R. Schmidt


Joong Hee Kim, D. Loy, K. Trinkaus, 2007, Journal of neurotrauma.

Sheng-Kwei Song, R. Schmidt, A. Cross, 2017, Journal of Neuroinflammation.

Hsiao-Fang Liang, Sheng-Kwei Song, R. Schmidt, 2005, Magnetic resonance in medicine.

Kathryn Trinkaus, Sheng-Kwei Song, Joong Hee Kim, 2010, Journal of neurotrauma.

R. E. Schmidt, Joong Hee Kim, Hsiao-Fang Liang, 2007, Magnetic resonance in medicine.

K. Trinkaus, Sheng-Kwei Song, R. Schmidt, 2015, Brain : a journal of neurology.

R. Schmidt, P. Fernyhough, 2002, International review of neurobiology.

R. Schmidt, S. Dahiya, Jie Chen, 2019, Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology.

R. Schmidt, J. Milbrandt, J. Gustin, 2007, The Journal of Neuroscience.

E. H. Vernot, R. Schmidt, J. Macewen, 1985, Fundamental and applied toxicology : official journal of the Society of Toxicology.

R. Schmidt, Eugene M. Johnson, Louis K. Chang, 2003, The Journal of cell biology.

R. Schmidt, C. Parvin, A. Sima, 2004, Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology.

J. Auwerx, R. Schmidt, D. Sinclair, 2011, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

P. Kempster, R. Baloh, M. Ferrari, 2016, Brain : a journal of neurology.

R. Fulton, R. Schmidt, D. Tran, 2016, Journal of Neuro-Oncology.

R. Schmidt, E. Böttger, P. Kirschner, 1994, American journal of clinical pathology.

J. Shimony, R. Schmidt, A. Mathur, 2016, Journal of Perinatology.

R. Schmidt, G. Hubbard, C. Douglas, 1989 .

R. Schmidt, D. Yablonskiy, A. Cross, 2020, Annals of clinical and translational neurology.

R. Schmidt, J. Milbrandt, R. Nagarajan, 2005, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

R. Schmidt, K. Roth, B. Klocke, 2006, Molecular Pharmacology.

R. Schmidt, R. Doneley, J. Patterson-Kane, 2007, Avian pathology : journal of the W.V.P.A.

R. Schmidt, C. Parvin, K. Green, 2008, Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology.

R. Schmidt, J. Bilbao, 2015 .

K. Yarasheski, R. Schmidt, C. Parvin, 2001, Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology.

R. Schmidt, H. Lassmann, W. Hickey, 1993, Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology.

M. Xie, R. Schmidt, D. Galimberti, 2015, Acta Neuropathologica.

R. Schmidt, J. Nadler, I. Vareniuk, 2010, The American journal of pathology.

R. Schmidt, 2014, Handbook of clinical neurology.

R. Schmidt, J. Williamson, Y. Ido, 1998, Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology.

R. Schmidt, C. Parvin, K. Roth, 1993, The American journal of pathology.

R. Schmidt, J. Nelson, E. Johnson, 1981, The American journal of pathology.

R. Schmidt, L. Metman, A. Espay, 2010, Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society.

R. Schmidt, A. Cross, T. P. Misko, 1998, Journal of Neuroimmunology.

D. Brody, R. Schmidt, A. McKee, 2018, Acta Neuropathologica.

R. Schmidt, J. Milbrandt, D. Hunter, 2011, The Journal of Neuroscience.

A. Pestronk, R. Schmidt, C. Weihl, 2015, Neuromuscular Disorders.

R. Schmidt, J. Milbrandt, S. Yum, 2022, bioRxiv.

P. Distefano, R. Schmidt, K. Roth, 1998, Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology.

R. Schmidt, C. Parvin, D. Dorsey, 2001, Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology.

R. Schmidt, C. Parvin, D. Dorsey, 1999, The American journal of pathology.

R. Schmidt, H. Vinters, N. Khanlou, 2014, Brain pathology.

R. Schmidt, T. Needham, T. Kararli, 1992, Pharmaceutical Research.

A. Pestronk, R. Sommerville, R. Schmidt, 2013, Muscle & nerve.

R. Schmidt, T. Lightfoot, 2008 .

R. Schmidt, H. Yip, K. Rich, 1984, The Journal of comparative neurology.

R. Schmidt, D. Gutmann, S. Dahiya, 2016, Neuropathology : official journal of the Japanese Society of Neuropathology.

