E. Preston


E. Preston, J. Webster, 2000, Journal of Neuroscience Methods.

E. Preston, D. Stanimirovic, Jacqueline Slinn, 2008, Journal of Neuroscience Methods.

E. Preston, N. Haas, J. Triandafillou, 1989, Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior.

E. Preston, A. Buchan, G. Robertson, 1997, Biochemistry and cell biology = Biochimie et biologie cellulaire.

G. Sutherland, E. Preston, A. Finsten, 1993, Neuroscience Letters.

U. Tuor, E. Preston, H. Fliss, 1999, Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism.

U. Tuor, E. Preston, I. Rasquinha, 1997, Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism.

E. Preston, J. Webster, I. Rasquinha, 2003, Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism.

E. Preston, A. Buchan, I. Rasquinha, 1993, Neuroscience Letters.

E. Preston, C. Luebbert, Brandon Smith, 2004, Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism.

E. Preston, A. Buchan, I. Rasquinha, 1995, Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism.

E. Preston, I. Hynie, 1991, Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences / Journal Canadien des Sciences Neurologiques.

E. Preston, A. Buchan, Z. Huang, 1999, Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences / Journal Canadien des Sciences Neurologiques.

E. Preston, R. Isaacs, S. Maclean, 1997, Calcified Tissue International.

E. Preston, J. Wojtowicz, N. Kee, 2001, Experimental Brain Research.

Danica Stanimirovic, John Kelly, Arsalan S Haqqani, 2005, FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.

E. Preston, J. Wojtowicz, Yao-Fang Tan, 2010, Front. Neurosci..

E. Preston, H. M. Assenheim, G. Hartsgrove, 1980, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.

E. Preston, N. Haas, K. Butler, 1989, Neuroscience Letters.