

Barry C. Sanders, Raymond Laflamme, Peter L. Knight, 2003, InternationalQuantum Electronics Conference, 2004. (IQEC)..

Barry C. Sanders, Yuval R. Sanders, Mahnaz Jafarzadeh, 2019, New Journal of Physics.

Barry C. Sanders, Archismita Dalal, Mohsen Bagherimehrab, 2021, ArXiv.

Barry C. Sanders, Kunkun Wang, Peng Xue, 2020 .

Barry C. Sanders, Jian Li, Kunkun Wang, 2017, 1707.08790.

Jian Li, Barry C Sanders, Peng Xue, 2016, Physical review letters.

Barry C Sanders, P Xue, P. Xue, 2015, Physical review letters.

Yang Liu, Geoff J Pryde, Juan Miguel Arrazola, 2018, Physical review letters.

B. Sanders, 2023, Journal of Physics: Conference Series.

Barry C. Sanders, Patrick M. Leung, B. Sanders, 2012, Photonics West - Optoelectronic Materials and Devices.

Barry C. Sanders, Alexandre Blais, Andreas Wallraff, 2013, Science.

Barry C. Sanders, Ya-Dong Wu, B. Sanders, 2019, New Journal of Physics.

B. Sanders, L. Maccone, H. Guise, 2018, Physical Review A.

B. Sanders, M. Wilde, Kunal Sharma, 2020, 2012.02754.

B. Sanders, Pantita Palittapongarnpim, 2018 .

Barry C. Sanders, Xiaoguang Wang, B. Sanders, 2000 .

Jeong San Kim, Barry C. Sanders, B. Sanders, 2011, 1104.1675.

Jeong San Kim, Barry C. Sanders, B. Sanders, 2009, 0911.5180.

Barry C. Sanders, Somshubhro Bandyopadhyay, Gilad Gour, 2007 .

Barry C. Sanders, Gilad Gour, David A. Meyer, 2005 .

B. Sanders, Vlad Gheorghiu, M. C. de Oliveira, 2014, Physical review letters.

Barry C. Sanders, Pantita Palittapongarnpim, B. Sanders, 2018, ArXiv.

Barry C. Sanders, Karu P. Esselle, Andrew R. Weily, 2004 .

Patrick Fraser, Barry Sanders, B. Sanders, 2017, 1805.09289.

B. Sanders, D. Berry, 2001, quant-ph/0111079.

Barry C. Sanders, Philip Walther, Stefan Nolte, 2014, 1403.3433.

Jian-Wei Pan, B. Sanders, Chaoyang Lu, 2018, Physical review letters.

B. Sanders, V. Konotop, D. Zezyulin, 2019, Optics letters.

B. Sanders, S. Moiseev, A. Kamli, 2010, 1008.1303.

Barry C Sanders, B. Sanders, S. Moiseev, 2008, Physical review letters.

J. Dowling, B. Sanders, P. Anisimov, 2011, Physical review letters.

Barry C. Sanders, Salini Karuvade, Abhijeet Alase, 2020, Physical Review Research.

B. Sanders, Weiping Zhang, W. Tan, 1997 .

Barry C Sanders, Ehsan Zahedinejad, Joydip Ghosh, 2015, Physical review letters.

Barry C. Sanders, Damian Markham, Ben Fortescue, 2010, Optical Engineering + Applications.

Barry C. Sanders, Mark R. Adcock, Mark Adcock, 2009 .

Barry C. Sanders, Mark R. Adcock, Mark Adcock, 2008, 0812.3694.

Barry C. Sanders, Ping Koy Lam, Andrew M. Lance, 2004, SPIE International Symposium on Fluctuations and Noise.

Barry C. Sanders, A. J. Scott, Jonathan Walgate, 2005, Quantum Inf. Comput..

Barry C. Sanders, B. Sanders, 2005, 35th International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic (ISMVL'05).