A. Pestronk, R. Schmidt, R. Choksi, 2010, Muscle & nerve.

R. Schmidt, J. Bilbao, 2015 .

A. Pestronk, R. Sommerville, R. Schmidt, 2012, Muscle & nerve.

R. Schmidt, C. Parvin, K. Roth, 1997, Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology.

R. Schmidt, J. Bilbao, 2015 .

R. Schmidt, J. Bilbao, 2015 .

R. Schmidt, A. Sukstanskii, D. Yablonskiy, 2022, Annals of clinical and translational neurology.

G. Linette, R. Schmidt, J. Simpson, 2013, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

R. Schmidt, A. Plebani, J. Litzman, 2013, Clinical and experimental immunology.

R. Schmidt, 1996, Microscopy research and technique.

D. Hallahan, F. Gao, J. Engelbach, 2014, International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics.

D. A. Godfrey, R. Schmidt, F. Matschinsky, 1975, Diabetes.

R. Schmidt, 1970, Primates.

A. Pestronk, R. Schmidt, N. Sinha, 2019, Neurology.

R. Schmidt, 2014 .

R. McKinstry, R. Schmidt, J. Neil, 2002, Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI.

R. Schmidt, D. Reavill, 2014, The veterinary clinics of North America. Exotic animal practice.

R. Schmidt, 2003 .

R. Schmidt, D. Reavill, 2002 .

R. Schmidt, G. Kollias, G. Hubbard, 1996 .

R. Schmidt, Jeremy J. Wright, Bryan R. Weatherwax, 2016, Northeastern Naturalist.

R. Schmidt, A. Apisarnthanarak, E. Dubberke, 2006, Journal of NeuroVirology.

R. Schmidt, 1993, Diabetic medicine : a journal of the British Diabetic Association.

R. Schmidt, J. Bilbao, 2015 .

R. Schmidt, W. Snider, S. Plurad, 1995, Journal of neurocytology.

R. Schmidt, C. Parvin, K. Roth, 1990, The American journal of pathology.

R. Schmidt, 1971, Veterinary pathology.

R. Schmidt, J. Bilbao, 2015 .

R. Schmidt, J. Bilbao, 2015 .

C. Coopersmith, R. Hotchkiss, R. Schmidt, 2010, Infection and Immunity.

R. Schmidt, D. Reavill, 2015 .

R. Schmidt, F. M. Garner, J. S. Reid, 1968, The Journal of small animal practice.

R. Schmidt, J. Milbrandt, R. Nagarajan, 2005, Nature Neuroscience.

D. Phalen, R. Schmidt, D. Reavill, 2008 .

R. Schmidt, C. W. Modert, Christopher W. Modert, 1984, Journal of neurochemistry.

R. Schmidt, D. Reavill, 2010 .

R. Schmidt, Frank N. Ridgley, M. Bush, 2007, Journal of zoo and wildlife medicine : official publication of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians.

R. Schmidt, F. Vogel, F. Gullotta, 2008, Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift.

R. Schmidt, D. Reavill, Michael J. Melloy, 2010 .

R. Schmidt, G. Migaki, J. D. Toft, 1982, Veterinary pathology.

R. Schmidt, G. Hubbard, K. Fletcher, 1985, Journal of wildlife diseases.

R. Schmidt, A. Kaufmann, G. Migaki, 1982, Veterinary pathology. Supplement.

D. Phalen, R. Schmidt, D. Reavill, 2003 .

R. Schmidt, G. Hubbard, K. Fletcher, 1983, Veterinary pathology.

R. Schmidt, D. Reavill, 2008, The veterinary clinics of North America. Exotic animal practice.

D. Phalen, R. Schmidt, D. Reavill, 2008 .

R. Schmidt, G. Hubbard, K. Fletcher, 1983, Veterinary pathology.

R. Schmidt, Ben Okimoto, 1992 .

R. Schmidt, D. Reavill, 2012, The veterinary clinics of North America. Exotic animal practice.

R. Schmidt, 2006, Veterinary Clinics of North America: Exotic Animal Practice.

R. Schmidt, G. Hubbard, K. Fletcher, 1983 .

D. Phalen, R. Schmidt, D. Reavill, 2008 .

R. Schmidt, G. Hubbard, A. Eugster, 1979, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association.

R. Schmidt, F. M. Garner, R. J. Beattie, 1971, Laboratory animals.

R. Schmidt, 1992 .

R. Schmidt, R. Flavell, K. Roth, 2001, Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology.

R. Schmidt, G. Kollias, M. Garner, 2010, Journal of zoo and wildlife medicine : official publication of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians.

