C. Donlan


C. Donlan, 2007, Scientific American.

C. Donlan, S. Gelcich, C. Wilcox, 2020, Scientific Reports.

C. Donlan, E. Zavaleta, E. Bonnaud, 2011, Biological Invasions.

Michael A. Thomas, C. Donlan, G. Roemer, 2013, Nature.

C. Donlan, N. Holmes, G. Howald, 2016, Conservation biology : the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology.

Sunny L. Jardine, Jessica A. Gephart, C. Donlan, 2020, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Steven A. Gray, C. Donlan, C. Anderson, 2017, Human Ecology.

C. Donlan, G. Luque, M. Sorice, 2021, Conservation Science and Practice.

Gregg Howald, Piero Genovesi, C. Donlan, 2007, Conservation biology : the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology.

Gloria M. Luque, C. Josh Donlan, C. Donlan, 2019, Biological Conservation.

C. Donlan, G. Howald, B. Keitt, 2004 .

Karl J. Campbell, C. Josh Donlan, C. Donlan, 2005 .

C. Donlan, M. Nogales, B. Tershy, 2004 .

Dana K. Wingfield, L. Crowder, C. Donlan, 2010, Conservation biology : the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology.

C. Donlan, S. Gelcich, M. Sorice, 2022, Frontiers in Marine Science.

J. Castilla, C. Donlan, S. Gelcich, 2015, Maritime Studies.

C. Donlan, C. Oh, T. Gartner, 2013, Ecological applications : a publication of the Ecological Society of America.

C. Donlan, C. Wilcox, 2007 .

J. Terborgh, C. Donlan, R. Ejrnæs, 2015, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

C. Josh Donlan, Franck Courchamp, C. Donlan, 2001, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

C. Donlan, G. Howald, B. Tershy, 2010, Oryx.

C. Donlan, Josh Donlan, 2014 .

Jonathan B. Armstrong, C. Donlan, J. Mandel, 2010 .

C. Donlan, K. Campbell, J. Beek, 2015, Biological Invasions.

A. Weinstein, C. Donlan, B. Keitt, 2022 .

C. Donlan, K. Campbell, J. Beek, 2015, Biological Invasions.

C. Donlan, K. Campbell, J. Beek, 2016, Biological Invasions.

C. Donlan, S. Gelcich, 2015, Conservation biology : the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology.

C. Donlan, C. Wilcox, 2009, Conservation biology : the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology.

C. Donlan, G. Roemer, F. Courchamp, 2006, Ecological applications : a publication of the Ecological Society of America.

C. Donlan, K. Campbell, F. Cruz, 2007, Biological Invasions.

C. Donlan, K. Campbell, F. Cruz, 2007, Biodiversity and Conservation.

C. Donlan, S. Gelcich, K. Boyle, 2018, PloS one.

J. Terborgh, C. Donlan, R. Ejrnæs, 2015, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

C. Donlan, J. Beek, B. Keitt, 2016, Biological Invasions.