Barry C. Sanders, Rolf T. Horn, Karl-Peter Marzlin, 2004, SPIE Optics + Photonics.

A. T. Rezakhani, B. Sanders, A. Rezakhani, 2008, 0809.0940.

Barry C. Sanders, Ya-Dong Wu, Abdullah Khalid, 2017, New Journal of Physics.

Barry C. Sanders, B. Sanders, 2011, OPTO.

Barry C. Sanders, Zeng-Bin Wang, Karl-Peter Marzlin, 2006, SPIE Optics + Photonics.

B. Sanders, M. Niu, Dylan Spivak, 2022, Physical Review Research.

Barry C. Sanders, Abdullah Khalid, B. Sanders, 2017, Physical Review A.

B. Sanders, D. Rowe, H. Guise, 2001 .

B. Sanders, Ish Dhand, H. Guise, 2014 .

B. R. Lavoie, B. Sanders, Nafiseh Sang-Nourpour, 2016, 1611.00695.

Barry C. Sanders, Alexandre Blais, Peng Xue, 2008, 0802.2750.

P. Knight, B. Sanders, K. Marzlin, 2007, 0709.0613.

P. Turner, B. Sanders, Z. Shaterzadeh-Yazdi, 2007, 0710.3205.

Barry C. Sanders, Peter S. Turner, Zahra Shaterzadeh Yazdi, 2007, SPIE International Symposium on Fluctuations and Noise.

Barry C. Sanders, Howard J. Carmichael, B. Sanders, 1997 .

Barry C. Sanders, Peng Xue, P. Xue, 2011, 1112.1487.

B. Sanders, B. Fortescue, R. Choi, 2012, 1212.4217.

Sukhwinder Singh, B. Sanders, P. Rohde, 2014, 1412.0750.

G. Milburn, B. Sanders, Zhong-Xi Zhang, 1997 .

Barry C. Sanders, Moslem Noori, Inderpreet Singh, 2020 .

B. Sanders, K. Marzlin, 2006 .

Barry C. Sanders, Terry Rudolph, T. Rudolph, 2001, quant-ph/0112020.

Barry C Sanders, Jan Řezáč, Dennis R Salahub, 2011, Journal of the American Chemical Society.

Jeong San Kim, Barry C. Sanders, B. Sanders, 2008, 0805.1690.

Barry C. Sanders, Benjamin R. Lavoie, B. R. Lavoie, 2011, NanoScience + Engineering.

B. Sanders, S. Bartlett, T. Johnson, 2002, quant-ph/0204011.

Barry C. Sanders, Alexander Hentschel, B. Sanders, 2011, 2011 International Quantum Electronics Conference (IQEC) and Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) Pacific Rim incorporating the Australasian Conference on Optics, Lasers and Spectroscopy and the Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology.

Barry C. Sanders, Alexander Hentschel, B. Sanders, 2010, 1005.5144.

Barry C. Sanders, Peter Wittek, Pantita Palittapongarnpim, 2016, ESANN.

Barry C. Sanders, Somshubhro Bandyopadhyay, Gilad Gour, 2006, quant-ph/0606168.

A. C. Funk, B. Sanders, M. Raymer, 2002, quant-ph/0210137.

Yvonne Y Gao, B. Sanders, Si-Hui Tan, 2012, Physical review letters.

B. Sanders, Hessa M. M. Alotaibi, 2013, 1310.3318.

Barry C. Sanders, Dong-Sheng Wang, B. Sanders, 2014, 1407.7251.

B. Sanders, H. Carmichael, J. Clemens, 2003 .

Seyed Shakib Vedaie, N. Linke, N. Nguyen, 2022, Physical Review Research.

S. Goyal, B. Sanders, Simon Apers, 2017, Physical review letters.

B. Sanders, A. Morello, Pragati Gupta, 2023, 2304.13813.

B. Sanders, D. Berry, Xiaoguang Wang, 2002, quant-ph/0210156.

Barry C. Sanders, Markus Grassl, Bei Zeng, 2013, 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory.