R. Schmidt, 1996 .

R. Schmidt, K. Roth, A. Diani, 1989, Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology.

R. Schmidt, S. Plurad, R. Schmidt, 1986, Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology.

R. Schmidt, S. Plurad, SANTIAGO B. PLURAD, 1983, Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology.

R. Schmidt, D. Scharp, R. Schmidt, 1982, Diabetes.

R. Schmidt, J. Millán, M. Engle, 2000, Microscopy research and technique.

Robert E. Schmidt, Joel R. Garbow, Steven Mennerick, 2016, Nature.

R. Schmidt, C. Parvin, D. Dorsey, 2006, Neurobiology of Aging.

R. Schmidt, 1996, Journal of neurocytology.

R. Schmidt, 2002, International review of neurobiology.

R. Schmidt, J. Douglas, J. Prine, 1970, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association.

R. Schmidt, J. Warkany, M. Bofinger, 1973, American journal of diseases of children.

Samantha N. McNulty, R. Schmidt, C. Tsien, 2018, Experimental and molecular pathology.

R. Schmidt, J. Cooper, M. Sands, 2017, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

S. Crosby, R. Schmidt, L. Piccio, 2014, The Journal of clinical investigation.

Hsiao-Fang Liang, Eric C. Klawiter, Robert E. Schmidt, 2011, NeuroImage.

R. Schmidt, M. Shinawi, Rita T. Brookheart, 2019, Molecular genetics & genomic medicine.

J. Morris, J. Morris, R. Schmidt, 2001, Journal of the Neurological Sciences.

R. Schmidt, J. Bilbao, C. Hawkins, 2008 .

R. Schmidt, P. Manning, C. Powers, 1983, The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.

R. Schmidt, J. Hengstmann, H. Hein, 1979 .

R. Schmidt, T. Butler, G. L. Wiley, 1971, American journal of veterinary research.

B. Scheithauer, R. Schmidt, T. Park, 2000, Journal of neurosurgery.

R. Schmidt, E. Johnson, S. Plurad, 1987, Annals of neurology.

Robert E. Schmidt, Jochen K. Lennerz, Robert W. Gereau, 2010, Molecular and Cellular Biology.

R. Schmidt, J. Bilbao, 2015 .

R. Schmidt, 1971, Folia primatologica; international journal of primatology.

R. Perrin, R. Schmidt, Katherine E Schwetye, 2016, Case reports in neurological medicine.

R. Schmidt, M. Talcott, Alpesh A. Patel, 2008, The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume.

H. Rüddel, R. Schmidt, H. Rohner, 1985, Klinische Wochenschrift.

B. Crain, D. Dickson, N. Cairns, 2010, Annals of neurology.

R. Schmidt, J. D. Toft, R. M. Letscher, 1983 .

R. Schmidt, J. Bilbao, 2015 .

R. Schmidt, M. Miller, C. Updike, 1986, The American journal of occupational therapy : official publication of the American Occupational Therapy Association.

R. Schmidt, S. Dahiya, Katherine E Schwetye, 2018, Brain pathology.

B. Scheithauer, K. Trinkaus, R. Schmidt, 2003, Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology.

K. Knobeloch, R. Schmidt, A. García-Sastre, 2007, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

R. Schmidt, L. Piccio, A. Cross, 2008, The American journal of pathology.

D. Limbrick, R. Schmidt, W. D. den Dunnen, 2017, Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology.

D. Hallahan, F. Gao, J. Engelbach, 2014, Clinical Cancer Research.

R. Schmidt, J. Langer, E. Birnbaum, 1997, The Journal of surgical research.

R. Schmidt, G. Hubbard, 1996, IARC scientific publications.

J. T. Black, A. Moser, R. Schmidt, 2001, Annals of neurology.

J. Morris, N. Cairns, R. Schmidt, 2014, Alzheimer disease and associated disorders.

R. Schmidt, M. Wick, K. Roth, 1997, Seminars in diagnostic pathology.

J. Engelbach, R. Schmidt, J. Ackerman, 2014, International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics.

B. Bourgeois, R. Schmidt, T. Park, 1998, Neuroradiology.

R. Schmidt, D. Clifford, S. Dunham, 2020, Neurotherapeutics.

R. Schmidt, L. Actis, S. Fiester, 2018, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.

R. Schmidt, R. Panciera, 1980, Journal of comparative pathology.

R. Schmidt, D. Clifford, N. Bartlett, 2019, Journal of NeuroVirology.

K. Tyler, B. Ances, R. Schmidt, 2011, Archives of neurology.

R. Schmidt, G. Hubbard, C. Gleiser, 1980, Canadian journal of comparative medicine : Revue canadienne de medecine comparee.

R. Schmidt, V. Müller, A. von zur Mühlen, 1997, European journal of medical research.

R. Schmidt, R. Gugler, J. Vogel, 2008, Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift.

R. Schmidt, E. Kiviat, J. Vanek, 2018, Northeastern Naturalist.

R. Schmidt, Xiaoning Han, M. Nedergaard, 2009, Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology.

R. Schmidt, P. Fernyhough, Subir K. Roy Chowdhury, 2010, Expert review of endocrinology & metabolism.

R. Schmidt, G. Hubbard, D. Eisenbrandt, 1984, Journal of comparative pathology.

N. Cairns, R. Schmidt, M. C. Campbell, 2014, Journal of Neural Transmission.

R. Schmidt, S. Dahiya, A. Dhand, 2019, Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society.

R. Schmidt, L. Gattermann, 1896 .

R. Schmidt, J. Bacher, 1980, The Journal of small animal practice.

R. Schmidt, H. Agrawal, D. Agrawal, 1983, The Journal of biological chemistry.

R. Schmidt, J. Milbrandt, A. Diantonio, 2022, bioRxiv.

R. Schmidt, T. Butler, 1971, Laboratory animal science.

R. Schmidt, Chen Su, Lan Yu, 2005, Biochemical and biophysical research communications.

R. Schmidt, C. Bonney, D. A. Hartfiel, 1978, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association.

Sheng-Kwei Song, R. Schmidt, A. Cross, 2017, Journal of Neuroinflammation.

James D. Johnson, K. Polonsky, R. Schmidt, 2009, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

K. Trinkaus, Sheng-Kwei Song, R. Schmidt, 2019, Annals of clinical and translational neurology.

Shondra M. Pruett-Miller, R. Schmidt, P. Allen, 2016, Scientific Reports.

R. Schmidt, D. Reitz, V. Corpus, 1993, Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology.

Robert E. Schmidt, Stephen G. Lomber, S. Lomber, 2006, Neurobiology of Disease.

J. Morris, T. Benzinger, N. Cairns, 2015, Alzheimer disease and associated disorders.

R. Schmidt, E. Sprague, J. T. Young, 1979, American journal of veterinary research.

R. Schmidt, D. Levine, 1990, Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.

Robert E. Schmidt, Neeraj Pandey, James E. Galvin, 2006, Experimental Neurology.

R. Schmidt, 2019, International review of neurobiology.

R. Schmidt, K. Limburg, Karen M. Stainbrook, 2006, Hydrobiologia.

R. Schmidt, G. Hubbard, D. Eisenbrandt, 1982, Laboratory animal science.

D. Hallahan, R. Schmidt, J. Ackerman, 2015, Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology.

R. Schmidt, J. Ackerman, C. Pérez-Torres, 2015, Radiation oncology.

T. Tredici, R. Schmidt, P. O'Connor, 1982, Ophthalmic Research.

W. Willis, H. Bleckmann, R. Schmidt, 1985, Progress in Sensory Physiology.

R. Schmidt, D. S. Klein, 1992, Anesthesia and analgesia.

R. Schmidt, A. Perry, J. Iorgulescu, 2018, Neuropathology and applied neurobiology.

R. Schmidt, L. Actis, P. L. Connerly, 2015 .

R. Schmidt, S. Carroll, Pengcheng Han, 2019, Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology.

Dmitriy A Yablonskiy, Enrique Alvarez, Jie Luo, 2015, Multiple sclerosis journal - experimental, translational and clinical.

R. Schmidt, J. Cooper, M. Sands, 2017, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

D. Hallahan, F. Gao, J. Engelbach, 2014, Clinical Cancer Research.

R. Schmidt, D. Reavill, 2008, Veterinary Clinics of North America Exotic Animal Practice.

R. Schmidt, R. Hein, I. Schedel, 1993, Clinical nephrology.

R. Schmidt, E. Conrad, 1946, American journal of diseases of children.

B. Scheithauer, K. Trinkaus, R. Schmidt, 2003, Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology.

R. Schmidt, W. Hickey, A. Summerfield, 1990, Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology.

R. Schmidt, A. Plebani, J. Litzman, 2013, Clinical and experimental immunology.