Jeong San Kim, Barry C. Sanders, Gilad Gour, 2011, 1112.1776.

Barry C. Sanders, Travis R. Beals, Kevin P. Hynes, 2008, ArXiv.

Mark R. Adcock, P. Høyer, B. Sanders, 2016, Quantum Information Processing.

Kang-Soo Lee, B. Sanders, Myungshik S. Kim, 1995, Technical Digest. CLEO/Pacific Rim'95. The Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics.

B. Sanders, A. Weily, K. Esselle, 2005, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation.

Seyed Shakib Vedaie, B. Sanders, Archismita Dalal, 2023, Annals of Physics.

B. Sanders, S. Nimmrichter, Namrata Shukla, 2020, 2009.12888.

Barry C. Sanders, Mark R. Adcock, Peter Høyer, 2012, Quantum Information Processing.

Barry C. Sanders, Nigum Arshed, Jizhou Wu, 2017, 1705.11036.

B. Sanders, Wei-Wei Zhang, Y. Sanders, 2020, New Journal of Physics.

B. Sanders, Vlad Gheorghiu, M. D. Oliveira, 2015 .

K. B. Whaley, B. Sanders, K. Marzlin, 2009 .

Barry C. Sanders, Karu P. Esselle, Andrew R. Weily, 2007 .

B. Sanders, Michael Skotiniotis, I. Durham, 2014, 1405.2516.

Yunlong Xiao, B. Sanders, Yadong Wu, 2020, Physical Review D.

B. Sanders, Aidan Roy, Michael Skotiniotis, 2007, 0707.0074.

Barry C. Sanders, Peter Wittek, Ehsan Zahedinejad, 2016, Neurocomputing.

Barry C. Sanders, Pantita Palittapongarnpim, Seyed Shakib Vedaie, 2018, 2018 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series (SUM).

Barry C. Sanders, Moslem Noori, Jaspreet S. Oberoi, 2020, ArXiv.

B. Sanders, H. Carmichael, 1999 .

M. Tomamichel, B. Sanders, Min-Hsiu Hsieh, 2023, Physical Review A.

B. Sanders, S. Ghose, K. Marzlin, 2004, Physical review letters.

Milburn, Sanders, G. Milburn, 1995, Physical review letters.

Barry C. Sanders, Somshubhro Bandyopadhyay, B. Sanders, 2005, SPIE Optics + Photonics.

Barry C. Sanders, Raymond J. Spiteri, Ehsan Zahedinejad, 2018, New Journal of Physics.

Barry C. Sanders, Yoshihisa Yamamoto, Stephen D. Bartlett, 2002, SPIE Optics + Photonics.

B. Sanders, A. Morello, Pragati Gupta, 2023, 2304.13813.

Feihu Xu, B. Sanders, Yingqiu Mao, 2023, Physical review letters.

K. B. Whaley, B. Sanders, K. Marzlin, 2007, quant-ph/0702244.

Sanders, B. Sanders, 1989, Physical review. A, General physics.

J. Rarity, B. Sanders, D. Petrosyan, 2009 .

Sanders, B. Sanders, 1992, Physical review. A, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics.

B. Sanders, Xiaoguang Wang, Hongbin Liang, 2020 .

Carlo Maria Scandolo, B. Sanders, G. Gour, 2021, Physical review. E.

Jian-Wei Pan, B. Sanders, Wei Sun, 2018, Physical review letters.

B. Sanders, Yadong Wu, Y. Sanders, 2019, New Journal of Physics.

Barry C. Sanders, Reza Kheradmand, Benjamin R. Lavoie, 2015 .

Barry C. Sanders, Gilad Gour, Hoan Bui Dang, 2017, Physical Review A.

Barry C. Sanders, Eduardo Martin-Martinez, B. Sanders, 2015, 1508.01209.